Chapter 752, reunion

The room was filled with cheerful atmosphere, and various voices came and went.

The sound of mahjong, playing cards, and cursing.

The six senses are intelligent, the eyes are open to the sky, and they can also listen to things.

There is no accident here, it is Zhang Wenyi's house, and the house belongs to their brother and sister in terms of property rights.

But now, this house doesn't look like a sick child's house, without any [quiet] element.

At this time, a thin man came out of the house, smoking a cigarette happily, but when he saw Li Yun holding an urn in front of the door, he immediately exploded: "Fuck, take an urn and stand in front of the door." What are you doing in front of my house, you are courting death!"

While swearing, he also held the big tree next to him, showing his overlord demeanor.

Facing the thin man pointing at his face and cursing angrily, Li Yun just said calmly.

"May I ask, is this your home?"

"Isn't this my home? Could it be your home?" The thin man said with disgust on his face: "Go away, don't get in my way here."

"This is clearly the home of Zhang Wenyi's siblings."

Hearing this, the thin man was stunned for an instant, the expression on his face instantly became stern, and he looked at Li Yun's face with malicious intentions for a while, without saying a word, he wanted to grab Li Yun's sleeve and ruthlessly Cut it hard.

As soon as he made a move, the thin man felt that his world began to spin.
There was no sign, just such a feeling.

"Pindao said, this is the home of Zhang Wenyi's brother and sister, so what does it have to do with you?"

"I, I." The thin man was very excited when he heard the name: "I didn't say it was his home! This house also has my share. I am his uncle. Why should the house be left to him and not to me? It was built by my father! I am not convinced! Who dares to say that this is his house, I will kill him!"

Family property disputes.

Li Yun sighed, it was indeed the case.

The thin man in front of him is brother shou's blood relative, and this house belongs to brother shou's grandfather. Logically speaking, brother shou's parents died, so this house should be left to the thin man in front of him.

But in the end, the house was left to the two brothers and sisters.

When it comes to real estate, it's really a family matter.
Liu Yanli complained.

"At this time, as long as there are two houses, it can be solved."

"You are very thoughtful, learn how to cook with me." Bai Chen said lazily, "Learn how to cook fatty fish with braised leeks in soy sauce."

Bai Chen's ability to make complaints has increased. In fact, this is the only solution to this kind of real estate dispute. Having two houses is not a problem——

The problem is that for most families, it is quite difficult to achieve this condition.

At this time, people who were smoking cigarettes and pouting betel nuts came out of the house one by one. Seeing the thin man kneeling on the ground, they said in astonishment, "Old Zhang, what's wrong with you, have you been cut?"

"Isn't this nonsense! Hurry up and help get these three foreigners away."

These people were unmoved, as if they wanted to see a joke, they laughed while eating melons.

The thin man's face was dull and flushed, and he finally said, "I'll give you 100 yuan, I'll give you 100 yuan for each of you! Hurry up, let me cut them off."

"That's right, remember not to renege on your debt."

These people looked at Li Yun, the [outlander], Bai Chen, the [little boy], and Liu Yanli, the [flat-chested girl] with disdain.

"It feels like they are maliciously slandering me." Liu Yanli narrowed her eyes.

The mob didn't care so much, and immediately launched an attack on Li Yun.

A second later, the mob played GG.

"Since the home no longer belongs to you, then return you to your sister."

Li Yun stepped into the room.

There are still various sounds of playing hemp and cards playing inside.

This house was directly transformed into a mahjong parlor, a place for people to play.

The smog was unbearable.

Cigarette butts and betel nut residues all over the floor.

Bai Chen frowned.

"It's such a strong defeat, these people really know how to play."

"I can understand the reason why this house was not left to him." Li Yun also frowned: "Such an environment is no different from hell for a little girl."

The only relative and elder brother was not by his side, and the place where he lived had turned into such a smoky look, with no quality of life at all.

This small building has three floors, the first and second floors are used as entertainment facilities for these people, and the third floor is probably used for living people.

The scene presented in front of Li Yun was a mixture of frustration and anger.

