Chapter 814 Taiyi
Self-doubt, doubting what the need for one's own existence really is.
Li Yun on the side was also silent. As a monster born with supernatural powers, why did he click on the technology tree, and why didn't he focus on cultivation as the main direction of development.

Weak human beings are regarded as myths, which is completely contrary to the current worldview.

There must be something hidden in it.

"I suspect that our world is just a ridiculous experiment, and our demons are the test subjects. As for whether the experimenter is a highly developed human being, an alien creature, or a legendary fairy, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I should I can't see it."

Su Mengyu began to pant heavily, his face turned into a complete fox shape, and the saliva slowly flowed down from the corner of his mouth.




Li Yun could feel his surging, intense killing intent.

His wild nature is being awakened, and the true nature of "demon" is returning.

The demons next to him also fell into the same state as Su Mengyu.

One of the mantid, closed the alloy door.
This is designed to block the door to the destructive power of heaven and earth.

In fact, the essence condensed by this technology has indeed blocked the power to destroy the world.

The earth was torn apart, and even this cosmic space began to twist and compress like egg whites.

This is the only piece of land left in the entire empty and empty world.

That is, later, the land used to create the mountain and sea boundary
Inside the gate, a silent fight unfolded.

All demons have shown their prototypes, and there is no nature that can be suppressed.

"It turns out that this is the nature and power of the [demon]. It's so wonderful. It's so comfortable hahaha! We demons should rely on our bodies to fight instead of using ridiculous energy guns!"

Nine tailed fox.

Snow Maiden.

Mountain giant.


White Tiger Demon.

fight among beasts
Primitive, brutal.

After the fight, only the nine-tailed fox Su Mengyu survived.

His eyes became dull.

He didn't waver when the bones of the monsters around him turned into rotten and smelly things
I don't know how long has passed.

He was about to die, and the surrounding bones were reduced to white bones.

He is like a dying old man who has not eaten until now.

But the expression on his face was exceptionally happy.

The eyes are chaotic, if there is a clear understanding.

"Great, great."

"So it is, so it is, this is [law] and this is [reason]"

Powerful power escaped from him.

It's not a barbaric and primitive demonic supernatural power.

But Linghai.

Su Mengyu had an epiphany.

This demon who lived in the era of demon civilization had an epiphany.

Comprehend yin and yang, and comprehend reason.

The principles he comprehended stagnated in space and time, and kept everything here [fresh].

And left a line of words on it——

Then it turned into a wisp of dust and smoke.

Civilization ends here.

"Are you all right"

Li Yun's consciousness returned to reality, as if it had been a lifetime away.

The third eye on the forehead was still bleeding and was badly injured.

Now open the third third eye, the eyes are still there, but probably won't be used in a short time.

Li Yun has no regrets, supernatural powers and spells are tools, things that are used to achieve the purpose, and now that the purpose is achieved, the duty of the eye of the sky has also been fulfilled.

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be all right." Li Yun shook his head, pulled back the erratic sense of space, and said, "This is indeed the end of the previous generation of civilization, and I have seen the real hammer of this world in someone. Already."

"It turns out that this world has such a story. Tell me, what else is there?" Sister Zhong's phantom floated out, with a look of amazement on her face. The master who created this space does not know the story inside.

Li Yun told Bai Chen and Sister Zhong what he saw and heard inside.

Sister Zhong was dumbfounded, she had never heard of the destruction of civilization at the world level after living for so long.

Bai Chen got goosebumps after hearing all kinds of monster scientists: "It's hard for me to accept this setting, those barbaric monsters who are full of flesh and cannibalism to become stronger would actually want to develop high technology, and follow It's the same as modern humans. The sense of disobedience is too strong."

"So in the end, the great scientist named Su Mengyu came to his senses and realized that he shouldn't be like this. He also comprehended the laws of the great way of heaven and earth with his mortal body, without relying on any external force..." Li Yun said with emotion, if that Su Mengyu If you have a better life, you will be the son of destiny.

Let's not talk about the experience that can be called Long Aotian, that is, in the age of science and technology, he finally comprehended the promotion of Linghai, comprehended the great supernatural power, that is the proper fate of the protagonist, the standard template of the genius Long Aotianliu.
Maybe this should be called Hu Aotian, it's so awesome, Li Yun didn't dare to masturbate like this in class before.

However, even if he is as strong as Hu Aotian, he is no match for fate and the collapse of the world, and he can only die with his own world in the end.

Only the wreckage of civilization is left to alert future generations.

Of course, this vigilance is of no use. If modern humans also suffer from this level of disaster, they may not survive a second.

