Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1335 King of the Undead [4]

Chapter 1335 King of the Undead [4]

Qing Kuang and the others quickly wiped out all the undead spirits. The air was filled with a gloomy coldness, and the flying yellow sand disappeared.

"Let's go south. That's where we met the skeleton soldiers last time." Qing Kuang pointed to the south and said calmly. After speaking, she walked towards the three children.

"Father, mother, three monsters attacked us just now, but I killed them all." Sheng Muxin had a proud smile on his face.

Sheng Qinghong picked her up and kissed her, and praised, "The heart is so powerful."

Sheng Muxin smiled a little embarrassedly, "Actually, the mirror that Master gave me is very powerful, and it killed those three dead spirits."

"Hahaha, master's treasures are of course very good things." Master Chunyang said with a smile on his face, stroking his beard. It is a happy thing to be told by his apprentice that his treasures are great.

"Then you should give me more treasures in the future." Sheng Muxin took the opportunity to say.

"..." Master Chunyang blinked his eyes, he didn't have such a thing for robbery.

A group of people walked quickly towards the south, but they didn't encounter any dead spirits along the way.

After all, it has been several years since they came here, and Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong can no longer remember exactly where they fought the skeleton soldiers, and there is no special sign there, except for the yellow sand, there is only yellow sand.

"Let's rest!" Qing Kuang laughed, instead of looking for it, it is better to lead the snake out of the hole, as long as they stay here, there will definitely be undead to attack them, and when they kill all the undead who stop them, the final death The King of Spirits will definitely come out in anger.

When I was outside the eclipse desert, I could still see the clear sky, but after arriving here, it turned gloomy, and there was a gloomy cold wind blowing through the air.

Everyone still didn't move after eating and drinking. Master Chunyang and monk Chichen are smart people, and they also probably guessed the purpose of Qingkuang asking everyone to sit down and rest. In the end, the two of them meditated and practiced with their eyes closed.

Seeing that their master would not leave, Heiba ​​and the others obediently waited.

The three babies were sitting on the ground playing with the sand. They had never seen a desert before, and they were using the sand to pile up various shapes of things at the moment.

Sheng Qinghong hugged Qingkuang and watched the three babies having fun there, with happy smiles on his face.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come here. It's really not easy." Suddenly, a charming female voice sounded, and the tone was full of contempt.

Qing Kuang looked up, and there was a tall, black undead standing in the distance, who turned out to be a woman.

"You shameless undead." Qing Kuang stood up and said coldly. Originally, they had killed so many undead, and killing one would mean that there would be one less citizen on the Kavis Continent.

"Hahaha, it's so funny. Survival of the strong is the law of survival in this world. If they don't have the ability, they can only be occupied by us." The woman twisted her water snake waist and walked towards Qingkuang and them slowly, with a bewitching smile on her face.

Qingkuang's eyes became colder. It just wants the strong to survive and go to their undead territory, but it went to the human territory and said such words.

"It's a good one to survive, so today we will see who can survive." Qing Kuang took out his dark wand and said coldly.

The Necromancer woman on the opposite side touched her cheek with her hand, and said with a coquettish smile, "Then wait and see."

After she finished speaking, she clapped her palms, and saw many dead spirits emerging from the ground in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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