Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 749, Rich woman happy ball

Chapter 749, Rich woman happy ball
Beep harassment.

This kind of thing happened to Liu Yanli, it was quite against harmony.

After all, except for his face, this guy is useless in other places, and he probably won't be called the object of harassment. In addition, there is a slight fishy smell. Of course, the fishy smell is Li Yun. Malicious guess.

In any case, Li Yun did not believe that Liu Yanli, who was old and refined, would be harassed.

If this guy can attract people enough to be harassed, it's impossible to live a low-key life for so long.

But believe it or not, since you shouted, you still have to go and see it.
At this time, Li Yun came to the front yard door, and Fathead Fish would come to help relax when his eyes were sore from playing games.

In front of her, was a young man who looked like he was about to cry.
A little handsome, with a delicate body and soft body, trembling.

Looking at this young man, Li Yun opened his mouth and said, "He is the one who harassed you? Why should I use affirmative sentences?"

Li Yun felt a little confused by what he blurted out.

"No, no, no." Li Yun squinted his eyes at Liu Yanli and said, "You are the one who harassed me, right?"

Meeting Li Yun's eyes, Liu Yanli's eyes flickered, and she felt guilty.

Li Yun finally knew why Liu Yanli yelled and harassed her.

Pre-emptively strike and take the high ground as a woman.

High, really high.

"You and me. I'm just subconscious. Didn't you just shout out with a guilty conscience?" Liu Yanli protested with her lips pouted.

Li Yun was silent and had nothing to say. He had acted subconsciously just now.

After seeing the handsome young man in front of him, he came up with the idea of ​​[I just beeped and harassed this little shou], and subconsciously began to preemptively strike, intending to occupy the commanding heights.

guilt guilt
"I said, you guys are making too much fuss. Each one is called P. You don't have the posture of an elder at all. Be calm, calm down, do you understand?" Bai Chen walked out lazily, stroking his hair Yuyan looked at the young man and subconsciously said, "You f***ing harass me!"

Li Yun: "."

Liu Yanli: "."

"We are all the same." Li Yun complained.

Now, Li Yun set his sights on the young man.

It seemed that the behavior of the three of them had frightened him just now. They looked like they were about to cry, like a little shou, which made people have the urge to bully him.

Everyone present, it was Bai Chen who followed instinct the most. After seeing Xiao Shou's crying expression, he continued to bully: "Oh, hey, crying, crying, it's not a sin for a man to cry, but A bitch is guilty if she cries, did some little brother snatch your little skirt, ouch, hey"

The young man cried even harder
"It's really fun." Bai Chen sincerely sighed.

"You are really bad." Li Yun said sincerely, "How dare you call yourself an elder?"

"Tsk, actually you want to bully him too, it's just that you don't follow your instincts, which is actually a bad behavior." Bai Chen patted Li Yun's shoulder and said, "Come on, have fun, let's get together Bully him."

"If everyone hangs up, you should calm down."

Li Yun directly gave Bai Chen a 3-minute silence, took out his whisk, and cast a meditation technique on the little ghost in front of him.

Calm and peaceful, finally after a full minute of comfort, the little sufferer stopped crying
Li Yun thinks that his meditation technique is definitely the best of wetness, basically he plays it every day, uses it every day, and sometimes uses it to appease Xiao Su Li who is pretending to have nightmares but actually wants to get under the covers.

But even so, it took a minute to appease the ghost.

To put it bluntly, it is sensitive and slender.

To put it bluntly, it means that she is extremely sissy, and the little nerves in her heart are really easy to touch.

A little thing can make him cry.

Li Yun wanted to sigh, but since he was dead, it was better not to say too many bad things.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." The little shougui was still sobbing, and after he calmed down a little, he said, "I've been like this since I was a child."

"Um, so it's a ghost." Liu Yanli realized that something was wrong with the little shou ghost. She looked so human just now that she thought it was a human.

