Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1316 Undead [3]

Chapter 1316 Undead [3]

Hei Hu looked at the three pink and tender babies in front of him, with a joyful smile on his face. He never expected that the master and his wife's children would grow up so big after not seeing each other for a few years.


"Uncle Heihu is not in good health, let him rest first, and you continue to play here." Qingkuang knew that Heihu needed to rest, he must have been possessed for a long time, and the undead suddenly left, his body must be very weak.

The three babies nodded obediently, so they had to wait for their parents in the garden.

Yao Wan in the distance didn't stand up, but her eyes narrowed slightly and returned to normal. She could see that there were no dead spirits in the black tiger's body. Body.

"Hei Hu, what happened in the past three years?" Sheng Qinghong helped Hei Hu to their previous room in Mu's house.

Heihu said solemnly, "Three years ago, a strange thing happened in the city of sin. Many people disappeared inexplicably. Because of this, the news spread to the imperial capital. The emperor sent people to investigate, but in the end, all those people lost their news. Just when I was about to go to Sin City, those people came back, only they changed.

It became cold and there was no other expression. At that time, I thought it was very strange. The emperor asked me and Black Hawk to investigate secretly. We found that all the people in Sin City had become cold and only had one expression. It's like being possessed by someone.

Black Eagle and I kept secrets for a few days, and finally found that many undead came out of the eclipse desert, and it was those undead that attached to human beings, which made them cold.

Heiying and I quickly returned to the imperial capital to report this matter to the emperor. The emperor was furious and sent many guards to attack the city of sin. In the end, they were all possessed by those undead spirits. Many fighters and summoners also went. Killed a lot of undead, but I don't know why later, they were also possessed.

Afterwards, more and more dead spirits gradually possessed us, and after possessing me, I lost consciousness until you just rescued me. "

"Are they so powerful?" Qing Kuang was full of surprise. How many people are there in Kavis Continent? Could it be that they are all possessed?

She doesn't think it's a big deal for ordinary people to be possessed, but fighters and summoners, they are both strong, so it's too unscientific for them to be possessed.

"Well, I don't know what method they used, they got into our body without anyone noticing." Heihu said angrily, the current Kavis Continent has become the world of dead spirits, they Live with their bodies and memories.

"It's so hateful!" Qing Kuang cursed fiercely, these undead were really restless.

Sheng Qinghong's eyes darkened for a while, "You said they came out of the eclipse desert?"

"Well, Black Hawk and I hid outside Sin City that time, and I saw it with my own eyes that night."

"Eclipse Desert?" Qing Kuang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly exclaimed, "Do you remember that time we went to Eclipse Desert? We met a lot of skeletons."

"Well, could it be related to them?" Sheng Qinghong said in a deep voice.

"Whether it's relevant or not, at least we know that the undead came out of the eclipse desert. Now we have to find a way to force the undead out of the human body. Only in this way can we completely destroy them." Qing Kuang gritted his teeth and said coldly.

Heihu coughed, "I'm afraid it's difficult. After I was possessed, the undead never left my body, and I think some undead have merged with the human body."

(End of this chapter)

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