Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 786, clearly marked price

Chapter 786, clearly marked price

At this time, the middle-aged man had just walked out of the hall when he saw Li Yun waiting here, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Li Yun just smiled.

"So, are the flowers in the layman's eyes? Or other filthy things."

"I, I." The middle-aged man was conflicted, and finally said, "It's a dirty thing."

Li Yun laughed again.

"Then, does it smell fragrant or stinky?"

The middle-aged man was conflicted, looked at the things in his hand, took a deep breath and said.

“It is fragrant”

It takes courage to say that it smells good to a pile of shit. Middle-aged men are very contradictory.

But the scent cannot be fooled.

What he was holding in his hand was feces exuding a tempting fragrance.

"The appearance is filthy, but when you get to the bottom of it, it still smells good." Li Yun said indifferently: "But if the inside becomes stinky, then it's really shit."

The middle-aged man was silent.

Finally, the face began to struggle.
"Master. I. I'm very confused about something"

"So, it's up to you whether you want to be a flower or a shit," Li Yun said indifferently.

At this time, the black energy on the middle-aged man still dissipated and submerged.

At last it was calm.
Li Yun did not directly persuade the man to give up committing crimes.

It has been reported before that the vast majority of criminals will feel regret after committing a crime.

Although some of them are pretended, most of them are like this.

My mind was hot, and I didn't expect the consequences.

The law is like this. Let people know the consequences of crimes to prevent crimes. However, sometimes people's rationality will disappear for a moment. Li Yun feels that his rationality disappears sometimes.

For example, I knew that I would be issued a card for confessing to the goddess, but I did it without hesitation back then.

What a, sad story—

For the person in front of him.

Let him realize for himself that if he sins, he becomes shit.

Intuitive impact.

It might change his behavior.

thereby changing his life.

One thought of heaven, one thought of hell, this is not a joke.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 10 points of luck."

At this moment, the middle-aged man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "Master Dao, in fact, I had some strange thoughts before, and these thoughts tortured my heart all the time, but now it's all right, these strange thoughts have disappeared gone."

Li Yun didn't force the middle-aged man to speak out, as long as he gave up this idea.

As for why you gave up, why you have this kind of thinking has nothing to do with people.

The middle-aged man didn't say much, just turned around and left holding the things in his hands.

Now, what he holds in his hand are flowers.

Fragrant flowers.

"People of Chaos." Xiao Hei suddenly appeared behind Li Yun for some reason, looked at the back of the middle-aged man with a wise expression and said: "between good and evil. Maybe this is an ordinary person. "

"Well, if you insist on categorizing the paintings, it should be said that they are [desperate] people."


"The vast majority of people think about committing crimes when they are desperate." Li Yun paused and said, "Of course, the one just now was not really desperate. Much better than many ordinary people."

Li Yun could see that although the luck lines on his body were not thick, they were still better than ordinary people
In other words, in his opinion, being desperate in life is much stronger than being desperate in the general sense.

For example, those big players who gambled and jumped from the building in the World Cup, lost the car and lost the house, thought everything was over, and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

As everyone knows, they still have the ability to acquire wealth, have jobs, and earn a lot of money.

It is much better than ordinary migrant workers, and much better than Sanhe Dashen.

They didn't despair yet, those people were desperate first, and felt that their lives could not go on.

I think that at that point, I can only jump down and retain the so-called final dignity.

It's nothing more than a standard in my heart
If you lose these, you lose everything.

As everyone knows, the loss of life is the real end.

silly and naive
"Jianghu laughs, grievances and grievances, people have tricks, laughing hides the knife." Ada looked at the gangster who was foaming at the mouth in front of him, his heart didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Ada, this is the first time"

"The third time." Ada looked at Liu Yanli and said, "This is the third time I have sent them to the police station. Unfortunately, they always refuse to mend their ways and commit repeated crimes. They just saw my I have already shown [I am used to it] eyes all the time, waiting to be sent in by me."

