Chapter 787, Missing

Sometimes the truth is just so funny.

One thing, different methods lead to different final results.
Theoretically speaking, if you marry in an open and aboveboard manner, without dowry money, the woman's family status will be much higher. This is a very realistic thing.

It's just that things like life are always full of various accidents, and the correct process may not necessarily bring about the correct result. For example, his daughter is missing now.

The groom was dumbfounded.

The woman's family was also confused.

"I called the police and the police couldn't find a reason. The disappearance was so sudden and strange that no one could understand it. I just hope that nothing happens to the girl."

At this time, his daughter came out, and the old man turned and left.

"It's a pleasure chatting with you. It can make me forget a lot of troubles for a while and then I have to think about my daughter."

Li Yun watched the old man leave.

"He said he wanted to release his daughter, but in fact he still can't let go." Liu Yanli, who was lurking at the side, muttered, "Speaking of which, his behavior is very contradictory. He is selling his daughter while caring about her."

"Student Xiao Liu, you have to recognize the two sides of things. For example, something is [correct] for him, but it is [wrong] for most people's three views. This gift money is like this. He takes it for granted that his daughter will collect money when she gets married, but it is also possible that what he thinks is [correct] is also [correct] in our opinion, such as caring about her daughter's future." Li Yun said: " This is what some people say [Three views are not correct] [Three levels are not in harmony] and other things."

After speaking, Li Yun watched the old man's back gradually disappear from sight.

Suddenly, the old man turned his head and smiled, his eyes were deep, as if containing the universe.

Li Yun was stunned and wiped his eyes.

The old man returned to his original appearance as an ordinary villager.

An ordinary old farmer, a daughter with material things but no interesting soul.

The appearance of father and daughter can be seen everywhere.

Li Yun frowned.

"Is it my illusion?"

"Which village did you say that family is from? It seems to be quite remote from us. Let me guide you to the specific location later." The middle-aged and older youth sat on the steps of their cement house while drinking wine sullenly. , Indescribably depressed and desolate.

In fact, his family's living conditions are not bad, and he himself has a good job outside, but it's a pity that his appearance is too 'honest', 'honest' and 'obedient'.

What makes him depressed is not that the wife he agreed to ran away with someone, but that even such a woman doesn't like him, and he is full of pessimism about the future.

Li Yun can tell that he is very popular with women, but he is basically the type of friend of women.
Too simple and honest face, appearance, temperament and personality are also quite tragic
"Thank you so much." Li Yun smiled and said: "Layman, don't be sad, the marriage is as good as you want, so why bother to stick to it, just take it easy."

The honest and honest older youth is still easy to coax, Li Yun said that he felt better, and laughed at himself.

"I have a bit of a clue in my heart. People like me deserve to be alone all my life. I don't need a girlfriend. I don't need a wife. In fact, it's good to be single. You don't need to raise a wife and children, and you don't need to buy a house in the urban area. The burden is less A lot, haha."

This desolate self-speaking makes people want to cry.

Li Yun just smiled without saying a word and turned to leave.

Older youths are still a cup of Erguotou, tearing from the pain.

However, soon, the youth's WeChat rang
I didn't want to read it at first, but finally opened it after a few clicks.

"Hey? Xiaohong, why did you send me a message?"

The young man was puzzled, and clicked on the cute avatar.

"I heard that your marriage failed [Manual Funny]."

"That's really nice."

"Where is my daughter?"

Feng Weidong couldn't help feeling sad, looking at the photo in his hand, his face was full of despair.

Obviously, she has decided that even if she is burdened with huge debts and lives a poor life, she still wants to let her live a good life.

But now why, why did it become like this.

Why do you disappear when you are supposed to be the happiest?
I regret why I agreed to marry off my daughter.
How nice it would be if you didn't get married
Just when Feng Weidong wanted to drink, he found that the drink beside him was gone.

Only Li Yun stood silently with him on the steps, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand.

Li Yun looked at Feng Weidong and said calmly.


"You Daoist, you. Why are you in my house?" Feng Weidong subconsciously thought that a thief had entered, but after seeing Li Yun's appearance, he was a little confused again.

Li Yun smiled without saying a word, just holding the tea.

Feng Weidong hesitated for a moment, then took the hot tea.

A bit bitter.

But hangover.

Soon, Feng Weidong's mind became a little clearer.

"Master, I... Am I a waste?" Feng Weidong murmured: "My daughter is missing, and I can only drink at home and can't do anything. I don't even have the basic responsibility of being a father. I'm really, really useless. ah."

"Well, the layman's behavior is really useless. If you are a poor person, searching aimlessly is still searching, instead of staying at home and drinking, which will not help you find your daughter." Li Yun directly added two knives.

The words were harsh, but Feng Weidong couldn't deny it.

You are a piece of trash yourself.

"I'm just trash, trash, bastard."

While scolding himself, he slapped himself, his cheeks were flushed red.

"So, in order to prove that it's not rubbish, let's take a look at it. Didn't your daughter disappear from her husband's house? Go and find out."

Sometimes it just takes a little courage to do something, like finding your own daughter.

Li Yun didn't know why Feng Weidong didn't have the courage, but the reason is still the same sentence, even searching aimlessly is much better than staying at home and drinking.

He is afraid.

I don't want to face the family in the south, even if the missing person is my daughter
At this time, Feng Weidong threw away the beer bottle in his hand after drinking a cup of hot tea.

"Yes, I can't sit here anymore. I'm going to find my daughter and get her back"

"Then, follow the poor way."

Li Yun took Feng Weidong and left the village.

The space was distorted, and he was directly teleported to the place of his in-laws.

Feng Weidong was shocked, thinking that he hadn't woken up from the lingering aftertaste of drinking, and the impact of the air produced hallucinations.

After looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yun understood why Feng Weidong didn't dare to come.

After her daughter disappeared from her husband's house, she didn't have the guts to come here.

Looking at the situation here, Li Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Why is there something wrong with the old man's description?"

(End of this chapter)

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