Flooded on the first and second floors.

There was no anger on the third floor, only the remaining frustration.

There is no one on the third floor——

Li Yun randomly grabbed a strong bald man who was playing mahjong and came out.

"Fuck! I'm going to beat you."

"Answer Pindao's question." Li Yun said calmly, "The little girl who used to live here, where is she now?"

"Grass let me go"

The strong man wanted to move, but as soon as he waved his hand, his body involuntarily froze, and his tongue couldn't be controlled.

Throw your fist and you will die.

Biological instinct protects the strong man. He was stubborn at first, but finally softened: "There are no little girls here. Zhang Laizi has no job, no wife, and no children. If there is a woman here, it must be Miss"

There is no doubt that Zhang Wenyi has a younger sister.

But here, there is nothing.

Not even a breath left.

After a moment of silence, Li Yun calmly said, "When did you come to this village?"

"I came to this village as a married woman three years ago."

"Did you know Zhang Laizi at that time?"

"That's right, I knew Zhang Laizi at that time." The strong man couldn't help but confided again: "This place has been our entertainment place three years ago. Everyone eats, drinks, plays mahjong and plays here, and there is no need for Zhang Laizi Qian, the vast majority of people are not from the same village, but from other towns and neighboring villages.”

"Pindao already knows, thank you layman for clarifying."

Li Yun let go of the strong man.

The strong man stopped playing mahjong, and immediately picked up his clothes and ran away without looking back, panting heavily while running.

I can't help but feel scared when I recall it.

"It's too scary. The expression is so fucking scary. The expression is getting more and more terrifying."

"He looks like he's going to kill someone."

"Old Li, your expression is so scary." Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun's expression and said worriedly.

Although Liu Yanli is usually two, she also knows that Li Yun is now on the verge of anger.

Li Yun took a deep breath and asked Liu Yanli, "If Zhang Wenyi's sister wasn't here three years ago, where did the money go all these years?"

"If Zhang Laizi doesn't take money, then what does he rely on to maintain a decent life without lack of tobacco and alcohol?"

While speaking, Faxiang appeared behind him.

It is still the original fairy shape, but the posture has changed.
It's like the anger of the king of Ming Dynasty.

stand in front.

"Unlucky, really unlucky"

Zhang Laizi twisted his sore shoulders and kicked the wall angrily, his face contorted.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he simply didn't want to, so Zhang Laizi took out his iPhone 8 and started playing games.

[Your traffic has exceeded. 】

"Fuck, do you look down on me? Traffic money is a dio to me." Zhang Laizi clicked his tongue, ignored this message, and immediately started playing the game: "MD, why haven't you received this month's money yet?"

While playing the game, the scene in front of me suddenly became blurred.

The boundary between reality and fantasy begins to twist.
The iPhone 8 in my hand is gone.

came to a familiar place
Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Laizi's face turned blue.

The cliffs of the mountains behind the village.

The wind was blowing very cold.

It's cold.

"Why come here again"

"You take the money to enjoy, don't you feel uneasy?" Li Yun walked out from the shadows, stared at Zhang Laizi and said, "You know, the purpose of Pindao's coming here this time is to return Lay Zhang's bones." come."

Zhang Laizi didn't have time to be afraid, his face immediately turned pale when he heard that Zhang Wenyi had died.

"He actually died. How come the compensation for his death? Why didn't the compensation come?"

The first reaction is to ask for compensation.

If a wallet that can be withdrawn for a long time is gone, the idea of ​​compensation is on the line.

"Even if the compensation comes, it should belong to his sister."

"But his sister is already dead." Zhang Laizi murmured, "I pushed her off the cliff myself."

After speaking, Zhang Laizi shivered, with a look of fear on his face, not knowing why he would tell these secrets hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

He saw a black chain wrapped around him.

It was bone-chilling.

What you think and what you say is true.

"Aren't you ashamed of doing this?"

