My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 403 I will give you a miracle

Chapter 403 I will give you a miracle (3)

Duan Jingyan's answer made Duan Qiming's heart go cold for a moment.

He frowned deeply, and then pondered: The test paper is so difficult, it seems that Ah Jing must not be able to pass the test... Maybe, there are some things that need to be reviewed in advance.
It's on the agenda.

Then, Duan Qiming started the car without saying a word, and then quickly drove in the direction of Duan's house.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped steadily at the gate of Duan's house.

Duan Qiming's face became a little serious, and then he said to Duan Jingyan, "Ah Jing, come with me to the study."

After opening the car door, Duan Jingyan was deeply puzzled for a while.Then, step by step, he followed Duan Qiming into the gate of Duan's house.

In the study on the second floor, Duan Qiming glanced down at Duan Jingyan, and then sighed deeply in his heart, "Ah Jing, I will enroll you in a class tomorrow. You should learn some spoken English every day this summer vacation."

Hearing this sentence, Duan Jingyan panicked, "Dad, what do you mean? Why do you want me to learn spoken English all of a sudden?"

Faintly, a bad premonition flashed in Duan Jingyan's heart.

He always felt that... Duan Qiming seemed to have other plans.

"You..." Duan Qiming hesitated for a few seconds, and then continued, "Ah Jing, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that this test paper is so difficult, I think it seems difficult for you to get a high score, right? So, it's better to go earlier Learn some practical spoken English and prepare for going abroad in advance.”

Duan Qiming's words made Duan Jingyan's heart flutter violently, and then he said excitedly, "Dad, didn't you say that if I was admitted to a prestigious school, I wouldn't have to go abroad? I just finished the college entrance examination, why are you in such a hurry to make arrangements? ?”

"Ah Jing, I'm doing this for your own good. Prepare early so that you won't be too flustered by then."

"Dad...why can't you trust me just once? Do you have to force me to go abroad?" Duan Jingyan was depressed, and his excited tone was a little hoarse.

Looking at Duan Jingyan's appearance, Duan Qiming slowly explained, "Ah Jing, I really want to believe you too. But what can you do to make me believe you? Ever since you were young, your grades have always been at the bottom. .So, how am I supposed to trust you?"

After a pause, he continued to say in a deep voice, "In short, you don't need to say any more. Tomorrow, you can learn spoken English. I will arrange for you to go abroad soon."

"No, I won't go! Dad, wait until the results of the college entrance examination come out before making arrangements, okay? I'll give you a miracle!" After speaking, Duan Jingyan strode out of the study, and then closed the door forcefully.

What Duan Jingyan said just now seemed to be still echoing in his ears.However, Duan Qiming didn't take it to heart.

Because, in his eyes, everything Duan Jingyan said just now was an expression of conceit.

He knew nothing about his son.If he can be admitted to a bachelor's degree, perhaps this is already an extraordinary performance.This test paper is so difficult, how could he create any miracles?

No, he can't let Ah Jing continue to sink into himself like this.As a father, he had to plan ahead for him.

However, at present, it seems that Ah Jing is unwilling to go abroad.This problem is a bit tricky, what should I do?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind: the brother-sister relationship between Ah Jing and Xiao Xia seems to be getting better and better.Why don't you let Xiaoxia try to persuade Ah Jing.

Thinking of this, Duan Qiming immediately opened the door, and then walked to the door of Lin Xia's room.

(End of this chapter)

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