Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 811, the thing passed down from ancient times

Chapter 811, the thing passed down from ancient times

A goddess sitting on the frosty sky.

As if looking down on everything with a cold attitude.

a little cold.
"Speaking of which, can you turn off your air conditioner?"


The goddess paused and restrained her breath a little.

Fortunately, it's not that cold anymore.

Li Yun can be sure and sure, the goddess in front of him is not Xiao Hei, but Chang'e, the goddess of the moon.

"Do you care about my distraction?" Chang'e seemed to see Li Yun's thoughts, and said indifferently: "I am her, and she is me. We are one and there is no difference. How you treat her is how you treat her." Wait for me."

This is one.
Li Yun shook his head and finished the milk tea.

The taste of this tea is a bit bitter.

Opening the Kunlun Mirror, Li Yun stepped into it, and Chang'e followed.

It was as if nothing happened at the scene.

Only the little girl in charge of selling milk tea looked at the seat Li Yun had just sat in doubt.

"Hey, is the guest's stuff missing here?"

That bag of cheap, crude trinkets
Personally selected by Xiao Hei, favorite accessories.

After returning to the Taoist temple, Bai Chen saw Chang'e now and knew what had happened. After a moment of silence, he patted Li Yun's shoulder: "Relax, there is no permanent banquet in the world."

"She has accepted her fate calmly, what else can I say."

Li Yun gave Xiao Hei a choice.

It has been clearly stated that the suppression force can be used.

Even the true immortals couldn't resist this force, and it was easy to seal the ray of distraction that belonged to Chang'e.

But Xiao Hei still chose to let Chang'e replace him.

Li Yun respected Xiao Hei's choice.

Xiao Hei knew that there were some things he couldn't do, only the Chang'e consciousness hidden deep in his body could do it.

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival was originally a day for everyone to have fun, but without Xiao Hei, I always feel that something is missing.

Chang'e said calmly.

"Life and death go back and forth, heaven and heaven reincarnate, and the world will die, not to mention that if you can't accept the human face, you can't face the next reality."

"Although I don't know what mission you have to complete, before you go, can you tell Poor Dao what is there?" Li Yun looked at the goddess in front of him expressionlessly and said, "If you don't tell , I'm afraid Pindao won't take you there."

In the mountain and sea world, there is only the seal of the little fox.

At least that's how it was the last time I went to see it.

Facing Li Yun's questioning, Chang'e said calmly.

"It is a seal of a desolate ancient era, something that existed before [us] was born, spanning time, space, and ancient existence"

An existence that transcends time and space.

It sounded so bluffing and awesome that even Bai Chen beside him was stunned.

After hearing this, Bai Chen said in astonishment: "Existence from ancient times, you mean before we were born?"

Strictly speaking, Chang'e is a natural god belonging to the first generation of intelligent species, and has existed for an unimaginable time, and belongs to the same generation as Bai Chen's previous life.

"It's unbelievable, doesn't it? We exist, things that have been sealed there before the existence of Huangquan. As for what it is, I don't know. I can only know after seeing it."

"It must be you who go."

For the first time, the body of the Eastern Emperor Bell left the gate of the Taoist temple.

The floating appearance of the salted fish clock is quite ghostly, and it can spiral up to the sky from time to time.

"Sister Zhong, please open the gate of the mountain and sea world."

"Small idea."

The Kunlun Mirror opened the portal, and Li Yun and Chang'e stepped into it.

Sister Zhong directly opened another gap on the portal.

A portal within a portal.

The door of Kunlun Mirror is to go to Tianshan Mountain.

The gate of Donghuang Bell goes to the mountain and sea world.

Stepping in, I returned to this barren world.

Towering trees like giants—only dead things.

In other words, it was [fixed] here like a specimen.

"No matter how many times I come here, I feel amazing. Is this world really created by the Donghuang Bell?" Li Yun murmured, "This is such a powerful force."

"The Eastern Emperor Bell is the embodiment of pure energy." Bai Chen said.

Sister Zhong, who was at the side, was praising herself for being cheerful and indescribably happy.

Su Li, on the other hand, had a dull expression on her face, and she was very concerned about everything around her.
slightly intimidated.

Obviously it was the place where he slept in the past.

Even though it has been sleeping for an unknown number of years, it still has a [demon] aura.

As soon as a person returns to his hometown, he will feel at ease, but as soon as he leaves his hometown, he will feel [acclimatized].

The same air, the same geographical conditions, but even a different place will cause people's discomfort.

Su Li should feel comfortable here.

Seeing this, Chang'e at the side naturally approached Su Li.

It seemed that he was protecting her.

It was Xiao Hei's consciousness that was at work.

"You said, where is the seal of the ancient thing?" Li Yun said to Chang'e.

Without saying a word, Chang'e waved her palms, and a large piece of ice shattered to open a wide road.

Go straight to one of the big azure trees.

"Eastern Emperor Bell, do you still remember the scene when this world was created?" Chang'e turned to look at the Eastern Emperor Bell and said.

Donghuang Bell: "."

"let me see"

"The Yellow Emperor wanted me to create a world." Xia's thoughts went back to the past.

Synthesizing a small world and using the real world as an egg to create a space requires extremely huge power.

But it's not essentially out of nothing.
"When I opened up a different space, I pulled a piece of land from a different place. It is the same material as the rocks and soil of the land where creatures live, and it is the best cornerstone of the world."

"There is also vegetation on it, and ghosts can go up there without transplanting anything."

Li Yun frowned and said: "You said that there were plants before you created?"

"That's right, but there are only simple plants," Donghuang Zhong said as a matter of course.

A piece of continental land floating in a different space, with plants on it.

Chang'e didn't say much, and with a wave of her hand, she cut off the trees that had been fixed in the [frame], lifted the turf, and said: "It's not just these plants that are solidified, there are also some things that are solidified here. From then till now"

The turf, the land is lifted.

Layer by layer, like peeling cocoons.

Chang'e's control of power is perfect, every layer of land is lifted up as if it was gently swept away, doing needlework, in order not to damage the things inside.

By the end, the entire meadow was lifted.

Revealed the true face of Mount Lushan.

Look at what's buried under the ground
Bai Chen's face was horrified, and the corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched in surprise.

"This is one of the ancient seals."

a floor.

There are three big characters sprayed with paint on it.


(End of this chapter)

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