Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 748, I am a rich woman

Chapter 748, I am a rich woman

"Your appearance has changed slightly." Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in Li Yun's direction and said, "You, buy a tutorial book."

Li Yun nodded, revealing the tutorial guide produced by the publishing house.

Bai Chen looked at the book for a while, then nodded.

"It's okay, this guidebook is above average. Sanxian, it's the best choice for those who don't have a lot of money. If it goes well every year, you can guess a lot of questions correctly, and there are also key points of skills, but Well, the faculty sometimes can’t keep up with the progress, and the teaching materials will lag behind every few years. Generally speaking, you get what you pay for.”

Li Yun: "."

This is so true that Li Yun doesn't know what expression to use to make complaints, so he might as well split his fork.

"Is there a better teaching material?"

"Of course there are, but those things are very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford them, and they are also equipped with professional guidance and one-stop top-notch services." Bai Chen shrugged and said, "Do you think it's unfair? Actually, it's normal, resources More people receive more education, the strong are always strong, strong and hardworking, there is no reason to lose to others. Of course, this is not absolute, after all, there are many Sanxiandixians who can pass the exam without relying on textbooks , and even rely on their own merits to ascend in the daytime."

Li Yun was speechless.

"So, this is so fucking real, I'm a little overwhelmed. I didn't expect that your place is so social."

Society, it's the same everywhere.
It's not easy for anyone.

Li Yun threw this book into his sleeve, and took it out to read and practice when he had time. He didn't want to be able to reach the level of a public official, but only to learn more posture levels.

"Actually, compared to exams, merits and virtues are unreliable in front of a certain method." Bai Chen said suddenly: "There are many times when the result is twice the result with half the effort. I don't know how many years I have prepared for the exam because I changed the questions one day. It’s just GG, and the teaching materials can’t keep up, which is very unstable.”

"Is there any more reliable method?" Li Yun was a little surprised. According to the common sense, cultivating immortals and cultivating immortals means immortality and heavenly conferment. Examination + merit + cultivating immortals is already the limit of imagination.

"Of course it is" Bai Chen suddenly fell to the ground, his dead fish eyes turned to the sky and began to roll: "I don't want to work hard anymore, I want to have everything while lying down, it's so hard to make money, is there any rich woman? Ah, I can do anything"

Li Yun: "."

This Bai Shen beeped for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was a rich woman?
A little too realistic.

"Don't think it's a shame to not want to work hard. Human nature is like this. If there is a way to make money lying down, who will make money standing up? Some people's starting point is the end point of others. For example, some second-generation immortals, this is the most typical Like the golden-winged roc, I was born with a noble body, like me, Yinglong, I was born to be the incarnation of Shui De, and also the second generation." When Bai Chen talked about himself, he had to shake his body tremblingly: "Shui De Do you understand what the incarnation means? It means super awesome, which is much more awesome than being a fork now."

Bai Chen's eyes are unusually serious, now he doesn't want to get a rich woman in cultivating immortals, but wants to rely on a rich woman to get money in life.

Li Yun could tell that he really didn't want to work hard, and really wanted to rely on a rich woman to make ends meet.

"Actually, I think you can sell your body, no, you are already selling it now." Li Yun thought about Bai Chen's posture to maintain his life. In addition to the dividends from the live broadcast from Ah Er, he also sold his body. As an antique to sell.

"Rich woman, I want a rich woman! I don't even need to sell myself to find a rich woman. I can make money every day while lying down. How cool it is."

"Well, I hope that one day the lover of your dreams will come to you in a colorful Lamborghini and pick you up." Li Yun sincerely wished.

"The lover of my dreams." Bai Chen lay on the steps, staring blankly at the sky: "If she is reincarnated successfully, she should be living an ordinary life in a certain corner of the world, happy every day, Husband and child, or work hard, or set foot on the extraordinary way, marry a male and female harem, and so on."

Li Yun smiled, no matter what he said about the rich woman, Bai Chen's thoughts were still on the dead goddess Ba.

Even though it has passed away, the heart is still there, the memory of eternal life engraved on the soul.
"By the way, I have a question." Li Yun said suddenly and seriously: "Since the Dharma image can absorb vows of different natures, does that mean that the Dharma image and the self can be separated? Then the question arises, will the Dharma image become a spirit?" Be self-aware."

"You have a big brain, but it's not impossible. For example, if one breath turns into three cleanses, isn't that the same as the Dharma to form a essence." Bai Chen said lazily: "Of course, it's only possible, after all, the soul is It is a unique thing in this world, one of the supreme mysteries, only a few people can understand its nature, so it is only [there is this possibility]. "

"Then you said that my Dharma appearance might become a fine spirit?"

"No." Bai Chen said firmly: "Except for those existences with names and surnames, if the dharma forms of other immortals, gods and monsters can become spirits, I will eat three catties."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Don't keep trying to cheat food and drink"

"Fa Xiang, reach out your hand."

The Faxiang in front of him stretched out his hand.

"Pose handsomely"

Fa Xiang changed his posture under Li Yun's order, and he was handsome and a bit weird and distorted.

"What are you doing?" Bai Chen looked at Li Yun in a daze.

"Practice postures." Li Yun said as a matter of course, manipulating the Faxiang to pose in various unique postures.

"What's the point of this?" Bai Chen looked at Faxiang who was posing in various emotional poses with a bewildered face.

However, after watching for a while, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes: "You are really smart."

"It's not that I'm smart, it's that the author of jojo is smart." Li Yun smiled and said, "What a fucking genius."

Since you can't change the nature of the Dharma image, and you can't change it yourself, then let the Dharma image have other properties by changing the posture.

The Buddha has five faces, five aggregates, five natures, and five vows.

The so-called posture is the same.

The change of posture allows the non-speaking dharma to express emotions and represent different qualities.

[Wen] represented by Li Yun, and [Wu] represented by Fa Xiang, two different natures are intermingled.

The old man is awesome——

Suddenly, when Li Yun wanted to further train his stand-in messenger, Liu Yanli suddenly yelled, as if he was arguing with someone.

"Damn you, [beep] harassing you in the Taoist temple, you don't want to die!"

 The previously pushed "Cannon Fodder Don't Want to Talk" has grown out.
(End of this chapter)

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