"Speaking of which, do you have any impulsiveness, for example, if the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out, it will be settled once and for all, so that they can no longer do bad things." Liu Yanli's face was eager to try, and she had a strong desire to express, and she recited the things Li Yun persuaded in her heart. I plan to speak out to educate Ah Da to pretend.

However, Ah Da said indifferently.

"They are just gangsters at best, and the worst thing they have done is to blackmail elementary school students for their lunch money. Death is not their end."

"Fuck. Don't you think it's troublesome? They may do bad things in the future. Look at these bastards."

"Then talk about it when they do bad things. Now they are gangsters, not criminals." Ah Da laughed and said, "As for whether you say it's troublesome or not, that doesn't matter to me. The so-called [justice] itself is It's a very troublesome thing, after all, crimes are not forbidden, what Ben Xiong can do is to understand nature and self in the process of constantly stopping crimes, and beating bad guys is not the goal, but the process."

A bamboo stick, a straw coir raincoat, a piece of dogtail grass dangling from his mouth, his eyes are deep and full of wisdom.

What is consciousness.

This is called enlightenment.

What is Dashi, this is called Dashi, a master of martial arts, a master with both mind and body strength.jpg.

Liu Yanli felt a little ashamed for a moment, because her 800-year-old fish was not as thorough as other pandas.

It's no ordinary shame.
"Let's go back, it's time to go home for dinner." Ada walked back towards the Taoist temple.

Liu Yanli also went back and bought two cups of Mala Tang by the way.

Really fragrant.

When Ah Da saw Malatang, his original temperament disappeared.
Only when they are eating are wild giant pandas.

"I wanted to teach you something, but I didn't expect to be taught by you"

Liu Yanli returned to Xiangtou Mountain Village with emotion
As soon as I came back, I saw a bunch of people at the gate of the village watching something.
It was an older youth who was crying, a woman who was crying, and old people who were watching, and they were also crying together.

Liu Yanli instantly imagined a lot of stories about women being kidnapped and sold to become wives in the mountains. Those who heard it were sad and shed tears when they saw it.

"Come on, it's time for you to exercise justice." Liu Yanli reminded Ah Da that it's time to act.

But Ah Da's expression didn't fluctuate, and he just watched the scene quietly from the side.

"This is abduction and trafficking of women."

"Didn't you realize that the girl looks a little like the old people watching?" Ada pointed at the people over there.

Liu Yanli took a closer look, and it was indeed so.

The people from the next door village made trouble in Xiangtou Mountain Village.

After a bit of research in the past, I found out that someone had 'sold' their daughter to someone else to be their wife.

Unlike human traffickers abducting young girls, this time, the sellers are relatives and parents, and the purchase money becomes 'betrothal money'.

In essence.

The same.

"In other words, does selling a daughter by a parent count as human trafficking?"

"This is a very serious question." Li Yun looked at the bewildered Liu Yanli and said, "There are such habits in many places, the orders of parents, the words of matchmakers, such as Aunt Zhao in our village, that is, Zhao Zi. Hei his mother. She never met Zhao Zihei's father before she got married, and she only got married when Zhao Zihei's father got the gift money from his father."

"Many places have the bad habit of exhaustion, but luckily our village doesn't have it anymore. After all, it's not as good as before. Everyone is farming all the time. In many cases, older youths, who basically go out to work, can get a wife. return"

In fact, the last marriage was blown up. Originally, the woman didn’t resist, thinking that it would be good to follow her parents’ orders. However, after coming to see the man, she found that she was too ugly to breathe, so she resisted fiercely.
This is a world that looks at faces——

In fact, if it is really good-looking, there is a high probability that there is no need to find a wife in this way.

At this time, someone went to the Taoist temple, a crying girl, and an old man who had been smoking a cigarette, all silent.

This is the group of people who just made a fuss below.

Let the woman cry, not crying to death or life, but sobbing, the old man is silent, there is also an indescribable grief between his brows.

