Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1334 King of the Undead [3]

Chapter 1334 King of the Undead [3]

Sheng Murui and Sheng Muxin turned around quickly when they heard the sound, and they stared at the three dead spirits not far away. These three people were so tall, and their eyes were staring at them evilly.

"Little baby, come with us! This way you will suffer less, otherwise we will have to forcefully take you away." The dead spirit on the left stretched out his right hand and beckoned at the three babies.

Sheng Muyan took a few steps forward, raised his handsome face, and said coldly, "Hmph! Don't even think about it."

As he spoke, he took out the brass bell from his pocket and shook it, and the melodious sound waves quickly radiated from the bell.

The three undead staggered after hearing this, but soon they returned to normal, with a mocking sneer in their mouths.

"Xiaowa, you think this ghost thing can stop us, you are so naive." The necromancer on the right laughed and disdainful, as if Sheng Muyan was some ignorant person.

"This thing can't stop you, we have other ways." Sheng Muyan put away the bell and said arrogantly, then stretched out his hands and waved at the three dead spirits, only to see a crystal white light blooming from the palm of his hand. Flying forward at a lightning-fast speed.

Seeing this, Sheng Murui and Sheng Muxin waved their small hands one after another, and the four heavenly forces shot out again.

Seeing this, the three undead spirits looked dignified, and quickly dodged away. They didn't expect such a young child to have such a strong power, which made them feel threatened.

"Damn it." The three undead roared at the same time, and flew towards the three babies.

The three treasures quickly dispersed, waving their hands forward continuously, attacking the three undead spirits fiercely.

Sheng Muxin withdrew his right hand and took out the small bronze mirror in his arms and threw it at the undead.


The undead wailed in pain, and gradually collapsed to the ground and disappeared into a cloud of black air.

Seeing that a dead spirit had been wiped out, Sheng Mu let out a melodious laugh like a wind chime. His small body quickly ran over to pick up the small bronze mirror on the ground, and threw it at another dead spirit. , first limp on the ground, and finally turned into black gas and disappeared.

Seeing that his two companions had been wiped out by Sheng Muxin with the things in his hand, the last necromancer roared angrily, and rushed towards her with twisted face and claws and teeth.

Seeing this, Sheng Muxin blinked, and the small bronze mirror in his hand slammed viciously at the last undead again, even daring to hurt her, she destroyed it!

The Necromancer only wanted to catch Sheng Muxin. It didn't believe that the little bronze mirror in her hand was so powerful, and it also believed in its own strength. The result of its arrogance was that it was hit by the little bronze mirror.

With a scream of "Ah--", it collapsed to the ground, and finally turned into a cloud of black gas and disappeared.

"Yeah, it's great!" Sheng Muxin picked up the small bronze mirror and smiled happily, then hugged the small bronze mirror and kissed twice, the things the master gave are really good.

"Let's go there quickly." Sheng Muyan led his younger siblings to where they were originally standing.

The three of them walked quickly towards the same spot, when suddenly Sheng Muxin stopped and looked down at his feet, "Brother and Brother, there is a monster holding my foot."

Hearing the sound, Sheng Murui took out a small dagger from his arms and stabbed heavily at that hand.

"Ah—" a strange cry came from the ground, and the hand quickly let go of Sheng Muxin.

Seeing this, Sheng Muyan dragged them back to the original place quickly, and immediately looked around and the ground vigilantly, paying attention to whether the undead would attack them at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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