Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 756, Dream Chaser

Chapter 756, Dream Chaser
Mountains and seas.

This is a barren, life-stopped world that has long been abandoned.

The hometown of countless strange creatures, strictly speaking, is the happy hometown of Xiao Suli, who is currently sleeping in the Tianchi Lake in Tianshan Mountain, and the years are quiet, like a salted fish.

Currently, the key that governs the [door] of this world is hung in front of the Taoist temple, quietly acting as an oversized pendulum, turning into a phantom from time to time to observe the lives of colleagues, such as Sister Jing who likes to watch TV dramas.

"So, if you want to go to the Mountain Sea Realm, go now."

"No rush, no rush, it's best to go during the Mid-Autumn Festival when the moon is full. Only then can I achieve the purpose of this trip when my strength is at its maximum." Xiao Hei said with a straight face.

Li Yun always felt that the guy in front of him was lying to him.

Feeling very contradictory, she didn't lie, the destination of this trip was indeed the Mountain and Sea Realm, and she looked unwilling to go there on the spot.

She is dragging on purpose.

【Shenxian】Is everything so insecure?
"Since you don't want to go now, the poor will naturally not force you." Li Yun paused and said, "Also, can you stop putting on this face, it always feels weird."

"Then what face should I use?"

"Just use your own."

The spiritual consciousness can cover the whole of Huaxia. Li Yun doesn't know what this guy can't do. After a change, this little black used the face he thought was [myself].

Li Yun thinks that this product is not genuine Chang'e
The face in front of me is between Hanxiang and Chang'e. To put it bluntly, it is the daughter of Chang'e and Hanxiang.
"Did you have any crazy thoughts just now?"

"You even know the word ghost animal. This modernization is too thorough. Where did you get this knowledge?" Li Yun's mouth twitched.

Xiao Hei didn't think too much about it, he just felt that he was going straight. When he waved his hand, a deep blue swirl appeared in front of him out of thin air, sucking Li Yun and Bai Chen into it.

In the Taoist temple, only Liu Yanli and Hanxiang remained in the mess in the wind.

After a long time, Liu Yanli could hold back her words.

"By the way, do gods have such personalities? It feels amazing."

"Well, this one is indeed a little different from the legendary Moon God. You can't take her as a representative of immortals." Hanxiang couldn't laugh or cry: "But there are differences between them, but they also have a lot in common."

"For example?" Liu Yanli was full of curiosity. She knew that Hanxiang was a mountain god before, so she must know a lot.

"No matter how old a woman is, they are always keen on gossip, especially this one who smells like fish." Ah Er rested his chin on his paws, crossed his hands as Shinji Ikari, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled wickedly.

The result of doing so was that Liu Yanli knocked the dog's head off.

Han Xiang stared blankly at the sky, regardless of whether Liu Yanli listened or not, she just murmured.

"What they have in common is that they are all lonely."

Originally, Li Yun thought that Xiao Hei would go shopping or something, but he didn't expect her to come here.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking far away, there are still neon lights, but it is not the familiar province.

Open the mobile APP and locate it. The current location is probably between Inner Mongolia and Hebei.

"It's a bit cold on the roof." Standing on the top of the mountain, Bai Chen said calmly, "When Qiang 13 exploded, I also thought about going to the roof."

"Then your spiritual world is really fragile." Li Yun complained.

At this time, Li Yun also trembled.

Frankly speaking, standing on the top of this mountain is really a bit cold.

It's not the kind of physical coldness, but the coldness felt from the spiritual level.

In fact, Xiao Hei, the incarnation of Lunar Star Lord, is beside him, so he must be cold even if he is not cold.

However, this coldness did not come from Xiao Hei.

It's from the Yin Mountain.

"By the way, what are you doing here? There's no shopping or games. What's so interesting about Shankara? It's better to play games." Bai Chen asked.

"It's sent randomly, and it's the same wherever it goes." Xiao Hei said with a very individual character: "I think the weather here is very pleasant, and it's comfortable to come here."

It's cold enough to blow the watch and still comfortable.

"Why don't I believe it's random."

Li Yun felt that there was something wrong with this mountain. He didn't care about the heat and cold in the body for a long time. It was the cold touch that only he could feel from his heart.

"Let's go down the mountain, this big night is just here anyway, if you don't go to the Internet cafe, go back and waste it." Bai Chen suggested.

Just when Bai Chen took out the money and planned to go to the nearest Internet cafe, there was a rustling sound in the forest.

Li Yun sensed that there are people nearby, and there are many more. In fact, there is no need to sense, there is a BBQ not far away
At the same time, these people also saw Li Yun.

These people looked surprised, because they didn't expect that there were still people on this mountain at such a late hour.

"By the way, are you climbers?"

"Probably." Li Yun nodded.

"Come, come, meet is fate, come here to eat some barbecue." A man with a mustache in the lead greeted Li Yun and the others with enthusiasm, but his eyes were always on Xiao Hei.

The appearance between Chang'e and Hanxiang is basically equivalent to the level of a smile.

It's a face-to-face world.

Even Bai Chen who kept his mouth shut was very attractive to the women present.

Xiao Hei just smiled and didn't refuse.

Li Yun nodded in agreement, and also joined the barbecue.

"It's really rare. I actually met people who are traveling here. I thought that no one would appear on this mountain." The bearded brother sat next to Li Yun, full of beer and barbecue, that is Quite enthusiastic.

"It's you who are still on this mountain at such a late hour." Li Yun said with a smile: "As expected, the work is very hard."

The bearded brother was stunned for a moment, then nodded with emotion.

"Yeah, it's a tough job."

Surroundings, there are all kinds of equipment neatly arranged, including video cameras, flash lights, greenhouses, various equipment, props and costumes, and so on.

These people are here to make films.


"Wow, you're so awesome, you're actually a filmmaker?" Bai Chen reacted, and instantly felt tall: "What kind of masterpiece did you shoot? Are there any female stars? Can I ask for an autograph? It can sell for a lot of money. In fact, if it is personal clothing, I can spend money to buy it.”

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Li Yun felt that it would be better for Bai Chen to shut up quietly, at least he could become the object of these girls' fads, instead of looking at the white pollutants like now.

The only person present who was not embarrassed was the bearded brother.

"We...are not filmmakers."

"It's a dream chaser."

(End of this chapter)

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