Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 774, Retribution

Chapter 774, Retribution

very quiet.

At least it's small in a noisy refugee camp.

The little refugee who was the first to hear it was still confused about where the sound came from. He just thought the melody was very pleasant, so he began to sing along: "The bird in the cage is hard to fly high. If you don't eat the porridge, you will be hungry. (Eat the porridge) There will be no medicine for stomach ailments"

One pass ten.

Ten hundred.

it's only a matter of time
"This is a rumor that was sung in the refugee camps before. I don't know when it was spread, but since it is not sung now, let me sing it."

"It's spread from now on." Li Yun looked at the restraining power of purple: "These are [inevitable], the past is constant, can't be changed, can't be influenced, even if you influence it, it's only [necessary] to happen It's something you can interfere with."

The past is such a disappointing thing, even with the Kunlun Mirror, an artifact that travels through the past, it only allows you to witness the past and prove the existence of the past.

Time cannot be interfered with.

And the way of interference is not the so-called 'destiny'.

It's the inhibitions of these purples.

interference on a physical level.

The old man's [task] has been completed, he has already done it, at this time the rumor is being sung, the reality and the past begin to intersect, the interference of time and space will end soon, and the Kunlun mirror will bring people back to modern times.

"My mother, what kind of person is she?" Ma Cheng looked at the little girl with regret and said, "I will never see her again."

The little girl stood among the refugees, her eyes closed tightly, neither happy nor sad, as if no one could see her.

"I don't know what kind of person she is. She is a very quiet farm girl. But at present, it seems that it is not that simple."

Li Yun felt that an ordinary little girl would not see herself covered by restraint and invisibility, nor would she suffer so much damage without even blinking her brows.

Not to mention that it will not span decades, allowing the Kunlun mirror to respond to the call itself.

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, dare to ask what is the name of the Great Immortal?"

"What's the name, and what's the difference?" The little girl responded this time, looked over here, and smiled softly: "To you, I'm just a passer-by in your life."

"But to them, it's not. You are a wife and a mother. After they go back, they will forget everything here, including you."

Li Yun felt that his figure began to dissipate, and the irreversible pull of time and space began to appear on his body.

The little girl could only smile helplessly, put her hands together and shook her head.


Li Yun looked at the little girl expressionlessly, Faxiang Linghai quietly activated
A fragment was peeled off and left behind.

The restraining force didn't interfere with this fragment, but forced Li Yun to disappear.

The three of Li Yun disappeared in the refugee camp.

No one knew that the three of them had been here before, only the little girl in the middle and a rumor circulating here left traces of the three of them.

The little girl was very calm, feeling the subtle changes in the mood in the refugee camp, she didn't look at the refugee camp anymore, but returned to the Japanese Research Institute and the prison.

No one noticed her disappearance, or her disappearance and reappearance, as if nothing had changed.

Researchers, as well as Japanese military officers, came to the prison and looked at the little girl with the eyes of precious objects.

"Yoxi, the road is big."

Precious experiment.

At the same time, there are more medicines, more bacteria, and more inhumane experiments, ready to be carried out on this little girl.

Accompanied by bursts of pleasant laughter, under the witness of all the researchers, tubes of liquid were injected into the body.

The little girl was still very calm.

But this time it did.

What is exported is not Chinese, but Japanese.

"Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"It turns out that you can speak, and you can also speak Japanese. It's not bad, it's a very precious [log]." The lead researcher was taken aback for a moment, surprised that the little girl could speak Japanese proficiently, and then smiled with the kindest Said: "How can we suffer retribution? We are contributing to world medicine and virology. It is your honor that you [logs] can contribute to our Great Sun Empire and the development of medicine in this world. People in the future will never forget you."

"Yes, it is your honor."

"For the sake of this world, so what if you make a little sacrifice?"

The doctors around all showed fanatic expressions.

I firmly believe that this is the truth.

"You simply think that we are not human, that's why you can act recklessly, conduct meaningless experiments, and engage in meaningless atrocities, just to satisfy your poor animal desire." The little girl calmly said while receiving the injection: "Everything Everything is caused by cause and effect, and you will be punished."

"Retribution. Hmph, even if there is retribution, we have done our best for the Emperor! Now shut up obediently, Log."

One of the researchers sneered, and physically began the experiment.

Needle sticking, burning.

It has nothing to do with the so-called "world medicine" in their mouths.

Torture purely for torture's sake.

Torture, the 'log' in front of you.

"Master, my stomach hurts a bit"

"Baga, what a waste"

The man in military uniform who was admiring the onlookers waved his hands impatiently, and the researcher left the lab directly.

At this time, not only him, but also some people complained of a stomachache, some people said they had a fever, some people said their intestines hurt, and some people said they had a headache.
All kinds of pain appeared in these researchers.

The person in charge felt that something was wrong, so he gave up torturing the little girl.

"what's the matter with you"

At this time, a researcher said hurriedly after reading it once.

"They. Their symptoms are infected with the virus. They are all viruses in our institute, etc. My stomach"

A research institute that had just burned the little girl's belly with a soldering iron suddenly felt hot and began to burn and melt.

The same.

Everyone, what they did to the little girl was returned to them.

For a while, the research institute was in chaos.

Like hell on earth.

It's just that it's not the refugees who fell into hell this time, but the Japanese.

The person in charge felt something was wrong, and grabbed the little girl's collar in horror: "Baga, what did you do to us, is it you?"

The little girl was expressionless.

"Didn't I say so?"

"This is retribution."

The main person in charge started to itch all over.
Body pain, cold left hand, hot right hand
The main person in charge began to tremble.

He just remembered.

These things
All had passed his hand at his command.

A burst of mournful screams resounded throughout the research institute
(End of this chapter)

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