However, Liu Yanli's mood swings were not too great after knowing about ghosts. Not to mention that she is completely used to ghosts, at least she won't be so scared to cry when she sees ghosts in Taoist temples.
What's more, the ghost in front of me is so cute.

"The spirits of the dead all end in Huangquan. Say your wish, and then reincarnate." Li Yun looked at the little ghost and said indifferently. He couldn't see any resentment from this person.

He didn't die out of resentment, his last wish was probably just to eat a small ice cream, or play with a small flower or something.

As a soul, appearing here is the most real appearance.

People can't help but want to bully him, and people can't help but want to harass him, it's all the manifestation of his [essence]. His essence is so attractive to bully, there is no way.
"Actually, I just found out that I'm already dead." Little Shougui said weakly with fear and cowardly eyes, "If you want to talk about it, it's not that I don't have it, that is... can I send my ashes back to my hometown. "

Life is a journey, and there are people who leave home everywhere. This kind of thing has long been engraved in the souls of Chinese people.

Hometown, home is the most gentle harbor.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for accepting [Xiaoshou]'s fate."

"mission rewards:???"

"Failure penalty: impose its traits on the host."

Li Yun didn't want this Xiaoshou temperament to appear on him.

The most worth complaining about is that this person's name is [Xiao Shou]?The system is too disrespectful, at least it should be given the meaning of the title of a feminine youth.

The little shougui felt that Li Yun seemed to agree, and immediately smiled and relieved, turning around and turning into a wisp of dust and smoke.

Li Yun faintly saw a silver-white filament on the back of the little shougui's head, but the soul had disappeared, so he couldn't see what it was.

Before the wish is fulfilled, it has already gone.
Just simply entrusted this wish.

"Tsk, he is really an optimistic, naive, trustworthy person, exactly the same temperament as him." Bai Chen said lazily, "It's not unreasonable for him to die early. This kind of person doesn't live long."

"It's a rare and precious character, but don't discriminate against cowardly people." Li Yun said seriously: "Sometimes, in a seemingly weak body, there is actually a powerful force. A person who is strong because of his beliefs is truly powerful."

"Perhaps, he, who looked so small, died to protect others. A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured. After living for so long, you should understand the nobility of [human nature], right?"

Bai Chen was speechless.

Because I think what Li Yun said makes sense.

A real strong man who has a strong body for some reason and sacrificed for it.
"I judge people by their cover, I apologize." Bai Chen solemnly looked at the direction where the little shou ghost disappeared, and nodded slightly.

Li Yun also nodded with a smile.

At this moment, Liu Yanli at the side suddenly spoke out.

"I said how do I feel that I have seen this person, wait a minute, I will call out the news for you"

"Look, it's all on the news. He probably died because of his bravery. Alas, the current social atmosphere is really getting better and better, and it's getting more and more positive." Li Yun was filled with emotion.

Liu Yanli didn't speak, just searched silently.
Ding, the search results are out.

A bunch of news.
"Victim of manslaughter, died of massive blood loss"

"The murder weapon was a steel wool ball."

Steel wool.

silk ball.

The truth is sometimes so funny, at least Li Yun thinks that this truth has directly slapped him.

The slap was loud.

When this little shou ghost left just now, he had a rich woman happy ball on his head.

Bai Chen was talking about it while watching the news.

"Well, the man's identity is a male physical therapist who specializes in healing the physical and mental health of the rich woman. When he was treating the rich woman, he was taken away by the rich woman's happy ball."

Bai Chen silently lowered his head.

Li Yun knew that this was Bai Chen's sarcasm, so he stood on the commanding heights and lashed out at this man who betrayed his body.
"It's really an enviable man."


"I said, he is really an enviable man." Bai Chen looked at the news with envy and said, "Did you see this business? According to the reporter's investigation, there are [-] Huaxia coins a week. Fuck, this is [-] Ah! Do you understand the concept of [-] yuan? In this city where [-] square meters is [-] square meters during the holidays, you can buy a house of [-] square meters in a week, which is quite stupid."

