My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 311 Kiss under the night

Chapter 311 Kiss under the night (3)

"Duan Jingyan..."

Lin Xia's heart skipped a beat, and then she gently opened her lips to call him.

"Hmm. What's the matter?" He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down at her.

"You..." With a sigh, Lin Xia held back what he was going to say in his heart.

"What about me?" Duan Jingyan was puzzled.

"It's nothing..." Lin Xia shook her head, not wanting to explain more about this matter.

However, Duan Jingyan didn't intend to let her go so easily.

"Did you just want to say something?" He continued to ask.

"I... no," she replied.

In fact, what she wanted to say was to tell him not to say such things in the future.However, she knew that it was useless for her to say it.

So, she simply stopped talking.

"So, you have nothing to say to me?" He raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Well, no."

"So, you mean you have nothing to do with me?"

"Well, no." She was puzzled, when did she plan to do something to him?

Hearing what she said, he gave a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and then opened his lips, "But, I have something I want to do to you."

Lin Xia frowned, and just when she was about to ask him what he was going to do to her, she saw his fair and handsome cheeks slowly enlarge in front of her.

Then, in a trance, she saw his brows and eyes approaching her lips inch by inch.

Breath, getting closer.

Before she could react to what he was going to do, he had already pressed her bright red lips against her.

For a moment, Lin Xia was so startled that his eyes widened, and then he seemed to forget to breathe.

After staying on her lips for three seconds, he reluctantly left, and then said in a deep voice, "This is what I want to do to you."

In his sight, Lin Xia saw Duan Jingyan raising his eyebrows and smiling at her.

In that smile, there is pride, joy, and indulgence...

Seeing his smile, Lin Xia suddenly realized.This time, Duan Jingyan actually kissed her again.

And... under the condition that he is not angry.

He... how could he do this?

Quietly, she slowly lowered her head, and the base of her ears slowly turned pink unconsciously.

The night was clear, and the cold night wind was still blowing. "Huhu" blowing in the ears, shaking the hearts of the people...

There was silence on the white snow, the boy looked down at the girl with a slight smile.And the girl lowered her head in a panic at a loss.

Everything has become the most beautiful picture scroll in winter.

After the wind, Duan Jingyan slowly raised his hand.

Lin Xia looked at the shadow of his raised hand on the snow, feeling more and more confused.

What on earth does he want to do?
She has already let him kiss...

I saw Duan Jingyan's slender fingers slowly approaching Lin Xia's cheek, and then paused for three seconds.

Just when Lin Xia thought he was going to reach out and caress her cheek, he suddenly turned his fingers away.

Then, he pinned her hair that was hanging on the side of the ear to the back of the ear, and said, "Tonight, your hair always seems to fall. I have wanted to do this for a long time..."

Looking at his hands with both eyes, Lin Xia's heart was beating rapidly.With tension, with joy, with an inexplicable sense of bewilderment.

Finally, he looked up at Duan Jingyan again, Lin Xia suddenly turned around, and then quickly ran into the house.

In Duan Jingyan's eyes, this back figure seemed to be running away.

Then, he smiled happily.So, is she scared?Or... are you moved?
 Dear friends, sorry for the late update.

  I'm really busy and tired today, because I'm recruiting new students.

  Haha, but the author saw a lot of beautiful boys and cute girls! O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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