My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 438 Duan Jingyan in Anger

Chapter 438 Duan Jingyan in Anger (1)

Walking behind Duan Jingyan and standing still, Lin Xia stared straight at his back.

Then, she sighed slowly, and asked her doubts, "What's wrong with you these days? Why are you so indifferent to me all of a sudden? And today, why did you hold my hand so hard? After a pause, she hid all her emotions in the last sentence, "Jing Yan, you...what's wrong?"

After Lin Xia finished speaking, Duan Jingyan turned around slowly and gracefully.

With deep eyes and burning eyes, Duan Jingyan didn't answer.Then, he pulled her arm suddenly, and then dragged her to the hotel gate.

Staggering forward, Lin Xia panicked.So, she immediately tugged on Duan Jingyan who was beside her with an expressionless face, "Jingyan, stop, I will walk by myself. Stop, please?"

However, Duan Jingyan still walked forward on his own, as if he hadn't heard Lin Xia's words.

Walking out of the hotel gate, a sweltering breeze blows, and Duan Jingyan's somewhat bored and impatient heart becomes even hotter.

Lifting his eyes to glance around the hotel, he pulled Lin Xia to walk in another direction.

"Jingyan, where are you going?" Seeing that Duan Jingyan just dragged her forward without saying a word, Lin Xia was puzzled and uneasy.

"Don't talk, we will have plenty of time to talk slowly later."

After finishing speaking, Duan Jingyan strode forward.

When he came to a building with flickering lights, Duan Jingyan's footsteps slowly stopped.

Lin Xia looked up at the front of the building.So, "The big characters Melody KTV came into her eyes."

KTV?How did he bring her here?
Lin Xia's clear eyes were full of surprise.

However, before she had time to think about it, she was dragged in by Duan Jingyan.

Holding the VIP gold card, Duan Jingyan first swiped it in the lobby on the first floor, and then he took Lin Xia up to the box on the third floor in a familiar way.

When he came to the box on the third floor, Duan Jingyan opened the door and walked in.

Turning around and taking a look at Lin Xia, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into the box.

Then, he slammed his hand and closed the door of the box.

After arriving at the box, Lin Xia raised her eyes and glanced casually.

The box in front of me is very luxurious.

Above the head is a crystal chandelier, surrounded by exquisite and design-filled niche decorations.As a result, the red tiles under the feet looked radiant under the light.

At this moment, the box was empty and quiet.

Feeling the silence all around, Lin Xia felt an unknown sense of helplessness in her heart.

Duan Jingyan tonight is really weird.

Therefore, she has no perception nor prediction of what will happen next.

All she knew was... the next one might not be so pleasant.

Quietly, she lowered her eyes and waited for Duan Jingyan to speak.

Looking down at Lin Xia with a calm face, Duan Jingyan took a deep breath, and then spoke slowly.

" you also like Chen Yanci?"

After hearing Duan Jingyan's words, Lin Xia didn't react for a moment.

After hearing it clearly, a sense of grievance and vague anger of not being trusted began to surge up in her heart little by little.

Biting her lip, her eyes were filled with mist, "Duan Jingyan, do you know what you are talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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