My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 414 The Code Word of Milk Chocolate Black Tea

Chapter 414 The Code Word of Milk Chocolate Black Tea (1)

The car drove to the gate of Duan's house and stopped slowly.

Opening the car door, Lin Xia got out of the car first.

The atmosphere in the car just now was too embarrassing.

Although she didn't turn around, she could feel that Duan Jingyan's handsome eyes were always on her body.

His eyes were so focused and intense that she was at a loss as to what to do.

After getting off the car, Lin Xia immediately walked into the door of Duan's house with big strides.

Seeing her hurrying back, Duan Jingyan raised the corner of his mouth and immediately followed her.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Lin Xia saw Chen Miao sitting on the sofa watching TV.

So, she said politely, "Aunt Chen, I'm back."

Seeing Lin Xia walk into the house, Chen Miao stood up immediately, "Xiao Xia, did the exam go well today? Have you done all the questions?"

Lin Xia nodded, "The test questions are not too difficult, and most of them have been written out. There are still a few questions in mathematics that I am not sure about..."

"That's good. It's normal to have a few uncertainties. Xiaoxia, I believe you will pass the exam." Looking up at the kitchen, Chen Miao continued, "Xiaoxia, you must be hungry after the exam. .I have told Aunt Fang to prepare dinner. You go upstairs and put your things away, and come down for dinner later."

Lin Xia nodded, and then walked up the stairs.

Seeing Lin Xia walking upstairs, Duan Jingyan wanted to follow.

However, Chen Miao who was behind him suddenly stopped him, "Ah Jing, it's time for dinner, so sit downstairs and don't go up."

As a result, Duan Jingyan's legs stopped slowly.Sighing deeply, he lowered his eyes in thought.In fact, he just wanted to catch up with her and ask her for an answer.Thinking about it carefully, now that she has just finished the exam, it might be a bit awkward to ask her right away.

Forget it, forget it, then ask her after dinner...

Back in the room, Lin Xia put down the schoolbag on her shoulders and put it on the desk.

Pushing open the window, her clear eyes looked out of the window.

The garden outside the window is full of greenery, exuding the unique atmosphere of early summer.

In my mind, what Duan Jingyan said in the morning suddenly appeared.

Don't forget to give him an answer, he said.

Although she already had a clear answer in her heart.

However, at this moment, she suddenly hesitated.

She knows that the decisions she makes will affect many, many things.

These things not only include Duan Jingyan's future, but also her future.It even concerns the Duan family.

So, what is she supposed to do?

give him up?
No, she can't.How could she easily give up on someone who had silently and repressedly liked him for so long?

accept him?
Accepting him meant that she had betrayed Uncle Duan's trust in her, and it meant that she and Duan Jingyan would embark on a bumpy road from now on.She really couldn't bear to see him in trouble.

How to do?What should she do?
Tonight, she will give him an answer.

However, Lin Xia felt that she was a little confused at the moment.

After a few seconds of contemplation, her eyes suddenly became firm.

There is only this time of youth in a person's life, only this time when he is young and frivolous.

So, this time, let her put aside all the depression and restraints in her heart and listen to the truest voice in her heart.

She didn't want to suppress the pain like this anymore.This time, she has to be herself, and she has to bravely pursue her own happiness.

Even if tens of thousands of people block it, even if the hurricane is violent.This time, she will not give up and shrink back.

(End of this chapter)

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