My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 468 Missing You Only Kissing You

Chapter 468 Missing You Only Kissing You (1)

Looking at this figure, Lin Xia's eyes that were as clear as blue waves flashed a few shallow ripples.

The ripples are like rippling water halos, spreading around the heart.

A knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.At this moment, Lin Xia's eyes were full of surprise and joy.

Seeing Duan Jingyan at the school gate, she was surprised, but more than that, she couldn't hide her joy.

At that moment just now, she felt as if she had returned to the period of junior high school in a trance.

She remembered that at that time, Duan Jingyan would also stand at the school gate waiting for her.

However, at that time, she didn't have much joy.

But now, she felt like she was in a cloud.Drifting, intoxicated...

"Hey, Xia Xia, am I right? That person... isn't he Senior Duan?" Jiang Yue stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes in disbelief. While rubbing, she confirmed to Lin Xia.

Lin Xia looked at Jiang Yue's unbelievable appearance, then smiled and nodded, "That's right, it's him."

"Ah! So it was really him. But, why did he appear here? Didn't he go to University A?"

Lin Xia didn't know the answer to this question.So, she raised her eyes and looked in the direction Duan Jingyan was in doubt.

As if with a telepathy.At this time, Duan Jingyan, who was leaning on the sports car, seemed to feel Lin Xia's gaze, then he turned slightly and looked in her direction.

The moment the bottomless eyes saw Lin Xia's slender figure, the light of joy flashed across quickly.

The streamer flashed across the eyes, and then slowly soaked into the bottom of the heart.

The smile on his lips enlarged bit by bit, as if the wind was blowing under Duan Jingyan's feet, he strode towards Lin Xia's direction.

Three steps and two steps, after a while, Duan Jingyan walked up to Lin Xia.

With tenderness in his eyes, he looked down at Lin Xia, then parted his lips slightly, "Xia Xia."

Lin Xia looked at Jiang Yue beside her, feeling a little embarrassed.

So, she had no choice but to hold back the joy in her heart, and then nodded slightly.

However, the strange gleam in her eyes when she nodded still did not escape Jiang Yue's eyes.

She looked at Duan Jingyan, then at Lin Xia, her eyes widened, and she covered her lips with her hand in surprise.

"" She pointed at Lin Xia, and then at Duan Jingyan, and the words that came out of her mouth were a bit incoherent.

Lin Xia looked at Jiang Yue, and already understood what she was going to say next.

Before she could say those words, Lin Xia nodded emphatically.

Seeing Lin Xia nodding, Jiang Yue was still surprised.Although she had seen the clue that Senior Duan liked Xia Xia before.However, she didn't expect the two to be together so soon. too sudden...

"Ahem..." She coughed softly, then looked at Lin Xia and said again, "Xia Xia, since Senior Duan is here to pick you up, I won't make light bulbs anymore. I'll go back by myself first!"

After she finished speaking, she blinked quietly at Lin Xia, the meaning in that movement was self-evident.

Before Lin Xia could react, Jiang Yue strode forward wisely.

While running, she waved to Lin Xia and made a gesture of wishing her good luck.

Looking at Jiang Yue's disappearing figure, Lin Xia smiled.

"Your friend is quite interesting..." Behind him, Duan Jingyan's magnetic voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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