Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1322 Pure Yang Real Man [3]

Chapter 1322 Pure Yang Real Man [3]

Master Chunyang raised his eyebrows and looked at the two black shadows in mid-air, his originally gentle face instantly became serious, "You should have lived in your own area, but you have come to harm human beings, today I will take the place of God Xingdao, let your souls fly away, and you will never be reborn."

"Hahaha, what an arrogant tone, it depends on whether you have the ability." The black image on the right laughed indifferently as if hearing a joke.

Monk Chichen was too lazy to talk to them, waved the Buddhist beads in his hand, and the golden light rushed towards them fiercely. Seeing this, the two black shadows turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared, which surprised everyone. Suddenly it was gone.

Although Master Chunyang knew that they were not ordinary undead, he did not expect that they had reached the realm of transformation. In this case, it would be very difficult to attack, because their bodies can disappear at any time like wind and smoke to avoid your attack. attack.

A flash of surprise flashed in Qingkuang's eyes, where did those two figures go?She knew they must not be gone yet.

Sheng Qinghong scanned the garden with sharp eyes, and suddenly flew into the air, using his palms to attack a certain direction of the garden with a dark magic power. Necromancers are dark things, and he himself has the blackness of the soul world. Strength, he can also use his soul to hide, these two dead spirits are also using their souls to hide now, he only needs to use his strength to search, and he can find them.

The two undead did not expect Sheng Qinghong's sudden attack, and they were hit straight when they were unprepared. After being injured, they did not fight against Sheng Qinghong, but left the other undead and left quickly.

Seeing Sheng Qinghong's attack, other dead spirits waved their dark powers to attack him. Sheng Qinghong's eyes flashed coldly, and his whole body released a tyrannical aura of darkness. He shot out with a twist of the universe, and the darkness radiated everywhere, all towards those dead He hit the spirit fiercely.

"Ah—" The screams continued, and after Sheng Qinghong put away his power, most of the undead had been wiped out, and some low-level undead were left running around.

Seeing this, Qing Kuang quickly used the power of chaos to prevent them from escaping. How could she let them go, lest they continue to come back to possess them? Ba and the others shot, and the remaining dozen or so were all wiped out in a short while.

After everything stopped, Qing Kuang quickly walked towards Mu Zhan and Yao Wan, and they all passed out.

Mu Zhan and Yao Wan only woke up in the evening. After waking up and seeing Qing Kuang and Sheng Qinghong, both of them were surprised, and immediately looked at themselves. Aren't they possessed by monsters?

"Father and mother, you are all right now." Qing Kuang smiled lightly, fortunately they were all right.

"Qingkuang, why are you back? Get out of here quickly, there are a lot of monsters." Mu Zhan sat up and pushed Qingkuang. It started from Sin City, and people panicked behind him. He thought he could control it. Who knew that they were all possessed in the end.

It's too dangerous for them to come back now. Although they can save a few of them, there are so many people in the entire Kavez continent, how can they save them.

"Father, we already know what happened, we won't leave." Qing Kuang said with certainty that something happened to Mo Xianliang, can they leave here and ignore it.

"Qingkuang, those things are terrifying." Yao Wan's face was full of sadness, thinking about being possessed, and now she still has lingering fears in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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