Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 782, Demon Slaying

Chapter 782, Demon Slaying

Illusions keep coming, but these illusions are illusory after all under the sword of Slaying Demon.

One sword can break ten thousand spells, and even the three-pointed knife, the housekeeping weapon, can be broken.

The spirit of the earth is no more powerful than the Lord of the Earth, so what kind of combat effectiveness can the Lord of the Earth have?

"Pimpdao will not be restricted by rules, but you are restricted by rules, which is unfair." Li Yun resisted the phantom attack of Mother Earth effortlessly: "Your attack is ineffective against us."

No force, no harm, more like...pure venting.

Venting the anger accumulated over the years, those wandering spirits on the ground tortured her all the time.

Enough is enough.

She has had enough.

She wants to vent.

she wants.

"Let her be relieved, she shouldn't suffer so much anymore." Xiao Hei shook his head and said, "Besides, this world doesn't need earth spirits anymore, people can protect themselves well, and the country can also protect them well These are creatures abandoned by the times."

The Mother of the Earth could understand Xiao Hei's words, but she still didn't stop attacking. In the phantom, she turned into transparent tentacles and attacked the spirits of several people.

It was useless for her to struggle.

Now that she has decided to let her go.

Then, let it go.

Li Yun found the [core] of the mother of the earth very easily.

In the deepest part of the illusion, there is a white deer, holy and pure, like the most sacred creature in the world.

Pure spiritual aggregate.

At this time, the deer exuding a sacred aura was curled up on its stomach, licking the wound on its body.

covered in wounds.

What flowed from the scars was Bobo's blood.

Flowing endlessly, flowing endlessly, is not real blood, more than real blood.

get hurt.

Even after such a long time, the trauma of this city and this land has not been healed.

Bombers, and bayonets, are still too powerful.
Li Yun came in front of the little deer and pointed at her with the Demon Slaying Sword: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Xiao Lu ignored Li Yun, but silently licked the wound, and showed a gratified expression for the Demon Slaying Sword on his head.

Finally able to die.

After so many years of torment, I was finally free.

This is a very sacred and very sad emotion. Li Yun can even feel that his thinking is being affected and infected by the memory of this mother earth.

From the past of ignorance, to gaining consciousness, to experiencing suffering in the world.

There are ancient ones, some modern ones, there are scenes of the Chinese people's own civil strife, and there are also scenes of foreign enemies invading.

In the general sense of war, Mother Earth will only be sad, but she will not think about interfering. After all, this is the law of nature. Humans plundering humans, just like animals, is natural and instinctive.

For him at least, there is no difference.

The only thing she wants to do is this massacre, a purposeless and inhumane massacre. However, this time she has long since lost her ability. As the years passed, she was restricted by the rules and could utter nothing but screams. not come out.

Now, don't cry.

Shen Mian was waiting for her.



Demon Slaying Sword.


The illusion is lifted, and the park is still the same park. Adults, children, and old people are happy and peaceful.

Jiang Xiaoqu took back the judge's pen, and looked at these people with a complicated expression: "Sometimes it feels really good, and sometimes it feels quite sad."


Xiao Hei didn't deny it.

In the eyes, there are two sides of yin and yang.

The positive side is these happy people, and the dark side is those souls who are lonely, mutilated, and have forgotten their names.

Their figures overlapped, but there was nothing in common.

One side is happiness, the other side is a world of misfortune.

"It's really powerful." Jiang Xiaoqu looked at the other side, standing alone, looking deeply at Li Yun who was holding the Demon Slaying Sword.

Deep to revealing sorrow.

Like a melancholy handsome man.

The Taoist robe swayed without wind, as if feeling endless sorrow for the spirit of the earth who died in his hands.

Yes, a life that was already poor was killed in such a pitiful way.

Xiao Hei sighed, and just when he was about to comfort the hesitant handsome man, Li Yun put away the Demon Slaying Sword, and at the same time took out an oversized shovel from the Qiankun in his sleeve.

Under the astonished gazes of Xiao Hei and Jiang Xiaoqu, the melancholy handsome man rolled up his sleeves and started digging the lawn of the park.

Facing the stunned gazes of the two, Li Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he had everything in his sleeves.

