Chapter 302

It was after eleven o'clock in the morning that Duan Jingyan, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he slowly sat up.

Maybe it was because of the severe insomnia last night, but now his mind is still a little muddleheaded.

Suddenly thinking of something, he quickly picked up his phone and glanced at the time.

When he saw the time of 11:15, his heart seemed to be immersed in ice, with a frightening coolness.

Oops!It's past eleven o'clock, could she have already left?
Thinking of this, his heart flustered and he was at a loss...

Then, he quickly put on the cotton slippers next to the big bed, and then quickly ran to the opposite room.

When he came to the door of Lin Xia's room, he raised his hand to hold the doorknob, his heart beating slightly stagnant because of nervousness.

Will she still be there?
Suppressed, he pursed his lips, then he turned the doorknob violently, pushed the door open and entered.

Looking into the room, in the spacious and spacious room, wisps of sunlight are shining in through the windows.

However, in the room at this moment, the original bag of luggage was gone, and Lin Xia was no longer there.

Heart, the feeling of dull pain slowly passing by, grinding inch by inch in his heart...

Then, he ran downstairs in a panic, intending to see if Lin Xia was still there.

When I came to the lobby on the first floor, I raised my eyes and looked around.

However, still nothing.He still hadn't spotted her.

Feeling more and more irritable, he looked at Aunt Fang who was busy at the dining table, and asked eagerly, "Aunt Fang, have you seen Xiao Xia?"

Aunt Fang glanced at Duan Jingyan, wondering why there was a flustered look on his face.

Then, she spoke slowly, "Xiao Xia was sent home by the driver, Uncle Wang, at seven o'clock in the morning."

Already... gone?

He felt a sudden sense of loss in his heart.

Then, he nodded slightly, "Well, I see..."

Walking upstairs step by step with heavy steps, he didn't know how to describe his current mood.

It's all because I thought too much last night.So much so... I missed the farewell with her today.

"Huh..." He sighed unwillingly.He thought, now he probably won't be able to see her for the entire winter vacation...


Sitting in the car, Lin Xia looked around at the scene.I saw a long queue of cars on the road, waiting for the green light.

"It's still a few days before the Chinese New Year. I didn't expect the traffic to become so crowded all of a sudden."

Uncle Wang looked at the blocked road and couldn't help saying something casually.

Lin Xia thought to herself, it is indeed quite difficult.However, according to this situation, would it be too late for her to get home?

At around seven o'clock in the evening, the car finally arrived at the intersection of Lin Xia's hometown.Through the street lamps on the street, she saw sporadic snow falling outside the window, one by one, falling in front of the car.

She thought that city A was already cold, but she didn't expect it to be even colder in winter in her hometown.

Covering her hands, she turned her head out of the window again.

Closer, she is finally closer to her original home.She will be home in about ten minutes.

At this moment, Lin Xia's heart was beating violently due to excitement and tension.

The feeling of returning to her hometown after a long absence made her extremely happy.

After more than ten minutes, Uncle Wang parked the car at the gate of a small courtyard.Lin Xia looked at the familiar courtyard, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

After saying goodbye to Uncle Wang, she got out of the car with her luggage.

Outside the car, a gust of cold wind blew, and a few light snowflakes fell on her shoulders.

The corner of his mouth curled up into a slight smile in the night.She sighed in her heart: After so many years, she finally came back...

(End of this chapter)

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