My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 435 Love rivals meet, especially jealous

Chapter 435 Love rivals meet, especially jealous (2)

Sitting beside Lin Xia, Chen Miao raised her hand to look at her watch from time to time.While watching, she couldn't help muttering in her heart: Looking at the time, the Chen family should be here soon...

At this time, the door of the box was suddenly opened from the outside.

Looking up, it was the Chen Yanci family that everyone was waiting for.

Seeing them coming, Duan Qiming and Chen Miao immediately stood up from the sofa, and strode forward.

Greeting them with smiling faces, Chen Miao spoke first, "Brother, sister-in-law, you are here."

"Well, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. There is a bit of traffic jam on the road." Mother Chen smiled apologetically, and then spoke out.

"It's okay, and I haven't waited long." With that said, Chen Miao led Chen Yanci's family to the dining table.

After everyone was seated, Duan Qiming happily said to Father Chen, "Congratulations to your family for getting the first place in the liberal arts exam."

After listening, Father Chen also raised his voice, "Congratulations, congratulations. I also congratulate Ah Jing for being the first in science."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the two families began to order food for dinner.

Sitting silently opposite Lin Xia, Chen Yanci's heart was mixed with sorrow and joy.

He is sad that she has now become Ah Jing's girlfriend.However, to be able to sit opposite her and even have a meal with her today, he still couldn't help but feel joy and joy in his heart.

Although he had already warned himself not to stare at Lin Xia when he just entered the door.

However, sitting opposite her, feeling her strong presence, he still couldn't help the excitement in his heart, and then raised his eyes to look in her direction.

She is really beautiful today, wearing a goose yellow dress, which makes her skin as white as snow.

Her eyelids are lowered, her eyelashes fluttering slightly.Even though she didn't make any movements now, it already had a different charm, which made him linger and let him gradually immerse himself in her beauty again.

Feeling the strong gaze from the opposite side, Lin Xia looked up suspiciously.

Wherever she looked, she saw Chen Yanci's eyes looking at her without blinking.

There was embarrassment in his eyes, but Lin Xia still nodded to him politely and smiled slightly.

Looking at Lin Xia's sudden smile, Chen Yanci's heart felt as if a spring breeze had passed by, filled with the scent of flowers and a little bit of warmth.

So, he returned a gentle smile to her.

Sitting next to Lin Xia, Duan Jingyan had a thorough look at what happened between Chen Yanci and Lin Xia just now.

As a result, the raging anger in his heart began to burn violently, and it became more and more vigorous.

How dare they flirt like this in front of him?

How could she, as his girlfriend, be so unaware?

Holding the chopsticks tightly with both hands, and getting tighter and tighter, the anger in his heart seemed to swallow him whole.

He had actually been holding back this breath for a long time.

Three days ago, when Lin Xia smiled brightly because Chen Yanci took the first place in the liberal arts exam, he was already very unhappy in his heart.

Therefore, in Duan Jingyan's eyes, the actions of the two of them now made things worse.

He took a deep breath, and after many seconds of silence, suddenly, Duan Jingyan quietly moved his hand under the table, then reached out and grabbed Lin Xia's left hand which happened to be hanging under the table.

A burst of warmth and pain came through the palm of his hand, and Lin Xia couldn't help frowning.

Slightly lowering her head to look under the table, she found that Duan Jingyan's right hand was holding her hand tightly, and it was getting tighter and tighter, as if she had exhausted all her strength...

 I'm sorry, the author didn't deliberately have so few, but really didn't have time to write.

  I'm a little busy with school.I learned the difficult part of French today, and I still have a lot of homework, Sang Xin... TOT
  About update: Four updates every day.Will add more on weekends when I have time.

  Brother Duan is going to explode with jealousy tomorrow, the excitement is not to be missed! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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