Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 784, New Mountain Spirit

Chapter 784, New Mountain Spirit
"Jingri?" Xiao Hei beside him couldn't help wondering, "What kind of creature is this?"

Li Yun was surprised, this guy didn't understand what Jingri meant.

"The so-called Jingri is the body of a Chinese, and the soul of a Japanese. You understand now."

Xiao Hei didn't understand.

Bai Chen was silent for a moment, and understood the meaning.

"There really are such people. It's amazing my brother."

"Do you think it's incredible? I also think it's incredible, but there are such people, and there are quite a few. Of course, this is not the ultimate form of Jingri." Li Yun said: "You said that you can contribute to these two people. The power of wish belongs to the ultimate form of Jing Rizhong, called Jing**** Japanese. Frankly speaking, Japan has thrown away the set of **** now. At least on the surface, but we Chinese people still have people worshiping it. The invaders back then, you said it was awesome."

Bai Chen understood Li Yun's words.

But I don't understand why there are such people, and it's the first time that I don't have enough brains.

"Isn't this equivalent to the country that was slaughtered by the big monster, and there are people who worship the big monster? It's hard to say logically."

"Don't use logic, emotion, or such things to measure this kind of creature. If you think about their rationality, you might think of yourself as an idiot." Li Yun felt that it was difficult for him to understand, in a place like Nanjing There will be people who worship these two people, and I sincerely hope that those who give these two demons the power of will will explode on the spot
"Sure enough, I still don't want to be a villain."

Bai Chen made a decision.

Give up thinking, and think about the rationality of Jingri.

It's not reasonable at all, so where can we think about rationality?
"In short, this should be just a 'coincidence'. The two demons absorbed the surrounding wishes, and they successfully produced a spiritual sea, although this spiritual sea is too weak to measure."

"Actually, it's not impossible. In many worlds, especially this world, there are many ways to 'deceive the Dao of Heaven'. Now that the Dao of Heaven can deceive, it is of course possible to deceive the rules." Bai Chen shrugged: " Of course, this is also difficult to establish, this level of deception requires a huge spiritual sea that cannot be measured, and the right time, place and people are indispensable."

This is where it is very contradictory.

It takes enormous power to produce the means of deception.

But at present, there is no such existence in this world, and it will not be used by two small Japanese soldiers.

But God was still deceived.
"Being cheated for no reason is the most deadly."

At this time, the deer of the spirit of the earth was running in the Taoist temple. Because of its size, there was probably a whole forest behind the Taoist temple, a whole world.

The dead branch next to the peach blossom tree is the place where the little deer lives.

In the Taoist temple, the dead branch regained its power as a "miracle", and gradually took root and stood on the ground.

It won't be long before the little deer will gradually blend into the mountain
Nanjing doesn't need the spirit of the earth.

Elephant Head Mountain doesn't need it either.

But Xiangtou Mountain can give the spirit of the earth a place of peace of mind.

There is no senseless massacre, only the harmony and beauty of nature.

"As long as he merges into the earth, Hanxiang can resign from the status of the earth spirit." Li Yun looked at the little white deer, hoping that he would grow up soon.

Free yourself from the identity of the mountain spirit, without being bound by the mountain forest.

This is a very contradictory place. Hanxiang likes Xiangtou Mountain quite a bit, but if I like it, I like it. Being comfortable is another feeling.

Hanxiang teased the little deer. To some extent, they were similar existences, with the most natural sense of intimacy.



"Speaking of how the deer barks." Liu Yanli looked at the white deer expressionlessly and said, "But definitely, that's not how it barks."


"Not so."


"It's not like that."


Liu Yanli: "."

Turning around, I saw Pippi Xia Er, with an innocent smile on his face.

Does this really make you happy?
It seems that there is nothing wrong with Ah Er who was born for skin.

Husky after all.

"The deer is just one of his forms. It was the creature he saw for the first time when he gave birth to his consciousness and self a long, long time ago, so he transformed into a deer." Li Yun said with a smile: "If he wants, he can It could be a sheep, it could be a cow, it could be a horse, it could be a husky, maybe it could be a fat man with a beard, a cute little loli, a high-cold Yujie, it’s all possible.”

"Speaking of which, why did you add the option of an uncle to Yujie and Lolita? The sense of disobedience has already exploded, okay?" Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun with a cold face, full of flaws and didn't know where to start. Where to spit up.

Sometimes life is like this, you can feel endless happiness at the touch of the skin.
As with people, so with huskies.

At this time, the little deer became more playful and turned into a husky like Ah Er, but the illusion turned into an illusion, and his temperament was still so lively and agile, not at all like Ah Er's fool.

The case has been solved.

Is it the Huskies who are the second-handed or the second-handed?

Facts have proved that it has nothing to do with the species, it is purely a dick.

You said how can this husky be so two.

"I can't see at all how bitter and bitter He was before." Han Xiang gently stroked the small smart version of Ah Er and said, "Sometimes there are some painful memories, and it's okay not to remember them."

Xiaolu jumped onto Hanxiang's shoulder very affectionately, and rubbed her face against Hanxiang's face with her little face.

Huskies are the only ones, and they are so cute.

"His situation is quite special, and his memory has to be cut off, but for the vast majority of people, painful memories are also a part of memory, and only by remembering pain can we cherish happiness." Li Yun looked at the little deer.

The deer finally abandoned Ah Er's form, and changed back to its original form, the appearance of a white deer.

For him, this is the original appearance.

it's time.

Xiaolu rubbed against Hanxiang, then Li Yun, and reluctantly ran out of the Taoist temple.

The original small deer has turned into a large deer, with a graceful and streamlined figure, fully displaying the beauty.

Lost the power to create miracles, but can still become the patron saint of the mountains.
Run as much as you want on Xiangtou Mountain, just like a deer.
"Why is there a white deer?"

"Where did the white deer come from? This is an illusion."

"It really is."

"What do seven-year-olds know? Deer are creatures that usually live in the plains."

"Hmph, believe it or not. Anyway, he must be the mountain god! The mountain god bless me, and I can eat KFC."

The white deer runs faster, the white light flickers, and gradually merges into the ground
Finally the body disappears.

Turned into a part of Xiangtou Mountain.



Silently guarding the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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