Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 745 Chapter 742, Awakening

Chapter 745 Chapter 740, Awakening

A little bit of sweat dripped from Lu Helmet's forehead.
The hands holding Heizi began to tremble.


Having just won the championship, Lu Helmet, who is at the peak, is afraid.

After a long time, the sunspot fell.

"Why, you can't calm down." Li Yun said indifferently: "After tasting the sweetness of cheating, even your original strength has been forgotten, you have forgotten that you were once an excellent chess player, right? , I just remember that with the help of Zheng Heng, the memory of being invincible in the world."

"You answer me. Quickly answer me how to make this step!" Lu Helmet ignored Li Yun, but crazily shouted in his heart, calling for that voice.

It's a pity that this time there was no voice to respond, and he could only rely on himself to play the game on the chessboard.

For a long time, I haven't played chess by myself.

At this moment, Lu Helmet felt that there were many people around him looking at him. Although there was no one there, he could still feel the gazes cast from all directions.

so dazzling.


High blood pressure.

Lu Helmet definitely felt the discomfort in his body, as if he had a withdrawal reaction.

The current Lu Helmet is no different from the cheater who forgot to renew and lost the cheat.

Get achievements that you shouldn't get, once you lose them, you will be muddled.

"It's understandable that you want to prove yourself to your father." Li Yun gently put Bai Zi down and said, "What's the point of winning the championship by cheating? This proves that it is really Are you [yourself]?"

"You are bloody, you have no evidence to prove that I cheated, I did not cheat! I am the champion!" Lu Helmet growled hysterically.

Lu Helmet began to crazily defend his title of "Champion", with protruding eyes, gnashing his teeth and staring at Li Yun.

"Yes, there is indeed no evidence to prove that you cheated. After all, your method of cheating is different from that of [-]. It is not cheating on the surface. It's just that what Pindao wants to say is that if you want to maintain this honor in the future, But Zheng Heng disappeared again, what should I do...just like now."

Lu Helmet suddenly froze.

That's right.

What if Zheng Heng disappeared..
Lu Helmet didn't think about it.

That voice abruptly broke into his life, and abruptly became the soul behind it that only he could see.

After Baidu, the answers I got were nothing more than answers about mental illness.

But Lu Helmet knew that this was not a mental illness, this Mr. Zheng Heng could really help him, such as helping him to stay undefeated on the chessboard.

Lu Helmet swelled.

With Zheng Heng, I am invincible in the world, even Alpha Gou and Ke Jie are no problem. Compared to Zheng Heng, they are just chickens and dogs.

Zheng Heng, He is the sky.

I am a genius Go boy——

But now, Lu Hei feels that he really needs to think about what he should do if he loses Zheng Heng.

What about the next game.

It is a big joke to win the glory today and lose the horse tomorrow.
Not only will I not become my father's pride, but I will become a shame
Lu Helmet's whole body was weak and collapsed, he didn't even have the strength to move the pieces, he didn't have a calm mind, he just simply threw the pieces on the chessboard.

Li Yun's aura became stronger and more aggressive, and even when Bai Zi fell, an invisible wave of air would shoot out, stabbing Lu Helmet so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

I don't know if I was intimidated by the momentum, or because I was scared.

"How about it, don't dare to think about it, this kind of thing."

The last sunspot fell.

Li Yun, playing GG amidst laughter.

"This time, you are the stronger one." Li Yun smiled proudly.

That's right, in this chess game, Lu Helmet was stronger, and Li Yun was completely defeated.

After a beep and beep, she was completely shattered. The picture was so beautiful that Liu Yanli who was next to her didn't dare to look at it.

"Is this the result of your imposing manner just now, you laughed so proudly, you are a ghost."

Li Yun felt that he was quite innocent. Although he was banned, he was still a top young chess player. Why should he use his stinky chess basket to play with others? Do he take love?

With the ability of super speed calculation, he can beat Lu Helmet, but Li Yun thinks that such a victory seems to be no different from cheating.

For winning this chess game, Lu Helmet did not show any joy, and was still thinking about the question just now.

He just said with a trembling corner of his mouth: "Where is he? Where is he? Please put him back quickly, please."

