Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 815, blurred boundaries

Chapter 815, blurred boundaries

"Because of the restraining energy in me?"

"Yes, in essence, your existence is opposite to our Heavenly Court, but the [Sword] chose you." Haotian Tower said helplessly: "I tried to eliminate this energy, but unfortunately it didn't work. The restraining power will grow over time, until one day it cannot be limited, and your world will be like that world, caught in [Reincarnation]."

Li Yun knew that it was not a coincidence that the system possessed him, but was chosen by someone.

The fate of Erlang God and himself, the fate of divine weapon and himself.

At this time, the wheel of the oneness in the Haotian tower rotated, and a desolate breath gushed out. Li Yun felt that he could not control the restraining energy of his body gushing out uncontrollably, wanting to destroy the oneness wheel.

"The Wheel of Supreme One is not a product of [this] era," Li Yun mused.

"Well, He is a product of an earlier time, older than the era you saw"

Reincarnation more than once.

Before this world was born, there was another world.

maybe more, more
There is no end to the circle, nor is the wheel of the one.

The wheel of Taiyi sent a message to Li Yun.

Li Yun saw a lot, saw the destruction and end of the era.

something from farther back
In the era of high technology, dinosaurs, trisolarans, murlocs, Crusu tentacles, demons, humans, and many other creatures dominate the era.

There is a world of high martial arts, a world of low martial arts, a world of high technology, and a world of low technology.

Every civilization has burst out the most brilliant light, but even this most brilliant light is still no match for the destruction of heaven.

The sword of heaven is beheading civilization.

Ruthlessly wiped them out.

Obviously they don't deserve to die.

"Why does Heaven want to kill civilization?"

"Because Tiandao feels that this civilization is not qualified to survive. It consumes resources endlessly. In the end, they will destroy themselves. It is better to destroy it early and let civilization rebuild. This is our guess and conclusion. Only Tiandao knows the details. Haotian Tower said: "In theory, all civilizations before this [failed], and they will all end in the end."

Listening to Haotian Tower talking about this heavy topic, Li Yun looked up after a moment of silence.

"You're not a system, are you?"

"The one in front of you is indeed the Haotian Tower."

"I said, you are not a system."

Haotian Tower was silent.

The last flash of brilliance flashed, and the figure of Haotian Tower turned into a figure.

This person looks exactly like Li Yun.

At first glance
The eyes on his forehead already showed his identity.

The god of war in the heavens, Erlang God.

His true self is actually hidden in the system.

And the golden figure next to it is the personality of the system, temporarily sleeping.


"Not surprisingly."

"That's really a pity." Erlangshen smiled slightly, his personality was quite naughty, he was not at all like the God of War who shocked the monsters of the three realms, imitating the mechanical sound of the system to prove himself.

Usually Pippi's system, and the reward voice are two personalities.

As soon as Erlang God came out, Bai Chen immediately turned into a prototype, standing beside Li Yun like a good baby.

"It seems that you have changed your master completely." Erlangshen smiled helplessly, and did not blame Sanjiandao, straightened his face and said: "Actually, I should replace you as the protagonist of this era. It's a pity that my distracted soul is a bit special, that is you, too special, and only you can take the role of the protagonist."


Li Yun was not surprised, on the contrary, he was very calm.

Erlang's avatar, like Xiao Hei to Chang'e, is just a tentative container and substitute.

But this world is too special, distraction descended into this world not only has the soul consciousness of the original owner, but also the soul filled by the world.

The distraction of Moonlight Bodhisattva is like this, and the same is true of Erlang God's distraction.

Li Yun is a little thankful that he is a unique existence. If it is really a reincarnation of some important person, it will feel very strange.

It's like the relationship between the clone and the main body that is often said in movies.

In the words, not only Erlang God is acting, but also many immortal gods are acting.

For example, Poseidon.

For example, Wufang Ghost Emperor.

For example, in many unknown places, there are also traces of the actions of gods.

The gods showed their own magical powers in order to protect themselves.

Distracted, reincarnated, looking for an agent.

They are all trying.

Of course, most of them are in vain. In a world that has lost its miracles, even awakening the memories of previous lives is an extravagant hope. We can only live in confusion as ordinary people, and then die in confusion.

At the moment of death, the memory will wake up. At that time, it will be too late, and the hope will be empty.

"After the new era begins, we immortals cannot avoid it. Even if the powerful are beyond time and space, they cannot resist the evil consequences of the collapse of the world. Just like the immortals of the previous era, they are detached from fate. What about time and space." Erlang Shen said indifferently: "The so-called longevity and transcendence are nothing but nothingness after all. Transcending from a cage has entered a bigger cage, and outside the time of heaven, it is the biggest cage."

The way of heaven is going to destroy the world, even gods like them will not be spared.

As if to erase all traces of civilization.

Erlang's figure began to become blurred.

Tiandao's restraining power is responding quickly.

Interfering with the existence of this true immortal consciousness.

"Well, it seems that the way of heaven is almost weak." Erlang Shen muttered: "If it was before, He would reject me when I appeared. Why would I wait to tell you these things?"

Li Yun was a little stunned.

"Since the way of heaven is weak, why are you still obsessed with destroying the world?"

"The way of heaven is ruthless and sentimental. I have no way to speculate on the logic of the way of heaven. His control is indeed weakening. At least in this era, it is much weaker than the previous era. I am afraid that even the way of heaven can't control it. Tsk tsk, The way of heaven may collapse, it seems to be quite interesting."

Funny shit, not funny at all.

After Li Yun complained silently, Erlang's figure disappeared.

It really blows with the wind.

Even the act of wanting to [seize the house] has no chance.

After Erlang's distraction dissipated, the system woke up.

"You're standing there! This system has been stripped?"

"Now don't call yourself this system, aren't you Haotian Tower?" Li Yun looked at the towering tower in front of him.

Soaring tower.
Wait a moment.
Li Yun used the Happy Tour to jump up to the roof of the Taoist temple and found that there were a lot of people taking pictures of Haotian Tower.

Ordinary people can see it.

The boundary between miracles and the human world begins to blur!
(End of this chapter)

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