Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 757, Yin soldiers make excuses

Chapter 757, Yin soldiers make excuses
Filmmakers, and dreamers.

There is not much difference in what they do, they are all making movies, but the dream chaser is a salted fish in the movie, and belongs to the type that has just started.

For example, those who come out of university and want to start a business without working part-time, and those in the entertainment industry who don't make online dramas and go straight to movies are all dream chasers.

Literary and artistic youth, endowed with a high-level vocabulary.

What is in front of you is the young people who have just stepped into the film and television show business circle after coming out of the film academy, and they are shooting their own movies here.

"The movie we made is called "Dragon City", and it's about the lives of parachutists Li Guang and Wei Qing." The bearded brother took a sip of beer and said proudly: "It's because of the scene that I came here on purpose. Yes, frankly speaking, the 1000-kilometer drive is really tiring."

Li Yun could see that these dream chasers were still very serious. They came to this kind of barren mountains to shoot scenes. In order to fit the theme of the movie, they came here to shoot real scenes, instead of using computer special effects or green cloth to fool them.

Frankly speaking, the current TV series and movies are too serious. Technology has developed and the times are advancing. However, Li Yun feels that the plot and the scene are not as good as ten years ago, and there are even cutouts. It is a failure.
"You guys are paying attention."

"Making a movie has been a dream of mine since I was a child, and now it's finally coming true, and I feel a little excited." The bearded brother was faintly excited: "It doesn't matter if you hit the street, it can be regarded as fulfilling your dream."

"Fight for your dreams, the future depends on you."

Li Yun encouraged with a smile, and at the same time used his third eye to look at the luck of the bearded old man.

It's cloudy, dense, and mixed together. Although it's a bit strange, the line about wealth and achievement is still obvious, that is, the tone is a bit flickering.

Whether he succeeds or not depends on himself, he may become famous in one fell swoop, and he may not recover after a setback.

The future is always uncertain
At this time, the bearded old man finally mustered up his courage, and said to Li Yun with an attitude similar to a confession.

"By the way, this little girl. She... can you lend us a shot. It doesn't take much, just pick off her face and appear on stage for a while, and it won't take long."

What should come is still coming.

Li Yun guessed that the bearded man's goal was probably Xiao Hei. This perfect appearance is not only aimed at everyone who is doing it, even the actresses in the world can instantly kill them all.

It is because of this characteristic that the bearded brother is so cautious, thinking that his dilapidated crew is not worthy of Xiao Hei's appearance.

Even if you know you are not good enough, you must muster up your courage. After all, if you don’t have the courage, you won’t even have a chance of being rejected.

"Why ask Pindao about this kind of thing, you should ask her." Li Yun said with a smile: "But Pindao thinks that she should agree to you."

Li Yun felt that this guy was probably teleported here because he knew there was a crew here.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, sorry, I'm a bit cowardly in this regard, especially in the face of such a beautiful woman, to be honest, we have no money, no reward, and the real expenses are probably a pile of barbecue. But if we It’s a different story if the movie is a big hit.”

"Don't feed me this cake, feed her."

The bearded brother mustered up his courage and found Xiao Hei.

At the beginning, Xiao Hei pretended to be cold and evasive.
Of course, it's just pretending to be cold.

Make a movie.

Really fragrant.

"Tsk tsk, the obsession with [performance] is really heavy, even heavier than the task of going down to earth. Could this guy be the legendary god of performance?" Li Yun looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was very happy The overwhelmed Xiao Hei really wanted to complain.

But the complaints are the complaints, this place is really a bit cold.

"It's also possible that it's just a showman." Bai Chen took a look and said, "Speaking of which, there are some allusions here. It doesn't seem to be anything special. The scenery is also bad, the environment is not good, and there are not even big caterpillars."

Li Yun didn't worry about why Bai Chen was interested in the big caterpillar anymore.

"This place is called Yinshan Mountain. In the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, this place used to be the Huns. The Hungarians know that they are the blood descendants of the Huns. At that time, these people attacked the Central Plains, and the brave generals stopped foreign enemies on this mountain. "Li Yun said: "How can I read a poem but let the flying generals of Longcheng stay, and don't teach Huma to go to the Yinshan Mountains.