He talked about envy, but in fact Bai Chen was really envious, Li Yun understood Bai Chen's brain circuit
It's just that in terms of this method of death alone, it really makes people unable to look directly at it.

Including news comments and discussions on major forums, most people regard this as a huge joke, and even make emoticons to ridicule it.

Li Yun couldn't stand the level of ridicule in some emoticons. This is no longer considered ridicule, but an insult.

However, more here is to express a cold fact,

what a miserable life
The fact is that he died on the bed, and when the body was collected, blood was still dripping from underneath, and it was posted on the Internet by someone with a heart.

Sad, sigh.

What's even more sad is that this man is on the side of the underdog when he is playing rich woman fast ball with others.
There is too much information, Li Yun doesn't want to think about it.

"No wonder he was given the title of [Xiao Shou], I really don't know what to say, let's split a fork."

"Well, since people didn't die by accident, but there are traces of them that made it into the news, generally speaking, the police uncle will bring them back to their hometown. This is basic common sense." Liu Yanli wondered.

Since you can return home, why do you feel regretful?This unscientific.

No matter how ridiculous this method of death seems to the public, and how many times it has been PS, in the eyes of the police, this is just a poor guy who died on the spot due to an accident.

"Whether we have returned home, we will know with our eyes."

The lights are feasting, flashing bright neon lights, shining wine glasses, and dancing girls on the street.

Li Yun used the invisibility technique, leading Bai Chen and Liu Yanli to shuttle through the bustling streets.

Bai Chen's eyes flickered, he was memorizing the phone number of the bar passing by, and when he planned to apply for a job, even the rich woman's happy ball was just a sprinkle of water to Bai Chen.

Happy Ball, I can take it——

"It's the bar in front of you, the place where he worked before his death."

Unlike the gathering of female physical therapists, male physical therapists are probably in places like bars, waiting for lonely young women and lonely rich women to come to their door
The same is true of this little shougui, who used to be the waiter brother in this bar before his death.

"Welcome Light"

The receptionist was a handsome guy with medium-length hair, with a toothy smile and a very high standard posture. However, he was stunned when he saw Li Yun and the three of them.

Taoist priests, white pollutants, beautiful girls.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun." Li Yun said indifferently: "I have something to ask."

"May I ask if there are still recruits here? I think I can do it. Eighteen times a night, thick and long, absolutely up to standard, and steel wool games, just play casually"

Bai Chen beeped and beeped until at the end Li Yun directly silenced you.

At this moment, the eyes of the man who received him suddenly became gloomy.
"We don't welcome you in our bar. If you want to watch a joke, you can watch it on the Internet. Why do you have to come here?"

The man's complexion was not good, and he looked like he might fight at any time, and the aggrieved and anger in his heart showed on his face.

Li Yun sighed, at first he thought that Bai Chen wouldn't be so ambiguous, but he didn't expect that this guy was blinded by money and said everything he was thinking.

Yes, that's right, this bar is the place Li Yun was looking for, the place where Xiao Shougui worked before he was alive. I found this information from the Internet.

Since it was found on the Internet, it means that more people can see this piece of information.

During this period of time, there must have been a lot of people [attracted to the name] coming to this rich woman's happy bar, and cast strange glances at the people who work here-although this is not a private matter, since it is open for business, how is the reputation? It's a bit tricky.

But people have dignity.

Whether it is a male physical therapist or a female physical therapist, they all have their own dignity. It must be quite uncomfortable to be surrounded by people like monkeys.

"Layman, let's sit down and talk calmly, our junior brother is quite talkative, so you don't have to take it to heart."

"Hmph, hypocrisy, anyway, you are here to 'interview' us from the commanding heights of morality, come to 'interview' him, stir up hot spots, make up things if you can't ask. I'm bah, what are you guys." The handsome guy received He said disgustedly: "You are self-righteous, you think you know everything, you understand everything, but what do you understand? You think we are a disgrace among men, and he is even more a disgrace among disgraces."

"In my opinion, he is more noble than everyone here, you and me here, and those bastards who came here!"

(End of this chapter)

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