Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1321 Pure Yang Real Man [2]

Chapter 1321 Pure Yang Real Man [2]

Master Chunyang smiled and said with a talisman in his hand, "This is a talisman, which can drive away all evil things."


"Of course, let me show you how powerful you are as a teacher." Master Chunyang suddenly let go and threw the talisman seals in his hand into the sky. In an instant, the four talisman seals flew towards the southeast and northwest respectively, just covering the courtyard of the Mu family. .

Seeing that the talismans were back in place, Master Chunyang closed his eyes and recited a few incantations. After a while, he saw the four talismans emitting a golden light, and the dazzling golden light quickly enveloped Mu's family like blooming fireworks.

The golden light quickly poured down from the sky and shone on everyone. Qing Kuang and the others would definitely not be affected by the golden light. Mu Zhan, Yao Wan and the others were different. At first they all had headaches, and then fell to the ground and rolled , A cry of pain came out of his mouth.

Seeing Mu Zhan and Yao Wan's bodies rolling on the ground, Qing Kuang felt very distressed. Although Necromancer and them had merged into one, no matter what, the bodies still belonged to their parents.

Not long after, a mass of black shadows emerged from the bodies of the servants of the Mu family, all barking their teeth and waving their claws and roaring at Master Chunyang.

But the dead spirits in Mu Zhan and Yao Wan still didn't come out, they just rolled around in pain on the ground.

"Reverend Chunyang, the dead spirit possessing my parents-in-law has become one with them." Sheng Qinghong walked up to Reverend Chunyang and said calmly.

Master Chunyang raised his eyebrows, and glanced deeply at Mu Zhan and Yao Wan on the ground. The undead actually merged with them. It seems that these four talismans cannot force them.

Just as he was about to get a more advanced talisman, Chichen interrupted him, "Chunyang, let me do it this time, or you will lose the limelight."

Pfft...Qing Kuang couldn't help laughing, Monk Chichen, do you want to steal the limelight?

Master Chunyang glared at him, and finally withdrew his hand from his bosom, okay!He followed, we can't let him watch him show off!
Monk Chichen saw that Master Chunyang stopped, took off the beads around his neck and threw them towards Mu Zhan and Yao Wan. In an instant, the beads surrounded the two of them, and the beads also released a golden light.

"&*...#[email protected]@$$$..." Monk Chichen muttered something, but everyone couldn't understand what he said. Under his words, the beads bound Mu Zhan and Yao Wan tighter and tighter, and the light emitted by each beads became more and more intense. powerful.

"You two don't plan to get out yet." Monk Chichen stared coldly at Mu Zhan and Yao Wan who were struggling between the beads.

Mu Zhan and Yao Wan were terrified by the light of the Buddhist beads, their eyes stared at everyone viciously, and their mouths roared like wild beasts.

With two sounds of "Roar--", two larger groups of black shadows sprang out from the bodies of Mu Zhan and Yao Wan, and looked at Master Chunyang and Monk Chichen with distorted faces. If it weren't for these two people, They're not going to come out of those two stupid humans at all.

"Chichen, it seems that your Buddhist practice has improved again..." Master Chunyang stroked his beard and smiled.

"This is necessary, there is no end to learning!" Monk Chichen said with a light smile, for him, there is no end to cultivation.

Qing Kuang nodded in agreement when she heard this, only after seeing her today did she realize that her strength is far from strong enough, and this fairy technique is indeed very unique.

"Damn you two, you dare to sabotage our affairs." The black shadow on the left roared angrily, staring at Chunyang and Chichen with blood red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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