Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 776, Yingshen Buddha

Chapter 776, Yingshen Buddha
The term mother was very unfamiliar to Ma Cheng.

But now, hearing this word, Ma Cheng only feels his body is very warm.
I want to cry.

But I can't cry, I'm so old, I can't cry at every turn like a child.

"Want to see?"

"I want to, I really want to, I'm thinking about it in my dreams."

"Since the painting you want to see, then follow the poor way." Li Yun said indifferently.

Li Yun didn't use teleportation, but walked around with Ma Cheng and his son.

Without hesitation, the two followed Li Yun.

Walking along the way, Ma Cheng originally wanted to help the old man out of habit, but the old man suddenly said in surprise, "It's strange not to help me, because I have to take a breath after taking two steps."

He still walked with a limp, but his body was no longer as weak as it was before, at least he looked much healthier now.

Li Yun smiled slightly, the scars on his mind are almost healed, will the scars on his body be far away? Of course it is far away, this lameness cannot be cured, but physical weakness and so on will be nourished by merit and luck , the spirit, energy and spirit are all improved, the life expectancy is normal, the disease is far away, and the beginning and end are good.

Seeing the changes in his father, although Ma Cheng didn't understand, he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

It's not too late to help the old father when he can't walk anymore.

"Jie Jie Jie, this is really great."

"You should really change your laughter."

"Yeah good. Jie Jie Jie"

The pace is neither fast nor slow, just like walking, watching the scenery along the way.

University towns are sometimes even more beautiful than scenic spots.

Flowing crowd of students, this is a scenery that Ma Cheng has never seen.

It exudes an enviable youthful atmosphere.

After Li Yun gave Ma Cheng the invisibility technique, he was finally able to appear in front of people openly without having to face the fearful eyes of others.

"Sunshine, it's so beautiful." Ma Cheng said with emotion, "It would be great if we could go on like this forever."

Li Yun smiled without saying a word, with a profound and indifferent expression on his face.

"Don't disturb Taoist Master's meditation." The old man reminded Ma Cheng, and Ma Cheng calmed down honestly.

Li Yun would never say that he was actually looking at a passing female college student.
Young beautiful girl.

Sure enough, it looks very comfortable.

Heals body and mind.

After walking for a while, I came to a mountain that was not too far away, and the green smoke was misty, like a place of peace of mind.

"Shuiyue Temple" the old man murmured, "Are you sure it's here?"

"Pindao can naturally be determined."

Li Yun unlocked the invisibility technique and walked into the nunnery.

The old nunnery in Fengshan does not accept any worship, let alone male pilgrims.

"Amitabha, this place is not open to the public."

The old nun who was cleaning at the door put her palms together and looked at Li Yun and the others calmly, without any fluctuation in expression.

It does not fluctuate because of Li Yun's identity as a Taoist priest, nor does it fluctuate because of Ma Cheng's appearance.

Treat everyone equally, no one is more noble than anyone else, and no one is lower than anyone else.

Focusing on the heart, not on the flesh, Li Yun admired in his heart, this nun is still a bit virtuous.

Knowing and doing is not easy, those big dampness may appear calm on the surface, but the disgust in the heart will not stop.

This man doesn't even have any hatred in his heart.

"It's the poor Taoist who offended me." Li Yun held the Taoist etiquette in his hand, and continued: "The poor Taoist has heard for a long time that this nunnery enshrines a Bodhisattva, and he came here to pay homage. He didn't have any unreasonable intentions. Please don't blame him."

The old nun hesitated for a moment and said.

"The poor nun can't decide, I'll wait to ask the teacher sister, please wait a moment for the benefactors."

The old nun walked into the nunnery.

Li Yun was also waiting silently at the door.

This somewhat dilapidated nunnery is plain and dilapidated.

Not to mention that they are not open to worship, even if they are open to worship, no one will be interested in this nunnery.

People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, even if there is no golden Buddha, how can it attract those pilgrims who worship
The old man was fine, but Ma Cheng expressed full respect for Qingyan, put his hands together and devoted himself to worshiping the Buddha statue.

"Do you believe in Buddhism?" Li Yun smiled.

"Well, I believe in Buddhism." Ma Cheng admitted this very frankly, and said with some embarrassment: "I don't know anything about Buddhism or Zen, but I just know about Buddhism. The sentence that all living beings are equal, although all living beings are not equal."

"So, do you believe that?"

"I believe it. Others think they are unequal, but in my opinion, everyone is equal." Ma Cheng said with a smile: "What you believe in is not used to restrain others, but to restrain yourself."

