Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 810, Full moon today

Chapter 810, Full moon today

The Shennong Ding returned to its throne.

After returning to the Taoist temple, I have been silent all the time, but sometimes I will transform into a human form, staring at the stone in a daze, and I will be in a daze for a long, long time.
He has the same characteristics as him, a taciturn, honest and strong man.

Turned into an artifact or small transparent
"He actually has a physical body." Bai Chen was quite surprised, he really didn't expect that the divine weapon Huading would directly have a physical body.

"Shennong, the fire of the flint, forged with the soul, it is not surprising to have a [false] body." Xiao Hei looked at Bai Chen with a superior face: "You are still too young."

Bai Chen: "."

"I have to admit that Jiang is still old and hot. In terms of age, you are the older one."

It's gratifying to congratulate Bai Chen that his stalking skills have improved.

Just like what Xiao Hei said, the body of Shennong Ding is [false], and it will automatically turn into a tripod shape after a period of time, but it will become a human body after a period of time.

There is a deficiency in the way of heaven, and the nine extremes are one. It is impossible for a divine weapon to have a physical body, and it is impossible for a divine tool that reincarnated into a human to become a divine weapon. At most, it is like the Shennong Ding, which turns into a human from time to time, and becomes a tripod from time to time. , completely random.

Anyway, Li Yun felt that this state was quite painful, but Shennong Ding didn't seem to care. Whether he was a human or a Ding, he could enjoy himself happily, and his daily activities were to look at the flowers and plants in a daze.

Sure enough, it is an existence that inherits the simple characteristics of the working people in ancient times, how simple it is to be satisfied.
Facing Bai Chen's ridicule, Xiao Hei didn't say anything, just smiled.

That's right, Xiao Hei smiled, the kind of smile that came from the heart.

Li Yun was quite surprised, this was the first time Xiao Hei smiled [from the heart].

It seems that he has mastered the emotions he should have.

At this moment, Xiao Hei said suddenly.

"Come with me to the mall"

This is the request made by Xiao Hei when he first appeared.

I want to go shopping, I want to go shopping.

But it seems that no action has been taken so far.
Li Yun saw that Xiao Hei didn't look like he was joking, and finally nodded.


Today Li Yun is not wearing a Taoist robe, but the white shirt he used to wear.

Xiao Hei didn't know where he got it, he was dressed in cool clothes, but the style was probably that of a fat fish.

"a bit tight"

"Your tone of voice is easy to be misunderstood." Li Yun's face was a bit strange: "But the clothes of the fat head fish really don't suit you, what can I say about her bamboo pole figure, well, that's it."

Xiao Hei felt that it didn't matter, and felt nothing after changing his body shape once.

The two of them came to the shopping mall in the city like ordinary companions.

Ordinary people can be seen everywhere, blending into it.

Both are members of the crowd.

"Today, I am an ordinary person, and you are an ordinary person. It feels so good"

"It's not good to add divine power to your body? You are the incarnation of Taiyin now, you are really an immortal."

"not good."

Good and bad are relative, Li Yunjue should not speculate on this cat based on his own three views.

Along the way, Xiao Hei bought a lot of things, but they were all very cheap.

Barrettes, tiaras, and jewelry from the binary store.

There is no more fertile girl than Ya
Li Yun didn't say a word all the way, and let her buy it, acting like a silent figure walking through the ATM.

But fortunately, judging from the current situation, the doll self-propelled ATM can still afford it.

A bag that looks full is actually no more than 100 yuan.

Tired of walking (in fact, not tired), I came to a milk tea shop and bought the most expensive single item during this trip, two cups of big milk tea, 20 yuan a cup.
There is no darkest, only darker, and the price has risen too much. The same weight only costs ten yuan when I was a student.

"Times are changing and prices are going up"

"Isn't this a normal thing?" Xiao Hei said as a matter of course: "Resources are limited. In the past, resources were abundant, so the prices were cheap. Now that the times are developing and resources are consumed, the cost will also rise accordingly."

"Although the reason for the price increase may be different from what you think." Li Yun sipped his milk tea, and a saccharine-scented nose smoked: "You seem to like to look at things from a macro perspective, but it turns out that it is nothing Everything can be seen from a macro perspective.”

Xiao Hei shrugged, took a few sips of milk tea and stopped drinking it.

I also made the same hiccupping action as Li Yun - the smell of saccharin is really strong..
It turns out that Ya's body structure is similar to that of a human.

"It's okay." Xiao Hei smiled slightly: "You must have worked hard to suppress it."

Li Yun nodded after a moment of silence.

snapped his fingers.

The purple restraining energy escapes from the fingertips and wraps around Li Yun's body. It is as beautiful as a starry sky if it is literary, and it is purple shit-like paste if it is ugly.

And tall, the misty and ethereal fairy spirit spirit sea is completely two extremes, not at all forceful, like a machine, the energy that exists only to complete orders and missions. It does not have the taste of "creation" of the spirit sea, giving people a sense of "creation". The two intuitive feelings are [Destruction] and [Depression].

It is full of aggressiveness, which is nothing to Li Yun, but once this energy dissipates, it will instinctively run towards the existence of disharmony, such as Xiao Hei
But to this extent Li Yun can still control it.

"Since that day, I have felt that my restraint is increasing." Li Yun said: "Then after Shennong Ding returned, this feeling became more and more intense and even a little out of control. Only small corners can be relieved."

Every time you find an artifact that is wandering in the world, your restraint energy will increase by one point.

"At first, I thought that the suppression force would suppress Linghai, but not only did the suppression force fail to suppress Linghai, but there was a tendency to complement each other. In short, I am quite strong now."

Judging by the systematic way of cultivating immortals, Li Yun felt that he should still be at the level of a weak chicken.

The problem is that I am not a very pure immortal cultivator, am I?
"Really. But don't ask me this question. There will be professionals who can answer your questions later." Xiao Hei suddenly looked up at the sky and smiled: "It's a pity, I didn't experience more."

The time around him suddenly froze.

Space pauses.

The real fairy seems to be coming.

But the problem is that there are no real immortals.

It is not others that make the surrounding space stagnate.

It's black.

At this time, the crescent moon representing the seal on Xiao Hei's forehead had disappeared.

The clothes on her body also turned into a white dress.

The eyes that originally contained emotion became extremely cold, and looking at everything around seemed like looking at dead ants.

The goddess sitting on the moonlight.

Li Yun was not surprised by this.


The moon is full.

(End of this chapter)

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