Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1336 King of the Undead [5]

Chapter 1336 King of the Undead [5]

Master Chunyang looked at the dead spirits around him, his gaze sank, a large number of them had been wiped out, and now another batch came, are they trying to slowly consume their fighting power?

It seems that they can no longer consume them slowly, they must enter their lair.

"Chichen, let's seal them first." Master Chunyang said in a deep voice.

Chichen nodded slightly, took off the beads on his neck and threw them into the sky, the dazzling golden light quickly bloomed like gorgeous fireworks, covering everyone, those undead were pierced by the golden light, and turned back nervously retreat.

"We hurried to find the lair of the undead. They should be trying to drag us on purpose. I'm afraid that if the delay continues, other possessed people will also become undead like them. In that case, everything we do now It's all in vain." Master Chunyang said with a serious face, scanning the dead spirits around him with cold eyes.

Qing Kuang nodded heavily, "I think their lair should be underground here."

These dead spirits all emerged from the ground.

"Qingkuang, I'll go down and have a look underground." Chouchou's eyes lighted up slightly, and after speaking, he turned into a little white mouse and burrowed under the yellow sand, which is a trivial matter for it.

Seeing Qingkuang, the other necromancers didn't do anything, their faces were puzzled, they were on the verge of sword just now, why didn't they fight now.

"Are you afraid?" the enchanting woman challenged. She was ordered to hold them back. As long as the master is given some more time, the people on the entire Kavis Continent will become like them. By then, this place will really be a ghost The world is over, unless these people dare to kill them all.

But when they kill them all, it means that there will be no other people in the Kavis Continent, and it will become a lonely continent by then.

"Your ugly appearance is really frightening." Hei Ba said with a hippie smile.

When the enchanting woman heard the sound, her red eyes glowed with anger, "What do you, a person who doesn't know how to appreciate, know!"

"Hei Yi, do you think it's ugly?" Hei Ba put his hand on Hei Yi's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"Incomparably ugly." Hei Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced at the enchanting woman in the distance, and said in an extremely arrogant tone.

"You, you..."

"You are really ugly, not as beautiful as me." Sheng Muxin hugged Sheng Qinghong's leg and made a face at the enchanting woman. This woman dared to come out so ugly, she was even uglier than a ghost.

"It's not your fault for being ugly, it's your fault for being scary." Sheng Murui laughed loudly.

"..." Sheng Mu said.

"Sheng Murui, you are so right." Hei Ba turned his head and winked at Sheng Murui.

Sheng Murui raised his delicate face and said arrogantly, "Must!"

"You, you guys who don't appreciate it, I'm so mad..." The enchanting woman touched her dark face and roared angrily, then signaled the surrounding undead to attack Qing Kuang and them.

The flying sword in Chunyang's hand swept out, a holy white light blocked their way, and then signaled Qing Kuang and others to leave the place shrouded in the light of Buddha beads quickly.

Seeing them leaving, the enchanting woman immediately ran after them, but when she touched the golden light pouring down from the Buddha beads, it was bounced back, and the other dead spirits also couldn't escape the golden light.

"You bastards, everyone rush out." The enchanting woman roared angrily, she couldn't stop them with only a layer of golden light.

It's just that no matter how they collided, they didn't break through the barrier formed by the golden light emitted by the Buddha beads.

(End of this chapter)

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