Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 743 It's wrong to hang up

Chapter 743 It's wrong to hang up

In the Taoist temple——

"Go, actually I quite like the Go master, he is really awesome." Liu Yanli watched the news with great interest.

Li Yun was a little surprised. I didn't expect Liu Yanli to have hobbies other than eating chicken and crossing the line of fire: "That person should be Ke Jie, that young Go master. To be honest, I also admire him. A mortal body ascends to the pinnacle of the world, a well-deserved master."

"Ah? No, the Go master I admire is AlphaGo."

Li Yun: "."

"Uh, what's the difference between that thing and a cheat?"

"This is the power of technology, Sao Nian." Liu Yanli waved her hand and said, "It's not shameful to cheat, but it's shameful that you don't have the ability to cheat."

"That's not the reason why you cheated and got killed." Li Yun always felt that the reason why Liu Yanli admired Alpha Gou so much was to give himself a reason for cheating.

"Tch, I'm just trying to experience it, and it's not really interesting." Liu Yanli said contemptuously, "This is not as powerful as cf's gold ak."

It means that charging money in some games is more awesome than eating chicken and cheating?

With money, you can become stronger.

Too real
Li Yun knew what news Liu Yanli was watching. Recently, there was a Go game in the city, and all kinds of geniuses gathered in the city.

For chess lovers, it is indeed a blessing.

"I've decided that when the time comes, I'm going to watch a Go match, and I won't be back for dinner. Just leave me two fat-headed fish."

"Not coming back for dinner, huh?" Li Yun continued to watch the news. After seeing the list of contestants above, he squinted his eyes and said, "Lu Helmet, what a good name."

The competition venue is crowded with people. Most of the people here are young people, middle school and high school students.

Different from the tradition, the old people with gray beards are the ones who are most wet in Go. In reality, young people are generally more powerful in Go skills, especially in the age range of 16 to 30 years old, which is basically the peak moment.

The fight is not about chess records, internal strength, explosive clothes, these mysterious and mysterious things, it is a calculation ability, brain power, if you are old, your mental arithmetic ability will decline, where can you get the capital to compete with young people.

At this time, Liu Yanli was watching Go seriously while explaining to Li Yun.

"I see. It seems that this player will win." Li Yun nodded suddenly, looking at the chess game in front of him solemnly and deeply, just like a real Go player.

"This. Do you understand?"

"Of course. I don't understand." Li Yun shook his head honestly. He didn't understand a single punctuation mark in Liu Yanli's explanation just now.

"Then why do you nod your head and say so?"

"Just pretend to understand." Li Yun said with a smile: "Could it be that I will perform the splits for you on the spot?"

Liu Yanli: "."

"What you said makes sense, but I'm fucking speechless."

Li Yun smiled, pretending to look at Go calmly.

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and pretending to know is the most fatal.

Among them, Li Yun noticed that the place with the most crowds of these chess players is the most central place.

A pair of chessboards that attracted attention before the game even started.

There were two teenagers playing chess, one was wearing glasses, gentle and calm, sitting on a pine tree.

On the other side, he has a handsome face and a hulking back, but the sweat on his forehead betrays his current situation.

The big brother is going to lose.

Qingxiu Sven Tsai is going to win.

"Brother, admit defeat. In terms of Go, you are no match for me." The glasses boy said indifferently: "From the beginning, you have no possibility of winning. I am invincible."

The arrogant speech angered the buddy on the opposite side, and he said angrily: "You are awesome, why don't you challenge Ke Jie and Alpha Gou when you are so awesome, you are still invincible, I really have no shame."

"I will challenge Ke Jie and Alpha Dog. Then, you will be able to see my invincible heroic appearance on the Internet. Well, you have already lost. Let's leave, weakling."

If one falls, all bets are lost.

Mentally and physically broken.

This guy was crying like a little girl, so he just ran out
Only the arrogant boy with glasses was left behind.

"Well, he is the seed player of this competition, classmate Lu Helmet." Liu Yanli pushed the black-rimmed glasses that did not exist on his face and analyzed: "From the current situation, he won the championship. The odds are almost [-] percent."


