My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 402 I will give you a miracle

Chapter 402 I will give you a miracle (3)

Today is the last day of the college entrance examination.The sky is high and the clouds are light, with a breeze.

At this moment, Lin Xia is sitting in the room reading a book.However, she couldn't help looking up at the clock hanging on the wall.

The minute and second hands kept turning, and Lin Xia's heart seemed to be ticking along with it.

The college entrance examination is coming to an end, and I don't know how Duan Jingyan is doing?

While bowing her head in thought, Lin Xia suddenly heard the sound of a car starting downstairs.

So, she got up immediately, and then stuck her head out of the window.

As far as she could see, she saw Duan Qiming sitting in the cab.Chen Miao walked out slowly from the door of Duan's house, probably also walking in the direction of the car.

Could it be...are they going to take Duan Jingyan home?

The thought flashed by, and without time to think about it, Lin Xia immediately ran downstairs.

Panting and running to the car, she hurriedly asked, "Uncle Duan, are you going to pick up Duan Jing... Oh, no, I mean, are you going to pick up Brother A Jing home?"

Duan Qiming nodded, "Yes. His college entrance examination will be over in more than an hour. So, you, Aunt Chen, and I plan to go there early and wait for him to finish the exam."

It turned out to be true, Lin Xia whispered in her heart.

"Uncle Duan, that...can I go there together?" After hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Xia opened his lips.

Duan Qiming was stunned for a moment, because he didn't expect Lin Xia to care about Ah Jing so much.Then, he smiled and replied, "Of course."

The relationship between Ah Jing and Xiao Xia has improved, which he is happy to see.So, of course he would not refuse Lin Xia's request.

Duan Qiming's words made Lin Xia's heart feel relieved.

Then, she also got into the car.

After Lin Xia sat down, the car started slowly, and then drove steadily towards Mingjing High School.

When the car arrived at the gate of Mingjing Education, Duan Qiming slowly stopped the car.

Looking at the time, the college entrance examination will be over in ten minutes.

Sighing slightly in his heart, he couldn't help thinking: I don't know how well Ah Jing is performing?

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Lin Xia heard a "Dang Dang Dang" bell ringing inside the campus.

Listen carefully, it seems to be the bell of the end of the college entrance examination.

So, has Duan Jingyan finished the exam now?

She was a little dazed, a little dazed.

The college entrance examination, which so many people valued so much, passed away quickly in just two and a half days.

The life of study is long, but the time of the college entrance examination is short.

She suddenly felt a little emotional, and she didn't know what it would be like when she took the college entrance examination?
While lowering his brows and thinking, suddenly, the rear door was opened from the outside with a "click".

Slowly raising his eyes, Lin Xia looked in the direction of the car door.

Slowly, she saw Duan Jingyan carrying a black schoolbag on one shoulder, and then appeared in her sight.

Seeing Lin Xia sitting on the back seat, Duan Jingyan paused for a few seconds.Then, he gave her a small smile.

Then, he sat down next to Lin Xia, and closed the car door.

"Ah Jing, how are you doing today? How did you do in the exam?" Duan Qiming turned to look at Duan Jingyan, and eagerly asked the question he wanted to know.

"Status... that's it... As for how you did in the exam, of course we won't know until the results come out!" Duan Jingyan replied unhurriedly.

"So, is the test paper difficult for this exam?" Duan Qiming asked again.

"Difficult! Very rare!" Duan Jingyan raised his eyebrows, and then lightly parted his thin lips.

(End of this chapter)

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