Bai Chen nodded seriously, pretending to understand is the most deadly.

"So, this used to be the gateway between [Outside] and [Inside], and it used to be a place where people were devastated."

It is undeniable that as the border defense line of the country, it is the most basic to lose lives.

Even after so many years, it still exudes a disturbing coldness.

Ordinary people can't feel it.

Li Yun and Bai Chen could feel it.

Bai Chen sighed with emotion.

"Why do human beings always repeat the same mistakes. The war between the same race is the most stupid."

"Well, how should I put it, the occurrence of this war can be said to be inevitable." Li Yun said: "At that time, the surrounding Hungarians had not moved westward, and as nomads, they obtained resources by hunting and grazing. It looks chic and unrestrained, but in fact resources are in short supply. In the end, they can only rely on plundering the rich Central Plains to maintain their lives. But between plundering, conflicts arise, conflicts arise, and wars arise.”

"That era was not like the current humanitarian era. There were plenty of resources. As long as you worked hard, you could get resources. The cost of living was much lower than before." Li Yun looked at Xiao Hei.

Go ahead and shoot on the spot.

Spotlights, focus on her, cameras, all kinds of equipment walk you.

"Tell me what she wants."

"Maybe." Li Yun paused and said, "She just doesn't want to be alone."

Simple props and costumes, simple equipment, if there are no other highlights, it is basically a street-level movie.

But dream chasers, what they chase is a dream.

Li Yun still wished them more success, and by the way, when they became famous, they sent their salary to Taoist temples and so on.
Suddenly a cold air hit.

Still only Li Yun and Bai Chen could feel the chill.


Even Bai Chen frowned at the cold air that hit him this time.

"It's not over yet, is it?"

The bone-piercing coldness, the coldness from the heart.

Suddenly, between the mountains, a thin mist began to pervade, like a dream, like an illusion, coming from nowhere, and nowhere to go.

"Why does it feel a bit cold? It's summer." The cute lighting engineer shuddered.

"Maybe it's the unique cold in the mountains."

"Well, I think so too."

Li Yun frowned.

"Already able to affect human senses? What's going on?"

Bai Chen pointed to the rows of black shadows in front of him and said.

"Look what that is."

The dense figures, the neat and regular pace, the armor stomach, the momentum is like a rainbow.

It's just that these dense figures are all phantoms with special effects added.

A very familiar word flashed in Li Yun's mind.

Yin soldiers borrowed the way.

Words that often appeared in old Hong Kong films in the past, basically this [unique phenomenon] will appear in every Uncle Ying's film.

It is said that after death, the soldiers of the past still remembered their duties on the battlefield and turned into wandering spirits, still looking for their former enemies. There are also legends that soldiers from the underworld fought in the underworld.

Li Yun was not afraid of these menacing Yin soldiers, but reached out and touched them.

Without the touch of a soul, it passed through directly as if Li Yun could not be seen.

"It's the body of thoughts. The thoughts of the soldiers after death are entangled in this land. It hasn't been worn away for so many years." Li Yun looked at these ghost soldiers passing by and admired them. soldiers.

However, there is no need to transform it. After all, it is just a missing body, and its main body soul has already been reincarnated somewhere.

It's just that the thought body in front of me is not ordinary.
There are more than one team of Yin soldiers.

is close to an entire army
Mighty, marching in this mountain.

The invisible world.

"By the way, can the thought body affect the mortal body?"

"Theoretically, it's impossible. There are all kinds of wonders in the world. I can't guarantee this." Bai Chen said: "Our physique is special. Our body has become more spiritual, and it is more sensitive in some aspects. And this world is quite Special, there is a parallel line that never intersects between people and mystery, there are many things that can affect us, but may not affect ordinary people."

"However, there are exceptions to everything. For example, the mind body has its own spiritual intelligence, which is the so-called [Thinking Body Becomes Essence]. It is not impossible."

Unconscious things produce wisdom, what is needed is [will] and [perseverance].