"Don't believe it, he has won all battles since he appeared. Many masters have paid attention to him, saying that he is very talented, and he will definitely be Ke Jie's successor in the future. He can even torture Alpha Dog or something. The elements of coercion and hype, but no matter what, his strength is there, invincible.”

Liu Yanli explained for a while, and this arrogant Go showman took out the 3DS in his pocket, and played the game happily, not paying attention to the people around him who were about to become his opponents.

What stands out is the one who is crazy, dragging, cool, and domineering.

All eyes were on the boy.

"Lu Helmet, who's son is he?" Li Yun looked at Lu Helmet and knew that he was Lu Dao's child, the young man who claimed to be Zheng Heng.

Is it the onset of the Second Secondary Disease, or the awakening of the memory of the previous life?
Judging from the current situation, this is just a simple secondary disease, with extraordinary abilities and self-esteem, so it is understandable to say such words.

The most important thing is that Li Yun hasn't seen anything unusual about him until now.
No ghosts to haunt.

There is no spiritual entanglement, it is simply the strength of the person.

maybe a little paranoid
"It's just a simple Go boy, so let's watch the Go game with Fathead Fish." Li Yun felt that watching this Go game was quite enjoyable. The game of pure wisdom between people is full of various Such charm.

In essence, it is competition, a competition.

"Well, compared to various scientists in e-sports games, it is still a comparison of traditional competitive games"


Li Yun sniffled.

"What's wrong? Stomach trouble? This expression." Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun with something wrong.

Li Yun shook his head, and continued to open the Eye of Heaven.

Fully open, the Faxiang is also assisting the circulation of the Fayan.

There is no hiding any falsehood.

In front of him, there was only nothingness, only the flowing spiritual matter remained in the air, which was colorful and beautiful.

This ectoplasm is everywhere, and it's normal to have it here.

But what's abnormal is that the concentration of ectoplasm here seems to be a little thicker.

Very subtle changes.

But it is this subtle change that can draw a conclusion.

There are ghosts here.

Everything is in balance, and in the [spirit] world, this rule is even more iron-clad.

And this iron law proves that there are ghosts, and the sky-reaching eyes can't see them
This ghost is invisible to the eyes of God who sees through all vain things.

"Is it possible?"

The game starts as usual.

Unlike the warm-up, this time, there were only one contestant left on the field.

Sweat and heat entangled all the people present, and even the air conditioner couldn't stop them from sweating.

nervous, exciting.

Only Lu Hei played chess simply, yawning and dragging his chin, not paying attention to the chess game.

Two 10 minutes later—

"Lu Helmet Wins"

"Can you sign my autograph?" A fashionable and beautiful little fan girl came to Lu Helmet.

Lu Helmet looked at the pretty little girl in front of him, and then looked at the signature, and the evil desire in his heart suddenly arose, and he ignored the signature all at once.

"Oh, woman."

In my eyes, only go, jpg.

This time not only did not drive away the fan girl, but made the fan girl even more excited.
The high-cold Go god, made the Fei Zhaimen present unspeakably envious, jealous, and jealous. That kind of superiority and self-confidence from the heart is something that everyone longs to have
"The weak." Lu Helmet snorted coldly, looked around, and said indifferently: "The weak should have the consciousness of the weak, and they dare to challenge us. They are really asking for their own death, haha."

From the eyes of others, Lu Helmet was talking to the air.

Lu Hei didn't care about the opinions around him, he came to the rest area, found a place at random, continued to take out his 3ds to play games, and waited for the next game.

For the next victory, Lu Helmet is full of confidence.

"It seems that you are full of confidence." Li Yun appeared next to Lu Helm.

Lu Helmet was still playing the game on his own, without even raising his head, and didn't even bother to look straight at him.

A genius, so arrogant.

"Actually, Pindao wants to chat with brother Zheng Heng."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Helmet jumped up, looked at Li Yun vigilantly, and said, "Who are you? Are you a Taoist priest? Where did you come from? Dad invited you here? I'm fine, thank you."

"Well, I just want to chat with him."

Lu Helmet's eyes were still full of vigilance.


Lu Helmet hurriedly left the rest room.

Li Yun continued to look behind Lu Helmet, who was empty.

