My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 404 Don't Even You Believe Me

Chapter 404 Don't Even You Believe Me (1)

Standing in front of Lin Xia's room door, Duan Qiming raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Within a few seconds, Lin Xia opened the door from the inside.

"Duan...Uncle Duan..." Looking at Duan Qiming who came suddenly, Lin Xia was surprised.

Because, in her impression, Duan Qiming rarely came to her room to find her.

So, is there something important for him to come to her this time?
"Xiao Xia, I have something to tell you. Can I come in?"

Then, Lin Xia immediately got out of the way, and then let Duan Qiming walk into the door, "Of course. Uncle Duan, please come in."

Walking into Lin Xia's room, Duan Qiming looked at it casually for a while.Then, he said slowly, "Little Xia, actually, I came to you today because I want to ask you for something."

Lin Xia looked up puzzled.Because she didn't know what Duan Qiming would ask her for.After all, she was just a student, and there seemed to be nothing she could do to help.

So, she raised her eyes and waited for Duan Qiming to continue.

"Ah Jing, he refuses to go abroad. However, judging from his performance, if he does not go abroad, he will not have a good development at all." After a pause for a few seconds, Duan Qiming finally got to the point, "Xiaoxia, I know that Ah The relationship between Jing and your brother and sister is getting better and better. So, I want you to help me persuade him. Can you?"

What?Uncle Duan wants her to persuade Duan Jingyan to go abroad?
But, she couldn't do it...

The thought of Duan Jingyan going abroad made her feel more and more uneasy and flustered.

If she was asked to persuade him, she would definitely not be able to bear it, and would be heartbroken.

Raising her eyes, just as she was about to say no, she met Duan Qiming's loving and expectant eyes.

Looking at those expectant and loving eyes, she found that she suddenly couldn't say no.

Uncle Duan was so kind to her, as caring as his biological father.How could she refuse so selfishly?

He bit his lip, holding back the pain in his heart.Finally, she nodded lightly, "I see, Uncle Duan, I will persuade Brother Ah Jing."

Hearing that Lin Xia was willing to help him persuade Duan Jingyan, Duan Qiming's frowning brows began to ease slowly, "Xiao Xia, then I'm counting on you."


After dinner, Lin Xia stood quietly by the window sill and looked at the hazy night.

But at this moment, her heart was beating violently.

Because, she was about to go to Duan Jingyan, and she was about to say those words to persuade him to go abroad.

In her heart, she was actually unwilling.But what can she do?

After standing for a minute, Lin Xia plucked up his courage, clasped his hands, and then walked slowly to the door of Duan Jingyan's room.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on his door.

After waiting for a few seconds, she saw the door was slowly opened.

Then, Duan Jingyan's slender body and handsome face came into her eyes.

Seeing Lin Xia standing quietly in front of his room, Duan Jingyan's depressed mood gradually improved.

"You're here..." He looked at her and said softly.

"Yeah." Lin Xia nodded.

"Come in." Duan Jingyan saw that Lin Xia was standing in the same place, a little out of control, so he immediately stretched out his hand and pulled her into his room.

After closing the door, Duan Jingyan opened his lips again, "By the way, why did you come to me suddenly today?"

Looking up at Lin Xia's eyebrows, Duan Jingyan waited patiently for her to answer.

 Three chapters will be updated first, and there will be more in the evening.The next subtitle is about to discover the secret. ≧?≦

(End of this chapter)

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