"No wonder you don't eat eggs every time you bring them home..." The old man now knows why Ma Cheng doesn't eat eggs.

Ma Cheng was a little embarrassed, he told people that he believed in Buddhism with such a vicious look, only ghosts would believe it
While speaking, the old nun who sent the message came out and said with clasped hands.

"Amitabha, the nunnery master said that you can come in, but please try to keep quiet and don't make any noise."

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, thank you fellow Taoist"

"It doesn't matter, the Bodhisattva will not be happy if it hinders people from worshiping the Buddha." The old nun smiled slightly and continued to clean the fallen leaves in front of the door.

The leaves are still falling, as if they will never be clean.

The old nun was sweeping away the fallen leaves and dust.

It is not fallen leaves that are swept.

is the heart
The nunnery is very quiet, very quiet, with only a few chanting sounds.

But this little bit of chanting can make people feel quiet, not only Ma Cheng, but also the old man, Li Yun can feel the tranquility and Zen in this chanting of Buddhist scriptures.

It does not belong to miracles, but to the most essential things.

Zen mind, Buddha mind, spiritual mind.

"It feels so kind."

Ma Cheng closed his eyes, feeling warm all over his body.

It was like being in the arms of a mother.

This is a very wonderful feeling, a feeling that Ma Cheng has never experienced before.

The old man also showed a blank look.

"Why. So like. Back then"

"Because she's right here"

"Mom, did she become a nun?" Ma Cheng was a little stunned.

Now it's the old man's turn to be nervous, and he has been thinking about whether he did not do well enough to cause him to leave home.

Li Yun just smiled.

"If it's a situation you can understand, it's about the same."

After taking it to the main hall, it was empty inside, except for cleanliness, there was nothing to praise.

There are no nuns, only misty incense and a Buddha statue.

Ma Cheng and the old man looked around, but couldn't find the person they wanted to see.

Good mother, where are you?

"Master Dao, this."

Li Yun came to a Buddha statue.

The fireworks on the censer were still burning, and Li Yun folded his hands together to show respect.

"Ma Jushi"

"Come and call Mom."

Li Yun ignored the astonished gazes of Ma Cheng and his son, but said to the dead Buddha statue.

"Namo Liberation Moonlight Bodhisattva has heard of his great name for a long time, and seeing him today is really extraordinary."

Time starts to stop flowing.

It's still a familiar feeling, it's still a familiar taste, the routines of these great immortals are all the same, without any precautions.

The Buddha statue in front of him responded to himself.

A non-glare, dazzling golden light bloomed from the Buddha statue.

A beautiful woman wearing a Buddhist robe and smiling with a flower 'walked' out of the Buddha statue.

Like a smile, but not a smile.

It seems sad, but not sad.

It is difficult to read the emotion from the expression, only know that there is pity in the eyes.

With compassion for all beings.

"Tsk, what a pity."

Moonlight Bodhisattva said calmly, "Amitabha, what's the pity?"

"Unfortunately, you are not Ma Cheng's mother." Li Yun expressed his thoughts honestly.

"She is me, I am her, what's the difference?"

Moonlight Bodhisattva smiled slightly, and his appearance and figure began to change.

Man, woman, boy, girl, adult, toddler, youth, teenager.

All kinds of gestures, all kinds of people.

Among them is the figure of the little girl.

"She is you, but you are not her." Li Yun sighed, "The Buddha who was born in response to the body and people's wishes, she is you, you are not her."

That little girl is such an existence, the body of Moonlight Bodhisattva.

Li Yun knew from the image that this little girl was actually a distraction born in response to the [suffering] of those refugees.

Its natural purpose is to endure suffering, disaster, and suffer in place of those refugees.

Should body Buddha.

Legend has it that the incarnations created by the Buddha to save suffering beings, these people have thousands of postures, and it is even possible that they are neither human nor material.

It may be a mortal with no power to bind a chicken, or it may become a strong man with infinite divine power to move mountains and fill seas.

It depends.

From Li Yun's point of view, this is probably a means for the Buddha to perform miracles and collect vow power.

I have to say that this method is quite efficient, at least it is so much higher than responding to someone's wishes.

"It's a pity that I disappointed the father and son. What I wanted to see was a human being, not a Buddha." Li Yun looked at the Moonlight Bodhisattva who had transformed into a little girl in front of him: "She should have been alive."

Should be the body.

Dharmakaya is the body.

