Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 753, Beauty under the Moon

Chapter 753, Beauty under the Moon

After opening the portal and returning to the Taoist temple, the system's notification sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 points of Zhong Kui's luck."

At ten o'clock, Zhong Kui's luck is better than .
It was time for Li Yun to figure out how much more he would be able to draw a lottery.

Suddenly, the 10 o'clock Zhong Kui luck disappeared out of thin air, and the system's notification sound became noisy.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 5 points of Dongyue Emperor Luck."


Li Yun was a little dazed, Zhong Kui's luck just disappeared out of thin air, and it was all transformed into the luck of Emperor Dongyue.

"It's all transformed into the luck of Emperor Dongyue"

"This system doesn't understand either. The received Zhong Kui's luck has become that of Emperor Dongyue." The system's tone was also confused.

For the first time, luck disappeared out of thin air and transformed into other luck. Although at present, Emperor Dongyue is taking advantage of Zhong Kui, but taking advantage is taking advantage, and even the rewards have to replace others
Stand up.

"Is this really luck?"

"The genuine luck of Dongyue Great Emperor, no matter how he got here, the reward is the reward."

Li Yun felt that from his point of view, Emperor Dongyue's luck was much more useful than Zhong Kui's. After all, Emperor Dongyue's reputation was so much higher than Zhong Kui's.

Li Yun also wanted to see Emperor Dongyue again, to see what he would look like in person.

Determine again what is the connection between him and the stone statue.

When Li Yun came to the main hall, it was getting late. When the pilgrim returned home, he saw a familiar face on the head of the stone statue of Taiyin Xingjun at first sight.

The little black cat who is the embodiment of fear is sleeping on it
Originally, the little black cat did not dare to enter the hall. Li Yun could understand this. As the incarnation of fear, it is [evil]. Since it is evil, it must be the target of these great gods.

Even if it is just a dead stone statue, it still has the effect of [exorcism].

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people posting door god statues in front of the door, not to mention that in this hall, which god is not taller than the door god?

But now the little black cat is lying on the stone statue of the Moon Goddess, sleeping soundly, rolling left and right, it's a lot of fun.


After the little black cat felt that Li Yun was coming, he no longer missed the stone statue, but began to miss Li Yun's shoulder.

The little guy is close at hand, Li Yun basically can't feel the weight, stretching out his hand to the girl's hair, the little cat makes a purring sound
"The moon god Taiyin, the extreme of Yin, is there room for [Yin Xie] to survive?" Li Yun picked up the little black cat's chin, and skillfully took out a dog's tail grass from the universe in his sleeve.

Cat happy grass, under the teasing of the dog's tail grass, the little black cat swings from side to side and rolls up and down, which is called joy.

Fat House Happy Beast, Li Yun felt that he was [-]% healed by the appearance and interaction of the little black cat.

"Do you think you will turn into a cute girl to repay your favor?" Li Yun thought for a while, then laughed at himself: "Probably not."


Real Fat House Bai Chen also wanted to tease the happy beast little black cat when he came out and saw the little black cat, but as usual, he quickly rolled the ball after seeing Bai Chen.

"You deliberately."

"Yes, you don't want to get what I can't get. Why can you suck cats and I can't?" Bai Chen smiled slightly, threw away the dogtail grass in his hand, and said, "Why, seeing him so close Are you surprised by the stone statue of Chang'e?"

"It's a little bit, after all, the type of kitten is classified as [evil] by you." Li Yun, from the beginning when the little black cat came to the Taoist temple, Bai Chen's attitude can be seen. What kind of attitude does this kind of creature have?

Probably not killed on the spot to save face.

"Being human, the most important thing is to be happy. There are not so many rules here, and I am happy to treat it in my own way, so that everyone will be happy." Bai Chen looked indifferent: "Besides, he is very peaceful now. It’s so different from those evil spirits who are doing things outside, isn’t that enough.”

Bai Chen watched the little black cat off. The little black cat ran under the peach blossom tree and began to sleep happily.

Recently, the little black cat has been sleeping more and more often.

This is the rhythm of super evolution.
"As for the reason why this little evil spirit is so close to Chang'e, apart from partly because the aura of the sun is close to him, another reason is that Chang'e belongs to the minority. This is the nature represented by the Immortal Empress."

Li Yun understands that Bai Chen's fight does not refer to a fight between you and me, and I will give you a vitality bullet, but it is closer to the essence.

The moon god, lonely and cold, is often worshiped on the occasion of the reunion of Chongyang Festival, which itself represents absolute [harmony].

Like the three gods of good fortune, they seem very harmonious, but if you want to get the so-called "blessing", you have to fight with others, and if there is a fight, there will be evil.

Not to mention Zhong Kui, it is estimated that the little black cat is most afraid of him. He belongs to the front-line policeman with a high status.

"Chang'e not only represents indisputable, but also [Indisputable] herself." Li Yun looked at Chang'e's stone statue and said, "She is the most beautiful female fairy, the ultimate incarnation of beauty. The so-called [Indisputable] probably means no People can compete with her."

Li Yun didn't think anyone would ask for trouble to compare their beauty with this Chang'e, and there would be a high probability that they would vomit blood and lose because of their damaged self-esteem.

Invincible is so much, how lonely.

Invincibility is so much, so empty.

"It's so beautiful."

The stone statue of the Moon Goddess, the more beautiful it looks, the more sinking it is.

Even if it is just a stone statue, it can evoke the most perfect and original emotions in people's hearts.
Li Yun squinted his eyes slightly to calm his mind. Practicing in this "seduced" environment will actually help the growth of the spiritual sea and the soul.

Bai Chen, a serious game lover, did not continue to appreciate Chang'e's beauty, but ran to the backyard to appreciate the beauty of the paper figurine, recharged money by the way, pitted his teammates, and reported others as trolls.

At this moment, Li Yun opened his eyes.

Under the ethereal and bright moon, Han Xiang appeared in front of the stone statue of Chang'e.

She is still so beautiful and cute, although it is not as beautiful as Chang'e, but Li Yun thinks that he still prefers this type
"Brother, am I beautiful?" Han Xiang put her chin in her hands, squinted her eyes and smiled.

Two faces, close at hand.

Li Yun praised from the heart.


"Then Hanxiang dances for senior brother."

"it is good."

The Taoist robe on her body disappeared, and was replaced by a white skirt with long sleeves and ribbons, and a blush between her brows.

The beauty is picturesque, dancing under the moon.

The moon is in the sky.



(End of this chapter)

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