My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 416 The Code Word of Milk Chocolate Black Tea

Chapter 416 The Code Word of Milk Chocolate Black Tea (3)

Looking at the door that was suddenly closed by Lin Xia, Duan Jingyan was slightly taken aback.

So, is this cup of milk tea her answer?
Walking into the room, Duan Jingyan raised his hand to take a careful look at the cup of milk tea with the help of the bright light above his head.

Under the soft light, the white and brown milk tea in the cup is slightly rippling.

When you smell it closely, there is a strong smell of milk and chocolate.

However, looking left and right, he still couldn't see anything.

Isn't this just a cup of ordinary milk tea?What's the difference?

She said that everything she wanted to say and the answer were in this cup of milk tea.Could it be... Do you have to finish drinking to see the answer?

After thinking about it, Duan Jingyan raised his head, and then suddenly began to gulp down the milk tea in the cup.

The fragrance overflowed through his throat, and that taste made him linger.

I have to say, this cup of milk tea is delicious.

However, until the cup bottomed out and all the milk tea was drunk, he didn't see any answer.

How come there is no answer?What went wrong?
Doesn't that mean what she said?
In fact, it is not after drinking milk tea that you can see the answer.

After careful thought, Duan Jingyan suddenly realized.If there is no answer after drinking it, then it can only mean that there is an unknown code word hidden in this cup of milk tea.

But what is the code word?What does this cup of milk tea represent?

Frowning deeply, Duan Jingyan lay down on the bed again, and then began to meditate.

She said it was a cup of milk chocolate black tea.

So this has milk, chocolate and black tea in it.

Milk, with a pure white and rich taste.

Chocolate... well, something very foreign.

Black tea... has a long history.

The more he thought about it, the more bored he became, because Duan Jingyan found that he couldn't figure it out at all.

At this moment, he was anxious and confused.He really wanted to get an answer from it quickly, but he didn't understand the meaning of it at all.

This feeling is really both tormenting and annoying.

Sighing deeply, he stood up from the bed, planning to go directly to Lin Xia's room and ask her what this cup of milk tea meant.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, he stopped.

Because he suddenly remembered that just now Lin Xia said that if he understood, then he would go to her.

So her subtext is that if he doesn't understand tonight, then don't go to her.

Thinking of this, Duan Jingyan lowered his eyes, looking a little depressed.

It seems that he can only continue to study the code words of this cup of milk tea.

Lying on the big bed, thoughts raced through his mind, what kind of thoughts passed by.However, he failed to come up with the code word for this milk tea.

He couldn't help thinking: What does this cup of milk tea represent?Did she agree to be with him or refuse to be with him?
She said that there was everything she wanted to say in that cup of milk tea.So, what exactly is she trying to say?
After one o'clock in the morning, Duan Jingyan still didn't feel sleepy at all.

That cup of milk tea was like an unsolved mystery, which deeply troubled him.

In the dark night, he exhaled lightly, then closed his eyes.

It seems that he is destined to lose sleep tonight...


At six o'clock in the morning, Duan Jingyan walked slowly to Lin Xia's room door with tired eyes open.

Without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door.

Because he really couldn't stand it anymore.

After thinking about it all night, he still didn't know what that cup of milk tea represented.

Let him continue to ponder and study that cup of milk tea, he is afraid that he will go crazy waiting.Therefore, he could only choose to ask her in person.

(End of this chapter)

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