Li Yun looked it over and found that the situation of this old man was exactly the same as that of the middle-aged man who had just left.

Soon-to-be criminals, but in the end neither worked out.

The middle-aged man was persuaded to give up, and the old man planned to sell his daughter. In the end, the woman would rather die than follow through, and had to give up.

In fact, the difference is not very big
"This man is the one who sold his daughter."

"It's sad, it's pathetic to be born into such a family."

"Troublemakers come out of poor mountains and bad waters."

Small and broken voices sounded, all of which were arranging the old man and condemning him.

The old man didn't speak, just stood beside him silently, while the woman entered the Taoist temple to worship.

At this time, the old man murmured to himself.

"Those people don't understand anything."

"Why don't you understand?" Li Yun came to the old man and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that layman, you think it's right to sell your daughter?"

The old man sized up Li Yun, and instead of remaining silent, he said.

"My family is poor, and in the mountains, I can't support myself by farming, and the dolls are not good-looking. I don't know any skills, and I don't want to work. I can only drink thin rice bran at home every day. Isn't that the only way to get married? , It was easy to talk about it, someone wanted her, and they all said they were going to get married, and they said what kind of captain they were waiting for, saying that Sister Wang and Sister Liu were waiting for some kind of captain, rich second generation. How can she wait like that, I won’t say anything about the rich second generation of the captain, I don’t understand, even the migrant workers in the next town can’t afford her.”

The old man complained a lot, Li Yun also looked at the woman
He looked a little sorry, with a lot of pockmarks on his face, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Yuelao frantically. What was offered was not incense, but Wu Yi X, Lu X, and a bunch of handsome photos of fresh meat.

She is praying for Yuelao to give her the same level of marriage as those in the photo.

In fact, Yuelao didn't lay eggs on her, and luck didn't respond.

I have to say that this big girl has neither a good-looking skin nor an interesting soul. If she really has to wait for the second-generation captain, she is really blind
"However, these are her own choices, and you can't use them as a reason to sell your daughter and let her sell them at a clearly marked price."

"So I returned the dowry money to others, and I can't afford to support her in the future. Let her go out to work by herself. We don't need her to support her. She can support herself if she can support herself. If she can't support her, she will starve to death on the street. There is no way."

Li Yun shook his head. It is probably impossible to starve to death, but it is probably impossible to get rich by waiting for the captain.
"Actually, in our impoverished mountain village, farming is not enough to eat. The only way out is to go out to work. Some people who don't want to go out can only suffer from poverty." The old man sighed: "There used to be a very powerful family in the village. , plan the fields in the village, and let everyone plant on a large scale. For a while, everyone lived pretty well. Unfortunately, due to some policy reasons, they couldn’t do this anymore. He also closed down. After a while, he returned to the The original point, in the end, the wife also ran away with the rest of the money, and had nothing. However, his daughter is still pretty, which is a pity."

While chatting, the old man became acquainted with Li Yun and took out a photo.

It is very precious and preserved on oiled paper. It is a group photo of the villagers. Everyone is smiling happily.

Although they are poor, they all have the same happy mood when taking pictures.

The most conspicuous thing in the photo was a beautiful girl, completely different from the surrounding villagers. She was dressed in plain attire, but it was difficult to conceal her appearance.

There is a beautiful feeling like mountain spring water.

And this face looks familiar
Especially the middle-aged man behind the girl.

Isn't it the person who came here some time ago who wanted to commit a crime but didn't commit a crime, and he got a little luck by persuading him.

"You say it's a pity?"

"Yeah, it's a pity that she and her boyfriend are in free love, but her father finally asked for a high gift money, and the family can afford it, and it's useless if the parents object, but who makes people true love? The matter was settled, but in the end her father went back on his word and didn't ask for the gift money, and let his daughter marry in a dignified manner. This matter is considered a happy one." The old man sighed: "It's a pity that we have only been married for a few days. , the child disappeared, and no one knew where he went, and the disappearance was so simple."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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