There may be Noah's Ark to save the thunder and fire.

But the final and deadliest compression of the universe is impossible.
Li Yun said suddenly.

"There is a contradiction here."

"What contradiction?"

"The lovely sister Chang'e just said, who asked her to come to the world and bring us here?"

"It's heaven."

Bai Chen was not surprised. Although the way of heaven is intangible and incomprehensible, it is only for him.

But for a true immortal like Chang'e, the one with a very high level, the way of heaven is not an untouchable existence.

At least it is possible to touch and understand, and it is not impossible to convey the will of heaven.

"Therefore, there is a contradiction."

Bai Chen was stunned, and Li Yun recalled the devastating scene just now.

Silence, destruction, the collapse of heaven and earth.

What is the reason for a good world to collapse?
In the memory of that land, Li Yun saw the earth-shattering thunderstorms, fires and floods.

They are all covered with a layer of purple energy.

It is the sword of heaven.

is dying.

All the way back to the Taoist temple, everyone felt very heavy, especially Xiao Su Li, who turned into a prototype and lay back in Li Yun's arms.

Li Yun is still thinking about the contradictions here. The sword of heaven destroyed this era, so why should he let himself wait for others to see and think about it.

Is there any other purpose.
"You're back."

"Well, I'm back." Li Yun put these distracting thoughts behind him and said with a smile: "You're back too."

In front of him was a black kitten, looking at a comic book gracefully.

little black.

Evil spirits that feed on fear.

It's just that Xiao Hei lost his human form.

But if you lose it, you lose it. After all, you still retain your consciousness and survive. This is the best ending.

"You know that when I was imprisoned in Chang'e's consciousness, I was very angry when I saw your nonchalant expression, you know." The little black cat made Commander Ikari with his hands crossed: "I'm angry, you know."

"Because I know that your consciousness is [Little Black Cat], not Chang'e's distraction. If she leaves, she probably won't take your consciousness away. At most, take back her power. Of course, you won't be able to keep people alive. In form, you are actually cuter like this."

Li Yun smiled and patted the little black cat's head.

Like a cat, he counterattacked with his little paw.

The little black cat is much cuter now than before.

"Don't you think you are a bit like that demon? He is the last practitioner of civilization, and you are the last practitioner in the age of humanity."

Yes, kind of like that.

From the very beginning, Li Yun discovered this serious problem.

This Su Mengyu is very similar to himself, very similar.

Not a physical image.
It's an inexplicable feeling.

Li Yun was a little uneasy, whether this world would also usher in the same end as that world.

The little black cat left Li Yun quietly, leaving the entire open space for Li Yun to think about life.

During this trip, the system suddenly came out.

Translucent yellow humanoid.

Blurred, as if it would drift away with the wind.

is the body of the system.

Li Yun could no longer perceive the existence of the system.

He stripped himself from the body.

The system did not speak, but silently transformed into another form.

A sky-reaching giant tower.

I don't know how many floors are high.

As if it could tear apart the heavens and the earth.

The tower in the artifact.

Haotian Tower.

It is the true face of the system.

And unlike the artifacts present, Li Yun could sense that the power of the tower was at its peak.

"Do you think I'm handsome now?"

"Smelly shameless," Li Yun muttered.

There is a thread in my heart connecting Haotian Tower.

Now it is no longer the relationship between the system and the host, but now the relationship between the master and the magic weapon.

"Actually, I didn't turn into an artifact because of myself. My traits are actually half a chip lower than other artifacts, but I seal the [Wheel of Taiyi] in my body, so I can be called the top ten artifacts." Haotian Tower said: "The Wheel of Oneness can interfere with history and reality to a small extent. That's right, it is [things that have happened], and of course it is limited to reality that has nothing to do with true immortals. Only the Dao of Heaven can interfere with true immortals and above. "

interfere with history and reality.

It is equivalent to acting part of the duties of the way of heaven
Haotian Tower didn't say much, and summoned the Wheel of Taiyi, which is the artifact that empowers Haotian Tower.

a ring.

The very simple [circle] is made of unknown material. To the naked eye, it is an object composed of chaos that absorbs everything, and its essence cannot be understood with words.

The theory of the circle.

The concept represented is [Reincarnation], the essence of this world.

Life and death depend on each other, the living dies, and the dead reincarnates.

The world dies, the world regenerates, and the cycle goes back and forth.

"This is [Fate]." Haotian Tower said suddenly: "Reincarnation is still going on, and it has not ended, host, I actually regret it."

"Regret what?"

"Regret is possessing you."

(End of this chapter)

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