My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 470 Missing You Only Kissing You

Chapter 470 Missing You Only Kissing You (3)

After opening the car door, Duan Jingyan stepped out of the car gracefully.

Seeing Lin Xia who was in a daze a few steps away, a smile gradually appeared on his lips.

"Let's go, why are you so stunned?" He said slowly in her direction.

Then, he stretched out his hand very naturally and grasped her palm.

This movement, as if he has done it many times, is very handy, skillful and natural.

Looking down at the tightly overlapping palms of the two, Lin Xia pursed his lips slightly, and the tide of joy kept surging in his heart.

Lifting her foot, she followed him step by step into the park.

Walking under the willow tree by the river in the park, Duan Jingyan slowly stopped.

Turning around, he looked down at Lin Xia deeply.In his eyes, there seemed to be some kind of light constantly flickering.

"Just now, at the gate of the school, didn't you ask me why I suddenly laughed?" His eyes were rippling, with an inexplicable meaning.

"Well, that's right." Lin Xia nodded in response.Just now, she did ask.

So, is he going to give her the answer now?
So she looked up at him expectantly.

Seeing Lin Xia's bright eyes suddenly raised, Duan Jingyan felt that his heart suddenly became more turbulent.

Hey, why is she looking at him like this?In this way, he couldn't calm down.

His whole heart seemed to be beating and galloping non-stop.

Slowly, his gaze shifted from Lin Xia's eyes to her face little by little.

Under the soft light, he saw that her face seemed to be seductively bright red, tender and shiny, making people want to pick it.

With a strong desire in his heart, slowly, he lowered his head and approached her.

He walked forward slowly, looking directly at her.

The ambiguous feelings gradually dissipated.

Without any hesitation anymore, Duan Jingyan once again took a deep look at Lin Xia's face, which was close at hand, and then he lowered his head and touched her face.

In an instant, his warm and masculine breath spread around her.

This feeling made Duan Jingyan sink and linger.

What should I do, her Xia Xia is really too cute for him to like.

So, he couldn't help reaching out and gently touching the top of Lin Xia's hair.

However, this is not what he really wants.

Then, he lowered his head and touched her forehead.

Eyes wide open in surprise, Lin Xia's whole body froze as he felt the intimacy on his forehead and the constant spray of breath.

He... Didn't he just say that he wanted to tell her the answer to why he laughed at the school gate just now?

Why did you suddenly get close to her?
This guy, what the hell is he doing!

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Lin Xia liked being so close to Duan Jingyan.

Because, she likes him.Therefore, she likes his closeness.

However, in her heart she still wanted to know why he did this suddenly.

So, slowly, she pressed her soft white palm against his chest, and then slowly pushed him away.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she took a few breaths of air. She looked at Duan Jingyan, and then said shyly, "You...why did you suddenly get close to me? Just now, didn't you say you were going to tell me the answer to why you laughed at the school gate?"

After she finished speaking, there was a bit of shyness and accusation in her eyes, she stared intently at Duan Jingyan's handsome face, waiting for his answer.

(End of this chapter)

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