Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 809, the fate of this life is over

Chapter 809, the fate of this life is over

Everyone was stunned by the supernatural scene in front of them.
That cowardly Ma Benqiang actually spontaneously ignited.

Also merged with Ding.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to the Shennong Ding, and the golden particles that originally burned the body began to recombine, forming a human form just like a scene in a science fiction film.

A semi-transparent, bare-chested burly man with a resolute face and indescribable scars all over his body.

There are ancient animal patterns on the body, full of wild explosions, and the taste of desolation. It doesn't look like modern people at all, like primitive people, primitive people with the most primitive power.

Ma Benqiang is dead.

The Shennong Ding was reborn at this moment.

Looking at this translucent strong man, Ma Lirong wanted to call her father very much.

But in the end it still didn't come out.

The unfamiliar eyes let Ma Lirong know.

Father, I can't come back anymore, what is in front of me is something else.

Li Yun squinted his eyes while looking at the Shennong Cauldron and muttered.

"At first I thought [Ding] belonged to my daughter, but I didn't think it was my father."

"Then, how do you know [Ding] is the father and not the daughter." The system paused: "What she did just now is also very similar to [Ding]."

"Brother System, first of all, the Shennong Ding is a medicinal cauldron as a divine weapon, but its original owner, that is, the trait represented by the Shennong clan is the firewood of [inheritance]. And Ding passed this torch to that girl, the power passed down from generation to generation." Li Yun looked at Ma Lirong and said with emotion.

As a doctor, she is fully qualified, and she has indeed inherited the firewood from Shennong Ding.

The bearer of the torch, who has already burned out, is Ma Benqiang.

For the family, for the daughter.

For the salary, for the continuation.

Like Shennong, he burned his body and left the hope of life to the tribe, laying the foundation for future generations of medicine.

As the medicine cauldron that Shennong used to boil medicine at that time, he was reincarnated as Ma Benqiang.

But this has nothing to do with the strong man in front of him, he is just Shennong Ding now.

Li Yun was also unambiguous, and began to wave Linghai, and the spell appeared.

"Gust, come."

"Heavy rain, come."

The wind was howling, the tornado was rushing, and the dark clouds did not dissipate, but became more dense, as if it was about to start raining.

Covering the entire sky, even the surrounding villages were surrounded.

"It's raining, go back and shelter from the rain." The foreman was the first to recover, and began to call everyone to come in to shelter from the rain. No matter what happened to Ma Benqiang, the most important thing right now is these patients.

The inheritance of the torch is not necessarily for future generations.

Even those around you can be infected by it.

For example, the foreman—

The torch is also burning on him.

Li Yun said calmly in a voice that everyone could hear: "You don't need to take shelter from the rain, just wait."

After the preliminary summoning technique, Li Yun said.

"Please, [Ding]."

The strong man nodded, his figure turned into golden particles, and merged into the Shennong Cauldron.

The ancient and desolate cauldron emits green light.

The spiritual power of the Shennong Ding began to spread and rushed into the sky. The spiritual power of the Shennong Ding surrounded the sky and merged with the storm.

Surrounded by spiritual power, it kept raining.

People who are exposed to the rain will not hurt their stomachs all at once.

"Yeah? My body. Is it alright?"

"Okay! My stomach doesn't hurt anymore."

"The gods have appeared, it is the gods who have appeared."

Everyone, especially the old man, looked gratefully at the flashing green light in the sky.

The heavy rain mixed with the spiritual power of Shennongding healed everyone.

The rain of life fell on the ground.

Obviously not the season of civilization.

But it was full of flowers and plants.


It's like a full spring.

A few unlucky ghosts who were not cured by Shennong Ding exposed the crimes of the pharmaceutical company in the hospital-of course, these people were later cured by the spiritual power remaining in the land.

The compensation that pharmaceutical companies have to face is far more than sky-high prices, especially for this vicious problem.
Closure is almost inevitable.

When a legal person goes to jail, those who should be punished will be dismissed, and those who should be blamed will be blamed. The arrangements are clear.

Li Yun found it interesting that Huang Qiang from the next village was cured by Shennong Ding, and then he was sent to the prison by Wang Weigong. This ending is not as good as dying of illness for him.

On the dirt slope not far away, Li Yun said with a smile.

"Are you used to it? This [body]."


The spirit of Shennong Ding is relatively taciturn, and the three sticks can't hold back a dull fart, and the fashion level is surpassed by Donghuang Bell and Kunlun Mirror.

Li Yun said with a bold face: "Your ability is quite powerful. If you use it a few times, maybe I can get rid of poverty and become rich and reach the pinnacle of life."

"It can't be used anymore, now I'm just an ordinary refining furnace." Ding paused and said: "There are rules and restrictions in this world, I can't use the full ability unscrupulously, when I just used it, I barely had [his] consciousness. Only by burning can I sustain it, and now I don’t have any extra souls to burn.”

Li Yun feels a little sorry for this answer, but it is not surprising. Such a large-scale "miracle" is absolutely not allowed by the rules. Even if it can be used, it will have to pay a huge price, just like the Shennong cauldron burning personality No, it was the soul of Ma Benqiang.

In a sense, it is a miracle that can only be achieved by sacrificing one's own soul.

Those who go against the sky will be punished.

Tiandao also recognized that Ma Benqiang was an independent individual other than Shennong Ding.

Shennong Ding was quite talkative in this regard, and emphasized: "So, it was Ma Benqiang who saved them, not me."

"That's right. What a pity."

For a hero, this ending is a bit sad. Even the people in the village felt that it was some primitive strong man with naked bodies who saved them, not the cowardly Ma Benqiang.

But Li Yun also knew that Ma Benqiang did not regret it.

When they came into contact with Shennong Ding, these two personalities must have had a dialogue.

It was his choice to burn.

"Let's leave, you no longer belong to this world." Li Yun opened the portal of the Kunlun Mirror, stepped half a step in, and turned to look at the Shennong Cauldron.

Shennong Ding didn't follow up immediately, and lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Finally Li Yun smiled and stepped in first.

"Don't take too long."

The wind blew, and only the human figure of Shennong Ding remained on the mountainside.

Ding's transfigured human figure finally raised his head, staring blankly at the other side of the village, at Ma Benqiang's original home.

That paid for the small building built by Ma Benqiang half his life.

Ma Lirong was also on the window sill, looking at the sky.

Maybe he was thinking about the dead.

At this moment, the eyes of Ding and Ma Lirong met.

Ma Lirong couldn't see the tripod.

But still looked this way.

There seems to be some inextricable connection.

is fate
Fate connects the two, the former father and daughter.

At this time, Shennong Ding did not hesitate any longer, turned his eyes away, burned the family portrait that Ma Benqiang cherished once, and then stepped into the portal of the Kunlun Mirror.


"my daughter."

this life.

End of life.

There is no relationship between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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