Chapter 303

Carrying the luggage and walking a few steps forward, Lin Xia looked at the ancient brown painted wooden door, then raised her hand and knocked a few times.

After knocking on the door, she stood aside and waited with her head bowed, the tension and excitement slowly pervading in her heart.

After a few seconds, the wooden door was slowly opened from the inside, and the person who opened the door slowly appeared in Lin Xia's vision.

After seeing clearly who opened the door, Lin Xia's fingers holding the luggage stopped slowly.

After Grandma Lin opened the door, she saw a sweet girl in a goose-yellow padded coat appearing in her sight.

At first glance, she didn't seem to react much.

At the second glance, when she saw the tears that suddenly emerged from the corners of the girl's eyes, she was stunned as if she had been shocked by an electric shock.

After a while, she pointed at Lin Xia tremblingly and said, " are Xiao Xia?"

Hearing Grandma Lin's words, Lin Xia suddenly choked up, then rushed forward and hugged Grandma Lin, "Yes, Grandma, I'm Xiaoxia, I'm back..."

"Good boy, my little Xia, you are finally back..." Grandma Lin touched Lin Xia's head, weeping uncontrollably.

After crying for a few minutes, she looked at Lin Xia carefully again, and then exclaimed, "It's been so many years, and you've become more and more beautiful. Just now when you stood in front of me, I was a little bit Can't recognize it."

Lin Xia smiled embarrassedly, "Maybe this is what the older generation said about the eighteen changes of the female university!"

Then, Grandma Lin touched Lin Xia's hand.When she felt her fingers were cold, Grandma Lin showed a distressed look on her face, and immediately pulled her into the house.

"Yao Gang, quickly take out the stove!" After entering the house, Grandma Lin shouted towards the inner room.

Then, a middle-aged man in a black padded jacket came out with a stove in his hand, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Look, who is this?" Grandma Lin didn't answer Uncle Lin's question directly, but pointed at Lin Xia.

Lin Yaogang took a look at Lin Xia, and saw that the girl in front of him was slim and graceful, with familiar expressions on her brows and eyes.

However, he didn't remember that he knew such a big girl.

No, it seems that he forgot a very important person.When thinking of this person, his mind froze for a moment.Then, he said slowly, "This...couldn't be Xiaoxia?"

"Uncle, I'm Xiaoxia." Lin Xia was also very excited when she saw Uncle Lin, and then she immediately opened her mouth to explain.

"It's great, it's great! Our family can finally have a reunion in the New Year." Uncle Lin looked at Lin Xia, and then handed over the stove in his hand, "Xiao Xia, it's cold, you should warm up by the fire first."

After several people sat down, Uncle Lin began to slowly ask how Lin Xia's life has been in the past few years. Lin Xia told Uncle Lin and Grandma Lin about some of her experiences while warming up by the fire.

After more than an hour, Lin Xia basically explained some of the situation.

After listening to Lin Xia's narration, Grandma Lin kept sighing, "Xiao Xia, I was still worried that you would have a bad life there. But after hearing what you said, I was relieved."

Uncle Lin also nodded at the side, "I thought Mr. Duan was a refined and sensible person before. From this point of view, I am sure I was right."

"Well, Uncle Duan is very kind to me." Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Xia immediately took out the gift from Duan Qiming from the luggage bag, "This is a New Year's gift that Uncle Duan asked me to bring. He said he was busy at the end of the year, So I can’t come here in person.”

Uncle Lin looked at the gift, then sighed.Speaking of which, in fact, this gentleman in the city is also a person who knows how to repay kindness...

(End of this chapter)

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