My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 469 Missing You Only Kissing You

Chapter 469 Missing You Only Kissing You (2)

Hearing Duan Jingyan's sudden sound, Lin Xia's body stopped involuntarily.

Then, she turned around slowly.

Raising her eyes, she looked at Duan Jingyan with eyes as clear as water.

Her lips moved slightly, and she said, "Aren't you going to school today? Why are you free to pick me up?"

After she finished speaking, joy flowed through her heart again.

This emotion, like a breeze blowing on the face, and like a fragrance, makes people linger unconsciously.

Duan Jingyan moved a few steps closer to Lin Xia's side.Then, he stretched out his slender and powerful arm and grabbed her wrist.

Tightly, he held it, "Because, I miss you."

After speaking, as if he couldn't get enough of Lin Xia, he lowered his eyes deeply and looked at her fair and soft cheeks several times.

If it weren't for being at the school gate now, he thought, he would definitely be unable to resist doing other things.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a shallow smirk at the corner of his mouth.

After hearing Duan Jingyan's undisguised love words, a faint blush gradually appeared on Lin Xia's face.

Then, she looked at Duan Jingyan again.

"What are you laughing at?" Looking at his smile suspiciously, Lin Xia couldn't help asking.

Duan Jingyan lowered his eyebrows, looked at her with a slight smile, and said unconsciously, "You want to know?"

Lin Xia nodded, "Yes."

With a force on his arm, Duan Jingyan suddenly pulled Lin Xia into the sports car.

While walking, he turned to her and said, "Well...I'll give you the answer later."

What was he laughing at just now?How can it be so mysterious?Seeing Duan Jingyan's actions, Lin Xia was even more puzzled.

After getting in the car, Duan Jingyan leaned over and put Lin Xia on the seat belt, then he stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel and drove the car away.

As a result, the cool limited-edition sports car quickly disappeared at the school gate.

But the few girls walking towards the school gate kept looking at the direction the car was going away, and couldn't help but talk to each other, "Just now, didn't I read it wrong? That... is Duan Jingyan, Senior Duan?"

The other girls nodded together, "That's right, it seems to be him. Speaking of which, he is really a legend in our school. He is a scumbag counterattack, and he is a school grassroots. Just now, he looked really good driving. handsome……"

After finishing speaking, everyone's faces were full of intoxicated expressions...


The cool sports car is driving fast on the road like a gust of wind.

Gusts of wind blew in through the open car window, so Lin Xia's long hair fluttered with the wind.

Turning his eyes slowly from the car window to the inside of the car, Lin Xia looked and found that this road was not bound for Duan's house.So, she asked, "Where are we... are we going?"

"Not going anywhere." Duan Jingyan blinked at her, and smiled happily and slyly.

Looking at his expression, Lin Xia felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Why, she felt that there was something malicious in his smile?
Then, she leaned back on the car seat and turned to look out the window.

Five minutes later, Duan Jingyan stopped the car.

"Okay, here it is." His voice gradually reached Lin Xia's ears through the wind blowing outside the window.

After unfastening the seat belt, Lin Xia opened the door and got out of the car.

Looking around, she found that she was standing at the gate of the park.

So, this time, she was completely confused about what Duan Jingyan was going to do.

 The next chapter has candy to eat! O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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