Not at all the victor's attitude.

"It's okay to put it back, but you have to tell me when you started [seeing] him."

"How do I know? That's how I saw it. When I woke up, he was beside me." Lu Helmet excitedly said, "Please, really please, I can't do without him. I'm afraid Lose, if I lose, my dad will look down on me and reject me, I really beg you"

Facing the begging Lu Helmet, Li Yun said bluntly: "Without him, you can't do it, then you won the championship, or Zheng Heng won the championship, and you made your father proud, or Zheng Heng. Can you You can deceive others, but you cannot deceive yourself, even if you can deceive the whole world, so what can you do?"

"Also, your father never looked down on you, it's just you, wanting to prove yourself"

Li Yun left the square, leaving only Lu Helmet standing there in a daze.

There was nothing behind him, and there was no soul behind him to give him advice.

Various feelings invaded the heart of the landing helmet.

When I got home, I was greeted with a lot of dishes.

Braised pork ribs and roast chicken are all his favorites.
"You're back." The gentle and beautiful woman came out with dishes.

This is Lu Helmet's mother in name, but actually his stepmother.

Not long after I was framed by myself
For a moment, Lu Hei didn't know how to deal with the dishes on this table.

"Congratulations, you have won the championship. It's amazing. Come on, come on, these are prepared by Mom and Auntie."

After a moment of silence, Lu Helmet picked up a rib.

“It smells so good.”

"Haha, that's what your dad did"

"Dad?" Lu Helmet suddenly raised his head with a look of surprise, he didn't know that his father could cook.

At this time, Lu Dao came out of the kitchen.

Holding a plate of green vegetables in his hand.

No one, including Lu Hei, could have imagined that his father would actually enter the kitchen.

"It's been a long time since I've cooked the dishes myself. I don't know if the craftsmanship is rusty." At this moment, Lu Dao said with a smile: "How about it, are you happy playing chess?"

"Happy or not. I'm a champion"

"I didn't ask you if you were a champion, but I asked you whether you were happy playing chess or not."

After a long time, Lu Helmet replied.


"Well, just be happy and work harder next time." Lu Dao patted Lu Helmet on the shoulder and said, "You are the pride of your parents."

The family eats happily at the dinner table.

Lu Helmet suddenly said: "Dad, if I don't get good results in the next competition, what will you think of me?"

"Grade. Very important." Lu Dao thought for a while and said, "Because it's a proof of hard work and struggle, and a way of self-satisfaction. Don't ask me how. Of course Dad wants you to get better grades, but More importantly, can you get satisfaction and happiness from this achievement."

"If you could be happy just playing chess, Dad would be proud of it too."

It turns out that all along Lu Dao didn't care about grades.
It's just that I don't want my children's efforts to be dusted.

Suddenly, Lu Helmet cried out.
"Dad, Mom, I'm done eating."

After eating in a hurry, I went back to my room and cried loudly.

"He just called me mom." The woman murmured, and suddenly smiled excitedly: "Honey, did you hear that, he really called me mom."

The child is finally willing to call mother
For this reason, the woman has worked hard for a long time and feels that she has finally been rewarded and recognized.

Also began to cry.

"It turns out that the hint on this note is really useful." Lu Dao murmured, looking at the white note in his hand, and then at the white cranes circling outside.

Bai He sent the kit, but Lu Dao just followed the contents of the note in the kit.

At this time, Lu Dao bowed to Bai He.

"Thank you"

The next day, Lu Helmet asked for the address of the Taoist Temple from Lu Dao, and came to the Taoist Temple alone.

Li Yun sat on the hillside like this, as if he knew about Lu Helmet's arrival.

"Did you know I'm coming?"

"Of course I know." Li Yun smiled lightly, so he wouldn't say that he just went down the mountain to buy spicy noodles and walked halfway: "Since you're here, sit down."

Lu Helmet didn't dislike it either, and sat down on the rock.

In the middle of the two, there is a small chessboard.

Li Yun took out the chess pieces, and in silence, the two began to play chess.

This time, Li Yun still lost.

"I won"

"Well, you won."

