Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 751, the beauty of human nature

Chapter 751, the beauty of human nature

"I think he should reflect on it after he goes back." Li Yun sipped his tea and said with a smile, "Perhaps he can find out with his conscience and stop writing such one-sided news."

"Hmph, do you expect those people who eat human blood steamed buns to turn back? You are too naive." The little brother had a cold face. He didn't think Niu Benwei would remember what happened here when he returned, so he must turn around and fabricate fake news.

"The human heart is a very complicated thing. There are good and evil. In this world, there are very few people who are purely good, but there are definitely not many people who are purely evil." Li Yun continued with a smile: "And Pindao happens to be proficient in reading people's hearts. , I know that Layman Niu is an ordinary person, and his deeds are small, not serious evil, after you say it, naturally the original content will not be published again."

The little brother really wanted to say that Li Yun was bragging.
eye contact
The little brother felt that what Li Yun said was true.

Are people really not that evil?
"Are you really that confident?"

"Of course, didn't Pindao say that he can gain insight into people's hearts, and for his previous disrespect to the deceased, Pindao has imposed a small punishment." Li Yun drank the tea and enjoyed the tea in the bar: "I just don't know that he Will I be warned by the police uncle if I use counterfeit money?"

The money given to Niu Benwei just now is all special effects.
As for where he would use the counterfeit money, it was not Li Yun's concern.

"Tell me about the purpose of your coming, you are different from them." The little brother could see that the people in front of him were not self-media who came to make trouble, nor were they those who [recover dignity] for men were actually here to vent their anger angry person.

"What Pindao needs is Zhang Wenyi's ashes." Li Yun said, "After his body was burned, the urn will be sent to you."

In fact, Brother Xiaoshou is also very pitiful, there are no relatives at the scene of the burning of the bones, only those who watched the jokes, and these colleagues appeared.

The bones were sent here as it should be, and they should have been sent back here as it should be
After a moment of silence, the little brother didn't ask Li Yun why he wanted the bones, or even his identity.

"come in"

Li Yun followed the little brother into the inner side of the room.

In the not-so-empty lounge, there was an urn on display in the corner, and there were messy tributes such as biscuits beside it.

"Tsk, won't it be taboo to put it in the locker room?" Bai Chen looked at the urn with disapproval.

"People like us don't care about tabooing such things. They are taboo objects for others." The little brother pointed to the urn and said: "This is the urn you want, take it away quickly, you stay here There may be rumors spreading here every few days, but I know that there are many people lurking nearby to make big news."

Li Yun could feel the malicious breath on him.

It must be those people.
Li Yun smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and the Dharma images behind him surged, causing all the mechanical and electronic equipment on these people to be scrapped, and they had to buy new ones.
"Thank you very much." Li Yun picked up the urn, and there was a scarlet border connecting the distance.

What is connected is probably his hometown.

"We couldn't find his hometown no matter how hard we searched, and he only mentioned the approximate place. We couldn't let him go home." The little brother lit a cigarette and said calmly: "I hope you can be well." Send him home."

"Well, it belongs to the Pindao Society."

The little brother just wanted to smoke, the cigarette butt went out.

It doesn't burn at all.

Just when I was wondering, I found that the three people in front of me disappeared out of thin air
Without a trace, without warning.

There is only a sentence left in the void.

"Quit smoking."

"Heh." The little brother was stunned for a long time, and finally laughed: "You actually care about people like me."

All the cigarettes in the pocket were thrown into the trash can.
"Oh, there is news on the official account." Liu Yanli was playing with her mobile phone, and saw the news pushed by the official account, and said, "I never thought that he would actually publish it according to that handsome guy's words."

There is no distortion of the facts, and what is published is what the little brother said.

Of course, the number of clicks on this article is really pitiful. Li Yun and Bai Chen only had 30 hits after the assist.
Other eye-catching articles on this official account basically started with 24 clicks in [-] hours.

Netizen grandpas don't like to watch this.

What most viewers want to see is how to belittle him, how to exaggerate his insignificance and patheticness.

I just want to see the [truth] that I want to see.

And the official account is also happy to provide them with these so-called [truths], so that they can immerse themselves in the pleasure of belittling others. Even if it is reversed in the end, they will only rely on the official account, not themselves who were all-powerful on the keyboard. .

In the world of official accounts, clicks and traffic are everything, and they are the currency that can be realized.

This kind of self-media is basically what netizens like to watch, and they can get any news. Unlike the regulated official media, we-media can be said to be unscrupulous, and they can play whatever they want.

Other official accounts also used steel ball news, and even some news that did not have a lot of traffic, all rely on this steel ball to become a big traffic player in one fell swoop. They gave netizens what they wanted to see, so they won and benefited.

In other words, Niu Benwei burned the money sent to him.
"Neither good nor evil, greedy for petty gain, not happy to suffer, and still have a little conscience." Li Yun smiled with relief, but luckily he was not slapped in the face this time.

"Most people are like that."

"Well, most people are."

Li Yun turned off the mobile app and didn't read the news on those official accounts.

"Now take him home"

The portal of the Kunlun mirror brought Li Yun to the gate of the remote mountain village.

Zhang Wenyi's ashes finally returned to his hometown.

"Presumably his sister misses him very much." Liu Yanli sighed, "It's hard to imagine what it would be like to know that the only relative passed away."

"This is also something she has to face. There is still a long way to go in life, and she must have the courage to go on by herself. Before Layman Zhang left, he said that he was going home, not home. I think it would be better to let him go home."

Brother Xiaoshou couldn't bear to let his sister know that he was dead, but Li Yun still thought it would be better to let his sister know.

This is fair to him, and it is also fair to his sister.

Li Yun entered the village with a calm face.
It just felt so wrong.

People are still like that, ordinary villagers.

but something is wrong
Suddenly, Tongtian Fayan felt a little hot.
The [sixth sense] attached to Fayan is reminding Li Yun
When he arrived in front of Zhang Wenyi's house, Li Yun finally knew why Fayan was burning hot.

"Heavenly Rescue Immeasurable Suffering."

(End of this chapter)

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