There is nothing wrong with it, and it is no different from ordinary people.

Li Yun murmured.

"The essence of the sky-reaching Dharma Eye is not to see the soul, but to see through [illusion], if it is not an illusory thing"

The game starts as usual.

Lu Helmet stood in front of the stage, facing the flash and the camera.

Taking a deep breath, he was far less calm than before.

"Calm down, forget about that Taoist priest, he's just talking nonsense, he can't see you, it's what Dad told him, yes, it's what Dad said."

"I want to win this game, I want to win, I want...to be his pride, I can't lose, I want to be someone who can be compared with the Lu family."

After taking a deep breath, Lu Helmet's expression became much calmer, and he came to the front of the chessboard.

Opposite, is also a young man of similar age.

Both parties showed complete composure, no talk, only the purest concentration.

Facing the position of the champion, even if he was as calm as Lu Heimi, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster.

"Calm down, calm down, I can win, I can definitely win. I will definitely win. I can't lose."

"Game start."

The timer goes off.

Both sides began to fall.

Black and white twins, a confrontation on the chessboard, a spiritual confrontation.

Lu Helmet's eyes flickered, he raised his head abruptly, and saw Lu Dao outside the window.

Wearing a hat and a gray shirt that he usually wears, he is looking at him encouragingly.

Father's encouragement.

For a moment, Lu Helmet was surrounded by courage.

"Can't lose, absolutely can't lose at least this game must never lose."

"Zheng Heng, teach me how to walk."

"Master Daoist, I didn't expect you to be here." Lu Dao noticed Li Yun for the first time, and asked unexpectedly, "Are you also interested in Go?"

"A little understanding, a little understanding." Li Yun said honestly, he didn't lie, in fact, he really only understood a little bit.

"I have more right to speak about this. The one who is competing above is my child, the one I mentioned to you." Lu Dao's tone did not hide his excitement.

In fact, most people would not hide it. It would be strange to have such an excellent and proud child.

"Your son is indeed excellent." Li Yun said with a smile: "But you, a layman, are actually free today."

As a boss, his itinerary should be properly arranged.

"Today, I do have other things. In fact, my child suspected his mother a few days ago. That is, my Xu Xian cheated. In fact, I found out after investigating that it was a misunderstanding," Lu Dao said. At this time, the expression became very complicated.

On the one hand, he is happy with the excellence of his own child, and on the other hand, he has nothing to do about the fact that the child does not like the stepmother.

From Lu Dao's point of view, his wife should be nice to Lu Helmet.
The corner of Li Yun's mouth twitched, this brat really knows how to play, and he accused his stepmother of cheating.

In fact, there was no cheating physically, otherwise Li Yun felt that from his own point of view, this Lu Dao should be full of green hair, but it didn't, only a little bit of green thread protruding from the [line].
I didn't cheat, but I definitely accepted the temptation mentally, and I was a little shaken.

But wavering is wavering, this red apricot is still inside the wall.

In fact, this is quite normal, that is to say, the minds of those in the Taoist temple are relatively simple and clear, and even Bai Chen is a first-class Bai in terms of emotions-basically the most turbid person is Xiaobai.

But in the real world, all kinds of evil and adultery are headed, regardless of deeds, regardless of the heart, and the mind-there is no saint.

There are very few people who can truly keep their spirits pure.
It is wrong to say that he was greened.

but also dangerous
"Sometimes it's good to listen to your child's voice." Li Yun said, "It's just that Pindao feels that his possessiveness towards you is a bit abnormal."

"Huh? I don't think so." Lu Dao thought about it for a while: "Maybe it's because of growing up in a single-parent family. This wife was only found two years ago, and the child's real mother died a year after he was born. up"

"It is because of the growth of a single-parent family that we need more guidance. We can't let him go astray."

Li Yun focused on the game on the field.

Both were sweating, adrenaline pumping, red skin, and they were giving it their all.

Not wanting to lose in the arena, wanting to win the championship is the wish of the two
That belief in "winning" even affected Li Yun.

Li Yun felt that if he helped one of them win, he would definitely get a lot of wish power.

However, Li Yun would not do this.


hang up.

Is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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