"I will win in the future." Lu Helmet took a deep breath and said, "You don't need to rely on Zheng Heng, you can rely on me to win. I think it should be possible. If not, I will make myself possible." ,study progress."

Li Yun felt that his confidence was lacking, but he made up his mind anyway.

Whether he, who fell from the altar, can accept this gap can only be seen by himself, and no one can make a decision for him.

"Also, I don't know why you want to help me, but I really beg you this time, release Zheng Heng." Lu Helmet begged.

Unlike the pleading for Go before, this time it is for the person named Zheng Heng
as a friend.

Li Yun nodded his head lightly.

'Zheng Heng' appeared again.
Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Lu Gui cried with joy.

"That's great, do you know that you scared me to death, I thought you just disappeared like that."

Just as Lu Helmet thanked him and stood up to leave, he suddenly lost his figure and passed out on the ground.

After a while, 'Lu Helmet' stood up again.

This time, it was no longer Lu Helmet who controlled his body.

"Tsk, this body-changing technique is really powerful." Li Yun felt this young man's body, and then looked at his own body, always feeling weird
Lu Helmet's own body was suppressed deep in his consciousness. As an ordinary person, he had absolutely no qualifications to control Li Yun's body.

Li Yun's body changing technique is basically mind control when he uses it himself.
Like Lu Helmet, Li Yun really 'saw' Zheng Heng this time, who was also Lu Helmet's cheat.

In front of me is a young man wearing a white long gown, holding a paper fan, with an unparalleled handsome face. Danfeng eyes are blurred, beautiful like poetry, picturesque, basically at the same level as Bai Chen, if Bai Chen exits, it is pollution properties of things.

"I have long admired the name."


"Defend the family and defend the country, seal the body of the city god of the border, an extraordinary person who still does not hesitate to be stigmatized by future generations." Li Yun praised: "The name of a hero is well-deserved."

The young man was silent for a long time before he smiled and said: "I am ashamed to accept it."

Li Yun finally didn't know why he couldn't see Zheng Heng.

He is not a ghost at all, not a possessed dead soul.

Li Yun knew that since it wasn't a ghost, it wasn't [illusion], of course it wouldn't be able to see it.

This is the [truth] that only Lu Helmet can see.

Judging from the results, this thing is similar to a projection, directly reflected on the eyeball.

A [ghost] that only belongs to Lu Helmet's body.

"Where did you come from?"

"I don't know."

"Where are you going?"


"Do you know your current state?"

"I don't understand."

Very good, standard one question and three questions.

Zheng Heng in front of him didn't seem to be in any hurry, he just stared at Li Yun unhurriedly, full of curiosity.

The faces are still very close.

With a handsome and unparalleled face, the eyes that can instantly kill girls from all walks of life with just a glance back, there is unparalleled staunchness in the deep resentment.

Li Yun doesn't know if it's because the state of the soul of this guy can't measure the distance, but it always feels gay. Is it the same distance as Lu Helmet?
It seems that I need to remind that old man Lu Dao to give Lu Helmet some physiological counseling courses between men and women from time to time. Don't be forced to bend by this handsome man from N hundred years ago. Really bend There is nowhere to cry.

"Why, from your point of view, what's the difference between me and him?" Li Yun was a little curious. He was using someone else's body now, so what Zheng Heng saw should be Lu Helmet's appearance.

After floating around twice, Zheng Heng said: "Of course there are changes. I look at him the way he looks at me, and I look at you as the same clothes. It's very strange. You are wearing white clothes. Daoist robe, there are spells floating beside you, and there is a third eye on your forehead. Most importantly, I have seen your face before, but it is not you."

Zheng Heng said a lot of things, so Li Yun didn't complain about why this seemingly educated guy had so many modern words.

He has seen his face before, but that person is not himself——

Zheng Heng had seen Li Yun before. In that dark basement, the Old City God who was possessed into a curse, should it be a memory of that time?

Li Yun asked casually.

"Where have you seen this face before, tell me."

"In heaven."


After a moment of silence, Zheng Heng said with a smile.

"You seem to look exactly like Erlang Shen."

(End of this chapter)

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