Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 744, Education

Chapter 744, Education

The game is going on fiercely.

Both sides are pressing each other step by step, with an attitude of not giving in to each other. The chessboard is like a battlefield, and black and white are like soldiers, swallowing each other step by step, and being swallowed by the other side.

Chess, such as the art of war.

Everyone present, including the onlookers, was firmly attracted by the atmosphere.

The so-called atmosphere, that's it
"I'm going to get wet." Liu Yanli swallowed her saliva, and murmured, "I got my back wet. Damn, why isn't there an air conditioner outside?"

Li Yun felt that Liu Yanli's ability to play dirty jokes without hesitation in this situation is also very strong.

The scene in front of her was very seductive. Liu Yanli, who was acting wet and seductive, exposed her best side and back to Li Yun.

The front chest is attached to the back, stable.

on the field.

The air was heavy, and at the final stage, the speed of the two sides' actions became faster and faster.

The speed of thinking is speeding up, and it becomes intense at the end.


The last one fell.
The air was suddenly quiet.

Finally, the young man opposite Lu Helmet lowered his head dejectedly.

"I have no place to play. I lost."

It was Lu Helmet who won.

It's something almost everyone takes for granted.

This talented boy won the championship this time.

"I won, Dad, did you see that, did you see my victory?"

"A victory that belongs only to me."

"I'm proud of my son." Lu Dao admired from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time a phone rang.

It's time, it's time to leave and get back to work
Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Dao turned and left.

"You won't go to the stage with him to accept the award? This is a good time to repair the relationship between father and son." Looking at the awkward father and son, Li Yun probably guessed their current relationship.

Lu Helmet was rebellious, disobedient, and wanted to prove himself in front of his father.

Very common thoughts, common to everywhere, 80.00% of the school-age children in the family basically have this idea.

"There's no time left, just accept the award, this kid can do it by himself."

After speaking, Lu Dao left here in a hurry, not witnessing the moment when Lu Helmet finally accepted the title of champion.

"Falling short of success, if he can accompany the child to receive the award, his trip will not be in vain." Li Yun muttered: "I always feel like I have become an education expert now?"

"Because you always have the illusion that Xiao Suli is so cute and cute because of you. In fact, she is so cute and cute because she was born. Well, it has nothing to do with you. Don't feel too good about yourself. Ah." Liu Yanli complained abruptly from the side.

Once shot into the soul, the knife is fatal.

Li Yun received 100 points of true damage.

At this time, when Lu Helmet ran out excitedly, he found that Lu Dao was no longer in the corridor, his expression became dull, and finally twisted.
"Why, why was he not there when I won! Does he like that stinky bitch so much? Be with her every day! Fuck! Bastard." Lu Helmet twisted his face and vented his anger on the chair.

Losing his composure and terror, no one present could have imagined that Lu Helmet would go berserk like this.

The human setting collapsed in an instant.

Although something like Go pays attention to technology, what the media needs is not technology, but the personality of a young and cold Go master.
Now the character design has collapsed, nothing is left, and the surrounding cameras and spotlights are all gathered on other players.

It was empty, only one person was left roaring angrily——

A growling angry child.

He won.

He also lost.

From beginning to end, what Lu Helmet wanted was not a champion.

There are fewer and fewer people.

In the end, there were only a few scattered people left in the activity room.

"I'm such a fool." Lu Helmet laughed at himself with his head down.

"So you have such self-consciousness." Li Yun sat opposite Lu Helmet, squinting his eyes and smiling.

"You were a Taoist priest at that time, and you stood with Dad." Lu Helmet raised his head and stared at Li Yun with hostility, baring his teeth and making no effort to hide his aggressiveness.

Li Yun ignored Lu Helmet's eyes, and just put away the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard.
"Chess is like life, if you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game." Li Yun looked at Lu Helmet indifferently and said, "Let's play chess."

"You? Play chess with me? Are you kidding me?" Lu Helmet looked at Li Yun's unprofessional catching skills, and immediately began to mock: "You should have learned how to play Go without a system, do you think you are a beginner? Can your level be lower than mine? Don't be kidding."

Liu Yanli who was on the side saw that Li Yun was actually looking for Lu Helmet to do something, so she whispered.

"Hey, Lao Li, you are not very good, do you think you can beat him? Impossible, I think you have never won a game of Go with Xiao Su Li, don't say you are letting the children, I I know, you are at this level."

Li Yun: "."

This fat head fish is good at tearing things down.

Li Yun really wanted to refute that he was actually pretty good at chess, at least to the extent that he could win one game in a hundred games against Little Fox.

Isn't winning a game a win?
Why doubt your own level!

"If you don't see the strength of Pindao, you naturally have doubts." Li Yun smiled unfathomably, took out the folding fan in his hand, and covered his face and sighed.

It really tasted so cool and wet, Lu Helmet looked at this posture and became serious: "Since you want to find abuse, I will satisfy you and let you see what is called real technology."


Li Yun would not say that the reason he hid his face and smiled was to hide his blushing.

In fact, it's pretty blushing to brag about yourself so much.
Bragging is bragging, the chessboard has been cleaned up.

Lu Helmet still had disdain on his face, looking at Li Yun as if he saw a toy that could be vented at any time.

"Hmph, I'm going to crush you."

"Well, if your chess skills can make Pindao lose everything, then Pindao would be happy to see you." Li Yun said with a smile: "Of course, this is limited to your chess skills."

"My chess skill? If you understand it, you can see it. Whether it is on the Internet or anywhere, you can find my name and my chess skill? Do you still need to doubt it?" Lu Hei frowned. He frowned, as if being denied was a huge insult.

At this moment, Li Yun tapped Lu Helmet's forehead with his hand.

There is no sign, and it is impossible to guard against.

"Poverty, I want to play chess with [you], so it's better for outsiders not to get involved."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Helmet felt a burst of dizziness.
"What did you do to me?" Lu Helmet's face turned blue and white, and instantly became terrified.

"I didn't do anything, I just blocked your account, Lu Benwei. Oh no, classmate Lu Helmet."


(End of this chapter)

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