Shovels for shoveling the ground, shovels for shoveling pots, tents, and barbecue stoves.
Anyway, whatever you want, what you have, be steady.

"Are you venting, destroying public property?" Jiang Xiaoqu said in amazement.

"Do I seem to be such a vulgar person?" Li Yun shook his head, took out another shovel, and threw it to Xiao Hei: "You help dig too, be careful not to damage it, the things inside are very fragile. "

Although Xiao Hei didn't know what the shovel was for, he did as he looked at Li Yun's serious eyes.

The scene was a little weird for a while.

As beautiful as a fairy, Xiao Hei is like a fairy who can't be desecrated.

With a melancholy face, Li Yun, who was exiled to the side, came to the side.

Each person had a big shovel and dug a lot.

Jiang Xiaoqu always felt that an old trough was stuck in his heart, and he didn't know where to vomit, and he felt uncomfortable all over if he didn't vomit.

Although Xiao Hei didn't stop digging, he was still puzzled.

"Why do I have to dig manually instead of using spells?"

"Because of fragility, neither you nor I can control our power very well, especially you. This power is at the level of the sky at every turn, and it might break that thing." Li Yun shrugged.

Xiao Hei didn't deny it.

Her supernatural powers are innate, without practice, it's okay to use them openly, but they can't be used meticulously at all.

For example, when digging this piece of lawn, Xiao Hei felt that his method was to lift up the entire land.

Simple and crude.

"The body is not a supernatural power, but the natural body is much easier to control." Li Yun smiled slightly. While digging, the force was moderate, neither too big to crush anything, nor too small to overturn the soil.

Digging is also learned—

Jiang Xiaoqu finally couldn't hold back his desire to complain, and said, "By the way, what are you digging for, can you stop being a secret?"

"Hehe, you'll find out later"

Li Yun smiled, and continued to dig the lawn. As he dug, he felt the touch of the shovel.

Retract the shovel and stroke the dirt surface with your hands.

It is a dead branch.

Weak dead branches.

The dead branches seem to have fallen recently, but they seem to have fallen for a long time.

Plain branches, nothing more.

For ordinary people, even if it is crushed, thrown into the trash can, or picked up for burning, there will be no problem. The value of this dead branch is like this.

Jiang Xiaoqu felt strange at first, but after reading it again, she said in astonishment: "You"

Li Yun smiled slightly and picked up the branch.

On the branch, there is a phantom that only three people can see.

A cheerful little deer the size of a thumb is running happily, from one end of the branch to the other.

"Earth Spirit."

"That's right, the spirit of the earth." Li Yun paused and said, "However, it is the newborn spirit of the earth."

"Didn't you kill her?"

"Well, Pindao did kill her, and the spirit of the earth that guarded the land of Nanjing has disappeared." Li Yun touched the deer and said, "The one standing here now is the spirit of the earth, not the earth." mother of."

Jiang Xiaoqu seemed to understand something, but was surprised at how Li Yun did it.

The current Devil Slaying Sword is made of the fusion of the Heart Slashing Sword, so it naturally has all the effects of the Heart Slashing Sword, including the Heart Slashing [Fate].

At this time, this city, this piece of land, has no connection with her.

Equivalent to rebirth.

"Is it worth it? The city that has been guarding for hundreds of years is separated from her, just like letting a mother leave her child." Xiao Hei said indifferently: "Actually, I think it's better to kill her and let her be done with."

Li Yun smiled and said.

"My idea is relatively vulgar. I think that living is everything. Only when you live can you feel pain, sadness, and happiness. Especially for the mother of the earth, if you kill it, then It’s really impossible to be reborn forever. Their souls are different from ours, so they can’t enter reincarnation.”

Xiao Hei shrugged, neither negating nor affirming.

Jiang Xiaoqu turned her head away. In fact, that was what she planned to do, so that the existence that disrupted the order of the soul and body would be scattered.

Of course, this was the [original] plan.

"I didn't expect you to have such a magical weapon in your hand. I've only heard of it before, but I didn't expect it to exist."

Cut business, cut heart, cut people.

"Since the mother of the earth is no longer causing trouble, then my mission has been completed, and ghost messengers can come here to perform missions." Jiang Xiaoqu's figure began to blur: "By the way, I hope you can continue to persevere later Do what you think is right.”

