My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 415 The Code Word of Milk Chocolate Black Tea

Chapter 415 The Code Word of Milk Chocolate Black Tea (2)

After dinner, Lin Xia hurried upstairs.

Looking at Lin Xia's back as he walked further and further away, Duan Jingyan felt that he suddenly lost his appetite for food.

Because, at this moment, all his heart is on her.Just after dinner, he thought from time to time that she still owed him an answer.

Then, Duan Jingyan also put down his chopsticks, stood up from the chair, and quickly walked upstairs.

Chen Miao watched Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia leave the dining table one after another, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: What happened to these two children today?Why does eating seem to be much faster than usual?
Frowning, she continued to eat with her head down.

Walking to the door of Lin Xia's room, Duan Jingyan first took a deep breath.

Then, he raised his hand and slowly opened the door.

The door slowly opened, and Duan Jingyan saw Lin Xia sitting quietly at the desk reading a collection of essays.

Duan Jingyan was a little puzzled by her calm appearance.

He said in the morning that she should not forget to give him an answer.So, shouldn't she be nervously waiting for his arrival now?Why is she so calm?

Could it be... She didn't take this matter to heart at all?
Or is she trying to reject him again this time?

Thinking of this, Duan Jingyan frowned slightly.With strong anxiety, he walked behind her step by step.

After a few seconds of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Is it time for you to give me an answer?"

Hearing Duan Jingyan's suppressed and magnetic voice, Lin Xia slowly turned around.

Looking up at him, she had a peaceful face, "I've already made a decision, and I already have an answer in my heart. Can you...can you go back to your room and wait for me?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at him calmly.However, deep in her pupils was an unstoppable tension and anticipation.

Duan Jingyan was a little puzzled.

Isn't it just to give him an answer?Why do you want him to go back to the room first?

Although he was a little puzzled, he finally nodded slightly, and strode out of her room.

After returning to his room, Duan Jingyan suddenly sat down on his big bed, and then his eyes were fixed on the wall clock on the wall.

The pointer that kept moving was like his beating heart at the moment. It seemed stable, but there was a surge of excitement hidden in it.

After about 5 minutes, Duan Jingyan heard a clear knock on the door.

His heart skipped a beat, he stood up excitedly from the bed, and strode towards the door.

Stretching out his hand, he opened the door vigorously, then looked up.

In his sight, he saw Lin Xia holding a cup of milk tea in his hand.She was looking straight at him in front of her, and she seemed to be saying something lightly in her bright eyes.

"What is this?" Duan Jingyan asked.

"This is milk chocolate black tea." Lin Xia explained slowly.

Strange, why did she suddenly give him a cup of milk tea?Duan Jingyan was very puzzled.

Looking at Duan Jingyan with confused and puzzled eyes in front of him, Lin Xia raised her bright red lips and smiled at him.

Then, she handed him the milk tea in her hand, "This... is my answer."

Duan Jingyan's eyes widened in shock, " your answer?"

Lin Xia nodded, "That's right, all my answers and all I want to say are in this cup of milk tea. If you understand, then come to me."

After speaking, Lin Xia turned around and went back to her room, then closed the door.

 Stay for a while and continue to update. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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