Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 775, go see your mother

Chapter 775, go see your mother

Back to the original place again, compared with the time travel at the beginning, it is just a blink of an eye for now.

The expressions of Ma Cheng and his son did not fluctuate in any way.

They have no memory of what just happened.
"It feels like I just had a dream." Ma Cheng shook his head: "I dreamed that this place used to be a research institute, and I also dreamed about my mother."

"What a poor child. He has never seen his mother since he was a child." The old man looked at Ma Cheng with some distress.

"Actually, we have already met." Li Yun said with a smile.

This time it was the old man's turn to be silent, and he spoke after a long time.

"Really. Actually, this is my whole life's heart knot, my whole life's guilt. You may not know where this place used to be. This used to be a branch of Unit 731. Here, all kinds of cruel things are done, which is unheard of. , Experiments that have never been seen before are going on here, terrifying and frightening.”

Of course Li Yun knew that he had just seen this former hell.

The hell that happened in the past.

I also met a little girl who is not bad.

"However, I seem to be more comfortable, as if my past knots have been untied, obviously this is my nightmare," the old man murmured, not knowing the changes in himself.

Li Yun smiled without saying a word.

The old man felt guilty that he did not do anything to save the people here.

In fact, he has already done it, awakening the refugees here, and saving them on a deeper level.

With a clear heart and a clear mind.

"It seems that the power of this restraining force can only erase the memory of the body, but not the memory of the soul. This is important information." The system suddenly said at this time: "Even the original heaven did not record this precious piece of information. , after all, not many people have used the power of the Kunlun Mirror."

Listening to the system's words, Li Yun smiled.

"It can't be eliminated, or I don't want to eliminate it."

"Suppressive force does not have [whether or not], only [whether or not]. Since the memory of the body is eliminated, isn't it natural to eliminate the memory of the soul? He is not the way of heaven, he is just the means of execution of the way of heaven, just like the way of heaven The penalty is the same." The system took it for granted.

Li Yun didn't speak, but just looked at the old man and the strong light of merit on Ma Cheng.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

This poem is no longer to the extent of saving a life. The merits and deeds have all been settled on the two father and son, and there is a holy golden luck shrouded in it. This luck gives people a very peaceful and peaceful feeling.

very steady——

With the protection of these merits and luck, the two father and son may not be rich and powerful in the future, but they will definitely be able to live their lives in peace and stability.

This is a very precious thing. Li Yun thinks that for ordinary people, peace and security are much more precious than being rich and powerful. How many rich people seek wealth for the sake of peace?
Peace is a blessing.

After going through this journey, after the memory of the soul body, the old man's waist is straightened, his legs are no longer sore, and he walks much smoother.

At this time, Li Yun came to the bacteria laboratory on the second floor, where the little girl was once imprisoned for experiments.

It was already mottled, covered with dust, and there were scratches on the walls.

This person must be in pain.

"I remember that there were no scratches on it at that time." Li Yun didn't struggle, and stroked the ground with both hands: "Let me take a look at what happened here at that time."

The Dharma image behind him appeared, and the spiritual sea rippled out like water waves.

Wave after wave.

Soon, the memory sleeping here gave Fa Xiang a response.

A piece of azure blue spiritual sea fragment returned to Faxiang's body.

"My encyclopedia of civil servants in the fairy world is not for nothing"

One of the 101 postures of Dhamma.

Leave the third eye on the dharma somewhere to act as a watcher.

The so-called time and space cannot be interfered, and the inability to interfere does not mean that it cannot be observed.

Since the physical body can't stay in the past, then the harmless Dharma image of humans and animals should be fine. Anyway, it can't affect the past, so the restraint should not be so wide.

In fact, it really didn't matter.

As soon as Faxiang's eyes came back, everything that happened here was presented in detail.

Not a sharing of memories, but a sharing of visions, vicissitudes, whether it's the crimes that have happened here, or everything else.

Li Yun knew what happened here after he left.

It's not a pale quote about someone who is reincarnated and the heavens bypassed, but real retribution.

What those people did to the little girl, they all paid back in full, not one point more, not one point less.

This looks very gratifying.

But the phenomenon caused is undoubtedly a [miracle], a phenomenon generated by magic.

The miracle that can never happen in modern society was used by this little girl at that time.

"Tsk tsk, you can actually use Taoism in the era of humanity"

Li Yun squinted his eyes and continued to watch the strange scene in front of him.

The researchers wailed in pain.

The little girl, in the midst of these researchers, looked pitiful.

Even for these people, there is a look of pity.

I pity you, so I kill you.

The karma should not be repaid, and the cause and effect will not be eliminated.

In a sense, this little girl is [saving] them.

The cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unhappy.

"It seems that she can't do all the parts." In Li Yun's eyes, after the little girl carried out "retribution" on this group of people, her eyes began to blur. Like a newborn little girl.

The divinity is disappearing, and the existence that knows the past, present and future is no longer there.

The current little girl is the real little girl, the old man's wife and Ma Cheng's mother.

This body suffered from various diseases, and finally gave birth to Ma Cheng, a deformed child.

The price of suffering is that the child becomes like this.

Li Yun sighed, but fortunately, Ma Cheng is now an optimistic middle-aged man, and the future will be smooth sailing because of his merits.

Li Yun suddenly felt that this existence summoned his present self from the past in order to give merit to the old man and Ma Cheng.

Otherwise, why doesn't she, who knows everything, read the poems by herself?
People have seven emotions and six desires.

There are also immortals.

What's more, this one is still.
"Blessed Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate."

After watching, Li Yun turned to look at the old man and Ma Cheng: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Ma Cheng was a little confused, and he still didn't realize what he was here for.

Li Yun just said quietly: "Go see your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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