"Guilty. Of course I'm guilty. I have nightmares every night. I'm still awakened from time to time." Zhang Laizi said frantically, "But what can I do, I have no money! I want to live, I want to enjoy Ah, why don't you leave the house to me? Is there a problem if I kill a loser? She is seriously ill, and throwing money to her is just throwing her into the water. Why don't you compensate me? I thought about throwing her in the water. Anyway, every year, many children stumble and fall off the cliff, and when they are found, there are no bones left.”

These are Zhang Laizi's true thoughts.

Both Li Yunbai, Shen and Liu Yanli felt that the person in front of him was probably hopeless, and this evil and madness came from the heart.

His heart has been corroded to the point where he looks like a human being, but now he is just a monster in human skin.

Li Yun just felt sorry for Brother Xiaoshou.

Desperately earning money was originally to cure his sister, but what he didn't expect was that the relative he really loved was no longer alive, and there was only a vampire extracting his remaining value.

It can be said that if it weren't for Zhang Laizi, Brother Xiaoshou would not be so desperate to make money, would not be in this business again, would not play such a dangerous game as steel wool, and would not die because of it.

Li Yun only thinks that everything here is cause and effect, and it goes back and forth.
"Why doesn't he come back and take a look? If he goes home and takes a look, he can find out about it, and it won't lead to the current fate." Although Liu Yanli thought this lame man was disgusting, Zhang Wenyi didn't go home to look at it for three years. Look, what is the difference between just spending money on your own and staying behind children, and letting your dearest sister stay here alone to face it is also ridiculous.

"Because of low self-esteem and cowardice." Li Yun said, "Didn't you notice? Even if Zhang Laizi paid so much and turned his house into a playground for people to play, no one really respected him and the Zhang family, of course because They all know what kind of money Zhang Wenyi relies on to make money, and what kind of money Zhang Laizi relies on to live on. No matter how much you pay, it can only reduce the voice of ridicule."

"At the root, if you can't erase your inferiority complex, you can't face your hometown, and you can't return to your hometown when you are alive. You can only come to the Taoist temple with your obsession after death, and entrust me to send it back."

Li Yun dispelled the illusion, and there was only Zhang Laizi with a spoiled face, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, incontinence, and a foul stench.

He has gone crazy.

The spiritual world has been messed up by guilt, cowardice, and fear.

Of course, the vast majority is fear. He himself is not a person with strong mental strength. Faced with unbearable fear and the horror of secret exposure, he suddenly became crazy.

A man who looks fierce, but is actually fragile and slender.

Contrary to Brother Xiaoshou, although Brother Xiaoshou is cowardly and inferior and looks fragile and slender and dare not face his hometown, but he lives strong in this environment and bears the life of his sister on his shoulders.

At this time, the villagers passed by one by one, looking at Zhang Laizi who had been spoiled, they just let out bursts of ridicule, not caring at all why the big man suddenly became like this.

Among them, there were even people who just stayed inside to play cards and have fun together.

Sad, pitiful, deplorable.

"Soon these people will forget Zhang Laizi, as if they have forgotten the existence of the Zhang brothers and sisters."

Li Yun came to the cliff of the back mountain, which was exactly the same as the scene in Zhang Laizi's memory just now.

High and cold.

Even though it was summer, it was surprisingly cold here.

Li Yun felt that it was very similar to the hearts of the people in this village.

"It's hard to imagine what it's like for a little girl to be pushed off such a high cliff. I really don't know how that person did it at that time." Li Yun took a deep breath of the mountain air, coldly Down the throat.

Turn around, open the urn, and dump all the ashes inside under the cliff.

The white smoke and dust lingered in the wind, and soon disappeared, and the ashes and the cliff fused together.

"Tsk, this doesn't seem to be his hometown." Bai Chen said.

"But his sister is here." Li Yun said indifferently: "[Hometown], the home is the front and the township is behind. The relatives are the home. If there is only a hometown and no home, then what's the point of being there? .”

"Now, the two of them should be reunited underground." Liu Yanli said sadly.

"I tell you very seriously, this is impossible." Bai Chen lazily said: "The time of death is different, and the flow of time is also different. It is probably not a daydream to meet each other."

"So, can't you take a look at the atmosphere?"

"Sorry, no."

(End of this chapter)

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