My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 437 Duan Jingyan is jealous

Chapter 437 Duan Jingyan is jealous (2)

Seeing Chen Yanci suddenly bend down, Lin Xia's heart began to beat violently.

Oops!Could it be that he was going to see this scene?Lin Xia panicked in her heart.

Then, she quickly moved her thighs away, trying to avoid the continuous friction on Duan Jingyan's legs.

Seeing Chen Yanci's actions, Duan Jingyan smiled slightly.Then, he deliberately held Lin Xia's hand tightly and dangled it under the table a few times.

Chen Yanci looked down.

When he saw the two tightly clasped palms on the opposite side, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, and his expression was slowly stained with sadness.

Ah Jing and sister Xiao Xia, has their relationship gotten so good?
Even for a meal, do they have to hold hands?
Why...why let him see this scene?
All this in front of him deeply hurt Chen Yanci's eyes.

After hastily picking up the chopsticks from the ground, he returned to his seat in a daze.

"Yanci, the chopsticks are already dirty. So, put them aside." Mother Chen looked at Chen Yanci and said.

However, Chen Yanci seemed to have not heard this sentence, and there was no reaction on his face.

"Yanci?" Looking at Chen Yanci's appearance, Mother Chen felt something was wrong.So she called out his name.

"Ah? Oh... ok..." It took a while for Chen Yanci to recover from the sadness just now.

Then, he replied softly.

"Yanci, what happened to you today?" Mother Chen frowned.

Chen Yanci shook his head, "Mom, I'm fine."

Squinting slightly, Duan Jingyan looked at Chen Yanci's bewildered look calmly.

Then, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Didn't his so-called cousin just keep staring at Xia Xia?Just now, haven't they been interacting all the time?

So, it's all his own fault.

After the meal, the adults of the two families began to talk to each other, discussing things about children, family and work.

Duan Jingyan listened, feeling drowsy and bored.

Holding his chin with one hand, he turned and glanced at Lin Xia.

After a few seconds, he said to Chen Miao and Duan Qiming, "Dad, Mom, it's a bit stuffy in the room. I'll take Xiao Xia out to get some fresh air."

The air conditioner is on in this room, it's so cool, why is it stuffy?Chen Miao was puzzled.

Forget it, it's good to go out for a walk after dinner.

So she nodded, "Okay, then you go, be careful on the road."

Suddenly she thought of Chen Yanci who was sitting beside her, so she said to him, "Yanci, do you want to go with Ah Jing and the others?"

Hearing Chen Miao mentioning himself, Chen Yanci first raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Xia and Chen Yanci.

There was a trace of pain and sadness in his eyes.

Then, he shook his head, "No. I won't go."

Duan Jingyan looked at Chen Yanci, then snorted softly.

Then, he walked out of the box with great strides.

Lin Xia raised her eyes to look at Duan Jingyan's back, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she raised her heels to follow.

With footsteps like the wind, Duan Jingyan walked forward quickly.

Turning around slightly and looking behind him, he found that Lin Xia was walking behind with some difficulty.

Pausing in his heart, he quietly slowed down and waited for her to approach.

Panting slightly and standing still, Lin Xia saw Duan Jingyan standing motionless in front.

He raised his foot and approached him step by step.Slowly, her heart beat faster...

 Very busy today.So the update is late.

  If it is said that it will not be updated, it will definitely be updated every day.

  There are still two chapters to be updated, so it will be posted later.

  Go to bed early, everyone, and continue watching tomorrow.good night ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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