Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 783, Destroying Soul

Chapter 783, Destroying Soul

What is an evil spirit? This is a real evil spirit.

A ghost that vividly shows the ugliness of human nature.

Before Li Yun could do anything, Xiao Hei did it first.

Absolutely not too many beeps, the two of them have long been upset.

The spiritual power of ice swept over them, freezing their souls.
The Devil Slaying Sword came out and pierced their [Nucleus].

The body dies, the soul dies.

There was no hesitation, no resistance.

It was simply wiped out.
It's just an ordinary soul - for Xiao Hei.

"Comfortable." Xiao Hei seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, feeling comfortable all over his body: "So this kind of feeling is the so-called [pleasure]? These two villains feel so good and have a clear idea."

It was very cool, and Li Yun also thought it was very cool, and finally complained.

"Eh, you're really too fast."

"Sorry, I can't control it." Xiao Hei wondered, "Did I do something wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong. In fact, I did the same thing as you, didn't I?" Li Yun smiled and put away the Demon Slaying Sword. Hold back.

Although beheading the soul is against heaven, but now the mood is indeed very comfortable.

Now that it's comfortable, it's okay.

These two deserved what they deserved.

"The soul of the wicked. You deserve it."

"Actually, did we do some errands?" Xiao Hei calmed down and said, "Think about it carefully, the 18th floor of hell is the place where they should go, and it wouldn't be cheap for us to eliminate him directly."

"Heh, I guess they will be eaten by Zhong Kui as soon as they come down. After all, the judge who hates evil will not let this kind of existence pollute the ecological environment of the underworld. No, Jiang Xiaoqu also tacitly agrees that our actions are correct." Li Yun smiled slightly.

Xiao Hei suddenly realized, now he understood why Li Yun said Jiang Xiaoqu was smart.

It is against the law to destroy the soul without a trial.

Even the heinous people have to go through the procedures.

But after going through the procedures, Xiao Hei couldn't vent his resentment and anger.

Jiang Xiaoqu chose to leave this opportunity to Xiao Hei.

That's why you're smart
After thinking for a while, Xiao Hei had an expression of accepting Jiang Xiaoqu's affection.

At this time, Li Yun came to the stone and looked at the soul and body dregs on the ground.

"Here is the place where these two demons were shot. They returned to Japan and were later extradited to China, intermediary in their sinful life. At that time, they were allowed to get away with it for several years." Li Yun touched the soul body dross.

There was already Linghai's reaction above.

Although it is weak, it is there after all.

It is far from being applicable. Li Yun thinks that this is probably the person who has just developed a sense of anger that is often said in cultivation novels.

But this is the process from 0 to 1.

These two seemingly weak souls are already walking in the direction of [Evil Spirit].

The spirit sea has not been erased by the rules, in a sense, they are doing it against the sky.

This may be the main reason for attracting the judge to come.

Destroy the evil spirits that create the spirit sea.
"Oh, destroy it?" Li Yun shook his head and put away the dregs of the spiritual sea on the ground: "Those who defy the sky, those who obey the sky."

"what are you saying?"

"It's nothing."

It was an accident that the remaining psychic matter was brought back to the Taoist temple.

No evicted exception exists.

He did a lot of evil in life, and he did a lot of evil after death, so let's make a contribution to mankind when the dead can no longer die
"Uh, looking at this lump in your hand, I feel like vomiting from the bottom of my heart." Bai Chen said disgustedly after seeing this lump of dregs: "Why, what kind of creature's shit is this? Um...anyway Definitely feces."

"I don't believe you can't see it. In a sense, your induction is quite strong." Li Yun didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart. He was quite surprised by Bai Chen's beast instinct. Being able to sense this thing is better than shi.

Bai Chen paused, and after looking carefully, he looked at Li Yun suspiciously.

"This is the soul body, you killed the soul"

Li Yun did not deny it.

Bai Chen was just a little surprised. He didn't care why Li Yun died or how he killed him. He just said, "Tsk tsk, I probably know the reason why you brought it here. This ashes has a very weak spiritual reaction."

"Very, very faint."

"They were the Japanese who invaded China and did a lot of evil. When we saw them, they were already in the state of souls. They had a reaction similar to the spirit sea, but they had no fighting power. How should I put it, they are very weak chickens, even a little resistance None, but they eventually produced a spiritual sea."

"The creation of a spiritual sea means that the rules have been broken. In theory, the rules of the Dao of Heaven cannot be broken."

That's the so-called theory.

But they still broke through the restrictions of the rules, created a spiritual sea, and let the people from the reincarnation department wipe their asses.

what is the root cause
Bai Chen didn't know, and neither did Li Yun.

"As for the reason for the creation of the spiritual sea, they have [Wish Power] on them, and it is because of the impregnation of the willing power that the spiritual sea is produced." Bai Chen paused and said: "Are they enshrined, are they heroes? Or villains. "

"What else can an invader be? It's a villain, a super villain. There won't be such a hateful villain in the superhero comics you read." Li Yunbai said with a glance.

Bai Chen shook his head, he still felt that he should not worry about whether the villain is a big villain or not.

It didn't make much difference to him anyway.

"All in all, they don't know anything, they don't even know about the creation of a spiritual sea, and they can't use it. It can only be said that they are a little clearer than ordinary souls. With their humble existence, they can't accept the power of wishes in the distance. "Bai Chen suddenly became puzzled: "Then the problem is coming. If you say that they are invaders, then their hometown should be far away, and the place where they accept worship should be in their hometown. After all, for their hometown, they may It’s like a hero.”

No matter how villainous they are, for the Japanese, they are at least soldiers. It is not impossible for the Japanese to worship these two big villains.

But Bai Chen was still puzzled.

The point of contradiction lies here.

In their situation, they simply cannot accept the faith and will of the Japanese.

So where did their belief power come from, born out of thin air?
After listening to Bai Chen's words, Li Yun was silent, his face became a little tangled.

"What's wrong, the expression looks like eating shit?"

"I'd rather eat shit."

"So, your conclusion."

"Isn't this very simple, it's just that I can't accept the wishes of the Japanese people."

"You mean the wish power of the Huaxia people?" Bai Chen seemed to have thought of something, and said in astonishment: "This is impossible, I don't believe it if it is reasonable."

"How is it impossible?"

(End of this chapter)

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