My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 436 Duan Jingyan is jealous

Chapter 436 Duan Jingyan is jealous (1)

It hurts... Why did he suddenly hold her hand so tightly?

Lin Xia frowned and sighed slightly.

I couldn't stand his sudden strength.So, her fingers touched his palm lightly, hoping that he could let go.

However, Duan Jingyan didn't seem to feel Lin Xia's touch at all, his slender and cold fingers still held her hand tightly, showing no tendency to loosen.

Turning around and raising her head, Lin Xia glanced at Duan Jingyan's downcast eyes, and her heart began to change from puzzlement to anger.

What happened to him?Why did you suddenly treat her like this?

Why... He didn't give her a reason?
Why... His mood began to change so unpredictable again?
Duan Jingyan's tight grip made Lin Xia very uncomfortable.After taking a deep breath from the bottom of her heart, she gently touched Duan Jingyan with her hand again.

However, this time he was still unmoved, not even blinking his eyelids.

Seeing his reaction like this, Lin Xia was really angry this time.

So, she raised her foot and kicked Duan Jingzhang's calf under the table lightly.

"Ah..." The sudden pain in his calf made Duan Jingyan grunt unconsciously.

Turning slightly sideways, his eyes froze slightly, and then he quickly glanced at Lin Xia.

He didn't expect that she would dare to kick him.

Just now, she annoyed him, made him angry.Now, she dared to kick him...

How dare she...

Thinking, thinking, Duan Jingyan always felt that he was holding a breath in his heart.

"Ah Jing, what's the matter with you?" Hearing Duan Jingyan's sudden voice, Chen Miao turned around and asked with concern.

Duan Jingyan pouted quietly at Lin Xia, and then replied, "It's nothing."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and pretended to eat seriously.

Seeing that Duan Jingyan seemed to have nothing to do, Chen Miao didn't ask any further questions.So, she continued to chat with Mother Chen beside her.

At this moment, Chen Yanci who was sitting opposite also looked up at Duan Jingyan.

Inexplicably, he always felt that the atmosphere of Lin Xia and A Jing at the dinner table was a bit subtle.

However, the two people on the opposite side looked calm, and there was no interaction at all.

Could it be... did he feel wrong?Chen Yanci couldn't help thinking.

After a few seconds of calm heartbeat, Duan Jingyan pretended to be casual and glanced at Lin Xia.

Then, he gently raised his slender legs and slowly stretched them towards Lin Xia's calves.

After lightly touching Lin Xia's calf, he looked up at her and moved his lips inexplicably.

Then, his slender legs touched her again.

Lin Xia froze for a few seconds when she felt the touch on her legs, and then her whole body froze.

What... what is he doing?

She just kicked him just because she was a little angry.It's good for him, he didn't care that there were still people here, and just touched her openly like this!

What should I do if someone else finds out?
This guy, isn't he afraid at all? ?

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt, and the expression on her face became stunned.

At this moment, Chen Yanci also looked a little absent-minded, and Shen Mou didn't know what he was thinking.

In a daze, suddenly, the chopsticks he was holding fell to the ground with a "clack".

So, he bent slightly to pick it up.

(End of this chapter)

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