One gas into three cleans is the body.

"She was born in response to suffering, and her mission is to live in response to suffering." Moonlight Bodhisattva said calmly: "But she killed people, and killed those people in the form of [karma]."

"Damn them, those are the wicked."

"Amitabha, there is no right or wrong to die. I didn't let them die, but they still died." Moonlight Bodhisattva was very indifferent.

Li Yun was silent.

This Moonlight Bodhisattva almost said it directly.

should body.


Instead of suffering according to his ideas, he killed the group of Japanese people in the way of [karma].

Violated the commandment to kill.

It looks like a lot of fun.

But for Moonlight Bodhisattva, this is [Yingshen] using his own will to deviate from his own thoughts.

Even married someone else, had a baby, completely out of control, and didn't return until the end.

rebellious body jpg
Moonlight Bodhisattva said calmly.

"Do you understand now?"

"I understand. From a Bodhisattva's point of view, there is nothing wrong with doing this." Li Yun nodded, "Thank you for your response. In addition, thank you for your response to suffering for our Chinese refugees."

"Aren't you thanking me?"

Moonlight Bodhisattva's expression didn't fluctuate much, but she was a little surprised: "You treat her as a separate entity."

"So, is she a separate entity?" Li Yun smiled.

Moonlight Bodhisattva did not answer.

At this point the scene begins to warp.

The boundaries of time and space began to crumble.

This space temporarily constructed by the true Buddha is shattering.

It wasn't that the Moonlight Bodhisattva voluntarily withdrew it, but this world doesn't allow such things to exist for a long time.

Even if he is as tall as the Moonlight Bodhisattva, it is difficult to resist the [rules] here. ,

"Here, Pindao has something to ask."

"It can be said."

"As a true Buddha who has insight into the past, the future, and the present, did you anticipate this situation at the time? Even if it was a hypothesis, did you have any predictions? Your body will be separated from your thoughts and actions." Li Yun looked at the moonlight Buddha.

Moonlight Bodhisattva was silent, and his face finally fluctuated a little.


But after all, there are fluctuations.


"Then I understand now, thank you Bodhisattva for clarifying my doubts."

The illusion finally collapsed.

In reality, it was only a moment.

Green smoke and incense, loess stone Buddha.

Moonlight Bodhisattva, the power of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom.

Li Yun gradually got used to the space, and found that Ma Cheng and the old man fell asleep directly on the futon.

There is a slight smile on the corner of the mouth.

Especially Ma Cheng.

smiling like a child
Li Yun looked at the two people, and then at the Moonlight Bodhisattva, clasped his hands together.

"Thank you"

Li Yun sent Ma Cheng's father and son back to their home.

Still sleeping, still dreaming.

But what I did was a very sweet dream.

In the dream, the family is reunited and happy.

Live a happy life.
"There are traces of the spirit sea escaping." Li Yun muttered after observing with his eyes: "Is Huang Liang a dream? Reality is 1 minute, and the dream has been in the dream for a hundred years. Let them have a normal family and a normal family in the dream." Life, both parents, happy and harmonious."

A dream for a hundred years.

It is the dream of Moonlight Bodhisattva.

To repay the karma brought about by his own body, and to give Ma Cheng and his father and son a perfect life.

Even if it's just a false life.

Li Yun shamelessly poured a glass of boiled water in the small private room and drank it.

"Brother System, is it possible that Yingshen really has a will of his own?"

"In fact, as long as it is a thing, it is possible to have self-will, but the premise is that there is a will power." The system said: "Yingshen, in the way you understand it, is a remote control car."

"You even know remote control cars." Li Yun couldn't help complaining about the system's weird source of knowledge.

The system ignored Li Yun and continued.

"Your toy car may become a master. Although the probability is very small, it is definitely possible. For example, if you want this remote control car to become a girl, and if you spend 800 years in other worlds, you may become a remote control car master. But It is absolutely impossible for the Moonlight Bodhisattva to become a master of remote-control cars and have self-awareness."

"How to say?"

"What makes up the body is Moonlight Bodhisattva's [knowledge]." The system paused and said, "Even the materials used to make the remote control car are made up by himself."

"Then looking at it from another angle, is it possible to make Yingshen have self-awareness by infusing the soul? It's like a ghost."

"It's absolutely impossible. No one can pour other souls into the body of Moonlight Bodhisattva." The system said in a strange tone, "Who do you think Moonlight Bodhisattva is?"

"Absolutely impossible?"

"Absolutely impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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