My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 312 Kiss under the night

Chapter 312 Kiss under the night (4)

After returning to the room, Lin Xia closed the door forcefully with a "bang".

Then, she leaned against the cold door, panting heavily.

In his mind, the scene where Duan Jingyan kissed her just now is still vivid in his memory.

His eyebrows, his cheeks, his... lips.

The air in the room was freezing.However, she felt that her face was inexplicably hot.Bit by bit, it spread around the ears.

Heart, hot and heartbeat together.

For a moment, she felt that she was becoming more and more at a loss when facing Duan Jingyan.

Leaning against the door, she took a breath and calmed down her heartbeat, then she lifted her legs and walked step by step to the chair next to the desk.


The next morning, Lin Xia got up early as usual.

After getting up, she began to help Grandma Lin cook porridge.

Looking at the porridge steaming and smoking in the pot, Lin Xia's clear eyes slowly filled with mist.Duan Jingyan's face appeared in his eyes uncontrollably.

Sighing almost inaudibly, she couldn't help thinking: Why, Duan Jingyan keeps appearing in her mind now?

Before, he only appeared occasionally.

Now, it appears from time to time...

She seemed to be losing control of herself.

Before, it was a heartbeat.

Now, maybe it has evolved into a liking...

"I like it." She read the two words gently in her mouth.Suddenly, she found that these two words were easy to pronounce.

Then, slightly dazed, she began to be dazed again.

"Who do you like?" At this moment, a deep voice suddenly appeared behind him.

Inexplicably, she was taken aback by the sudden words.

Immediately afterwards, she turned around and looked behind her.

After turning around, she saw a handsome face with an upturned mouth in her sight.

With playfulness and scrutiny in his eyes, he looked straight at her.

It's... Duan Jingyan.

I was a little flustered and a little nervous.Did he hear the word "like" just now?
Will he think about something?
So, she quickly changed the subject, "No... I don't like anything. Why did you get up so early? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"I'm so happy, I'm so excited, I don't even have the slightest thought of going back to sleep. So, get up!"

After hearing Lin Xia's words, Duan Jingyan was only in a hurry to answer.So, the things that Lin Xia said he liked just now were instantly forgotten by him.

"Well, I see. Breakfast will be ready soon." Lin Xia looked at him, breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to speak.

Duan Jingyan smiled to himself, then nodded.

Breakfast, on the table.

Uncle Lin's family and Duan Jingyan were sitting at the dining table having breakfast.

During breakfast, Uncle Lin asked Duan Jingyan some trivial matters, and Duan Jingyan answered them patiently.

Hearing Duan Jingyan's voice that suddenly became gentle and polite, Lin Xia couldn't help raising his head, and then glanced at him for a while.

Seeing Lin Xia's gaze suddenly turned, Duan Jingyan immediately caught her gaze, and quickly met her gaze.

In an instant, Lin Xia's pure and clear eyes fell into Duan Jingyan's distant and sly eyes unconsciously.

Why did he look over again?
A surprise slowly surged in her heart, and then she immediately rolled her eyes away.

Does he know that uncle and grandma are watching.

What should she do if something is really seen out?
Sighing softly in her heart, she lowered her head, trying to keep everything calm.

 School has started, so there is no time to update during the day.Sang Xining! ╮(╯_╰)╭

  Therefore, it may be updated at night in the future.

  Maybe during the day on weekends. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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