Li Yun didn't know if Jiang Xiaoqu reminded him of this sentence, or who reminded him.

The black robe wrapped Jiang Xiaoqu, and Li Yun could vaguely see behind the space rift.

There is the underworld, reincarnation, the final destination of the dead.

Wrapped in something like a mosaic, it's impossible to see what's inside.

Since I can't see it, I just don't watch it.

Li Yun looked at the place where the space gap disappeared and smiled.

"She is a smart person who knows how to make choices that do not go against her own will."

"Smart?" Xiao Hei said as a matter of course: "Isn't it normal for her to complete the task, leave the world, and return to the Department of Reincarnation? Why is she smart?"

Li Yun put the twig back into his sleeve Qiankun.

"Xiao Hei, here I am going to give you a popular science about the structure of the Reincarnation Department." Li Yun looked at Xiao Hei with the young man's expression on his face and said, "The Reincarnation Department is a very large organization, and they maintain the reincarnation department. The operation of the company is a super-large multinational enterprise, and since it is such a large organization, it is also divided into various small departments, and Jiang Xiaoqu is the girl just now, she is the judge of the Evil Division. "

"It's in the same department as Zhong Kui."

To punish evil is to punish the spirit of evil.

The mother of the earth is evil and prevents the ghosts from collecting souls, so the judge came to collect her and restore the city to its proper order.

But she is still the 'spirit' of the 'earth' after all.

rather than evil spirits.
Xiao Hei probably understood it when he heard this.

This time Jiang Xiaoqu had more than one mission goal.

Li Yun thought it was overthinking at first, but now she can finally confirm that she still has a goal.
"Then how is it smart for her to leave before she finishes her mission?"

"Of course she's smart. She's smart because [things you don't see can be treated as if nothing happened]."

Li Yun squinted his eyes and smiled, walking towards the depths of the park.

Xiao Heixin was suspicious, but followed.

"Yuhuatai Memorial Park, the scenery is pleasant, suitable for all ages, it's really a good place." Li Yun admired the scenery along the road, as if he was really visiting a scenic spot.

"This is not a simple scenic spot."

"Now, it is indeed a scenic spot." Li Yun looked at the children and the old people and said with a smile: "This is the place soaked in the blood of the ancestors. Only with the sacrifices of the ancestors can they live happily here, feel life, and feel happiness. , the ancestors of the past rushed to the battlefield desperately because of this matter."

At this moment, Li Yun's face suddenly became serious.

The spiritual sea began to condense, and the wandering souls that were wandering here instinctively dispersed.

Leave the [dark] side of this park to Li Yun.

The little deer who was originally in the universe in the sleeve suddenly became restless.

As if feeling something bad.

Showing his small head, he bared his teeth and grinned.
"Even if you cut it with the heart-chopping sword, is there something that cannot be forgotten in the deepest part of your heart? It seems that this is it."

Li Yun drew out the Demon Slaying Sword, crimson blood gleamed on the sword body, blood lines seeped out from the sword body of the Demon Slaying Sword, the red light contracted, as if a heart was beating.

Today's Demon Slaying Sword looks like a real sword intended to slay demons and eliminate demons.

At this time, Zhan Xinjian's emotions were very high.

Excited, restless.

It's time to kill the demon.

Finally, it is time to fulfill its true duty as the Devil Slayer Sword, not such a light and flimsy thing as Severing Fate.

Kill the real demon.

That is the duty of the Devil Slayer Sword.

Pointing at the back of the stone with a single sword, Li Yun said calmly.

"There's no need to hide, just stand up. Although I don't know how you became what you are today, but..."

"You are already dead, whether it is now or in the future, Pindao will give you a chance to fight back."

After a long time.

The shadows of two souls seep out from behind the stone.

Wearing a standard mustache, wearing a green military cap and the standard military uniform at the time of the Japanese login.

Holding a Taidao in his left hand, his face is dark and manic, ready to wave at any time, ready to wave at civilians at any time.

Beautiful knives, ugly knives.

They are exactly the same as those two figures in the illusion.

real devil.

"Ba Ga is on the road, yours, you are dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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