Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1317 Undead [4]

Chapter 1317 Undead [4]

Qingkuang's face changed slightly. Could it be that the dead spirit attached to the parents' body has merged with them, so they have so many expressions on their faces, unlike other people who are just cold.

"They will definitely have weaknesses." Sheng Qinghong said categorically, undead are nothing to him at all, the point now is that they are in human bodies, so they cannot use all their strength to deal with them.

Today, if Heihu's heart hadn't grown out of the way, he wouldn't have dared to attack rashly, otherwise he would definitely be killed.

"You rest first, let's go out and have a look." Qing Kuang said lightly.

Heihu nodded slightly, closed his eyes and started to get lucky, after being possessed for so long, he felt that this body was almost not his own.

Qing Kuang looked at Yao Wan from a distance, if her parents and the undead had merged into one, how should she save them.

"Kanger, you are all in the garden..."

Suddenly familiar laughter came, Qing Kuang raised his head and saw Mu Zhan appearing at the entrance of the garden with a kind smile on his face.

Qing Kuang scolded shamelessly in his heart, this dead spirit is really thick-skinned, knowing that she has nothing to do with him now, he dared to come and talk to her.

"Yes." She replied with a smile. He wanted her to be angry, but she didn't want to be angry.

Mu Zhan didn't expect Qingkuang to be so calm. After being dazed, he smiled and walked towards the garden.

"My darlings, I didn't expect you to grow up so big, let grandpa take a good look at it." Mu Zhan walked towards Sheng Muyan and the three of them, with extremely kind smiles on his faces.

The three babies stared at him with blinking eyes, and said at the same time, "You are not my grandfather."

"How could it be? I am your grandfather." Mu Zhan explained with a smile.

Sheng Muyan raised his cold face, and suddenly took out a bell from his arms and shook it. As the bell rang, Mu Zhan showed a painful expression on his face, and the rest of the Mu family did the same. Finally, everyone fell to the ground and hugged each other. Head rolling.

"Look, look, you bad guys..." Sheng Muyan said coldly. Although his grandparents were the same as before, he felt that something was wrong with their souls.

Qingkuang looked at the situation on the ground and then at the small brass bell in Sheng Muyan's hand, where did he get this stuff?

"Mother, Master gave it to us. He said it can calm down demons and ghosts. You see, they all have headaches." Sheng Muxin's face was full of complacency. Master did not lie to them, and the bell really has some effect.

It was given to them by Master Chunyang on their way back to the Langya Mountains, saying it was for their protection.

Qing Kuang blinked his eyes, the one who suppresses demons and goblins?

Although it seems to have some effect, it still cannot force the undead out of the human body.

"Kanger, my mother's head hurts..." Yao Wan hugged her head and cried out in pain.

Qing Kuang looked at Yao Wan coldly, "If you know it hurts, come out quickly."

"Haha, you really thought I would have a headache, it's your mother's head that hurts." Suddenly, Yao Wan let out a laugh, her face still had a pained expression.

Hearing the sound, Qing Kuang narrowed her eyes, clenched her hands into fists, and her whole body was full of murderous intent. It has been a long time since she wanted to kill someone this much, "You have become one with my mother, and you will feel the same when she hurts you." pain."

"Since you are willing to make your mother hurt, I don't care, ah, it hurts, it hurts to death..." After Yao Wan finished speaking proudly, she cried out in pain, and then Mu Zhan also cried out in pain, and the others also cried out in pain. Painfully holding his head and shouting pain.

After all, Sheng Muyan didn't want to see his grandparents screaming in pain, so he stopped ringing the bell.

(End of this chapter)

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