Li Yun looked at Xiao Hei on the other side, still immersed in the filming, and didn't pay attention to the appearance of the Yin soldiers passing by, as if they didn't exist.

Li Yun felt that Xiao Hei was just too lazy to care about this [natural phenomenon].

Bai Chen slightly squinted his eyes and looked at the route of these Yin soldiers' thought bodies.

"Have you noticed that these Yin soldiers are all heading in one direction?"


Li Yun and Bai Chen quietly left the filming team formed by the university's dream chasers, and followed these mighty Yin soldiers to walk among the mountains.

It is impossible for the thought body to exist for so long. The power of will is limited. Even if your willpower is against the sky, the limited energy formed by this thought body cannot make illusions exist for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are still such a large number of thought bodies.

In other words, these yin soldiers may have the possibility of [becoming fine].
Although it is very small, the only thing that can keep the mind body for so long is the spirit sea after the formation of the spirit monster.

"Host, please use the Devil Slaying Sword properly, there is likely to be a real [Jing] here." The system suddenly said seriously: "You only have one life, I hope the host understands this."

"Well, I don't think it's a ghost."

Li Yun just looked at the running Yin soldiers in front of him.

Even if it's just thoughts, a river of numbers can create a huge deterrent.

This deterrence can't affect any living people present, but it can directly affect Li Yun and Bai Chen - it's getting colder and colder.

"Thinking body becomes fine, this is a very good material." Bai Chen's eyes lit up: "This kind of thinking body with huge spiritual power can be used for steaming, frying, chicken flavor, crunchy"

"What's the difference between your tone and the villain's character? Besides, it's uncertain and uncertain at the moment. Maybe it's just a pure thought body."

Li Yun looked at the mighty Yin soldiers in front of him, it didn't look like he was conscious.

All by instinct in action.

Wielding a long soldier and short sword, blocking someone.

Many thought bodies fell down during the [battle], and finally dissipated, turning into a wisp of white smoke, and then reborn in the distance, and came from the other side of the mountain to participate in the battle.

There is no end to the reciprocating cycle.

The thought body moves because of the obsession of the dead, and moves because of the obsession of the dead.

In the middle of this group of Yin soldiers, there is a little girl who looks about 20 years old, carrying a big bag and a small bag, staring blankly at the moonlight.

Li Yun and Bai Chen were looking at the Yin soldiers, and the little girl was looking at the sky.

Although the two parties are observing the same place, they are paying attention to different things.

This little girl is not a ghost.

is a living person.

Li Yun stepped forward to say hello.

"Little girl, what are you doing here?"

"Ah" The little girl looked a little dumbfounded: "Wow, I was shocked, it's a big night"

"You scared the poor dao so much, it's not a rational behavior to be alone on this mountain at night." Li Yun shook his head and reminded: "If the poor dao is a villain with evil intentions, next year Layman, the grass on your grave is five feet long."

"Puchi." The little girl laughed.

Li Yun didn't make a fuss, laughed, laughed at your sister, laughed, this is a reminder of personal safety.

Why is this obviously delicate little girl so ignorant?
At this time, this delicate-looking little girl rolled up her sleeves, and there were bursting muscles on her slender arms.
Well, this little girl is not delicate, she looks quite vigorous.
"Hey, I'm usually in charge of carrying big guys, so I'm sure I'll be able to develop my muscles." The little girl grinned, "It's you and this handsome guy, you're so cute, I still want to protect you, the wild wolves in the mountains! There must be a lot of beasts of some kind."

The corners of Li Yun and Bai Chen's mouths twitched.

It's no problem that everyone is familiar with the beasts in Xiangtou Mountain. Li Yun knew that the beasts in this mountain would tremble when he and Bai Chen got close.

During the earthquake, wild beasts were still running around, let alone a white dragon and a cultivator.

"Anyway, thank you for your concern. My name is Wang Tang. Is there a college student passing by? We can go down the mountain together later." Wang Tang still puffed up his muscles and said proudly: "I will protect you, weak men."

"Before that, I have to get busy with my own business"

At this time, Miss King Kong Barbie took out a lot of things from the bag behind her.

Roast chicken.


and also
Dark coins.

(End of this chapter)

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