Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1344 Finale [7]

Chapter 1344 Finale [7]

"Aren't you willing to report?" Qing Kuang raised his eyebrows and stared at the guards coldly.

"Wait a moment." One of the guards hesitated for a while and said.

Looking at this magnificent fairy palace carefully, the white glazed tiles, the red lacquer gate, the steps and railings made of white jade, look extremely luxurious and noble, the fairy palace is surrounded by a layer of white mist, There is a feeling that Asgard is located on the clouds.

After a while, the guard who went in came out, "You two, please follow me."

Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong followed the guard and walked towards the Immortal Palace. There are nine winding corridors, small bridges and flowing water, luxuriant grass, colorful and beautiful.

After bypassing several corridors, the guard led Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong into a small garden.

"Emperor Immortal, the guests have been brought." The guard went to the gazebo in the garden and reported respectfully to a man in a white dress with his back to everyone.

The man in the white dress gestured for him to leave.

Qing Kuang stared fixedly at the gazebo, there were two people sitting there, besides the man in white clothes, there was also a woman in a long pink dress. The woman's face was like a peach blossom, her eyebrows were picturesque, she was an absolute beauty.

When she saw Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong coming, she showed a proud smile.

Qingkuang obviously saw a hint of provocation in her eyes, she curled her lips, if she guessed correctly, she should be from the heavenly realm, and the heavenly realm sent a stunning woman over, is she planning to use a beauty trick?

Ji Xianming turned around and saw a pair of people in the distance. Both of them had an arrogance that should not be underestimated. The woman was elegant and refined, while the man was unparalleled in handsomeness. Looking from a distance, it was really a charming landscape. The man Is it the reincarnation of the ancient demon ancestor?

When Heaven Realm sent people to let him stand on their side, he expected that Mo Yu would definitely send people, but he didn't expect that the ancient Demon Ancestor would visit in person.

"Come and sit down, both of you!" Ji Xianming stood up and said gracefully, dressed in white, smiling gracefully, very graceful.

Sheng Qinghong and Qingkuang walked over quickly.

"I always thought that the immortal emperor who ruled the fairy world must be an elderly person, but I never thought he would be so young." Qing Kuang said directly without hesitation, he looked about 24 or [-] years old, and he was dressed in luxurious and elegant clothes. gas.

Ji Xianming pursed his lips and smiled, "I just ruled the fairy world not long ago."

"Come here rashly, the Immortal Emperor won't mind!" Sheng Qinghong's tone was usually cold. Although they came to negotiate with the Immortal Emperor, it didn't mean that he would lower his attitude.

Ji Xianming waved his hands and smiled, "Of course not."

Qingkuang raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the other party was not as arrogant and arrogant as he imagined, but so gentle.

"The two are from the Demon Realm, right? My name is Luo Lianxi, the princess of the heavens." Luo Lianxi stood up and introduced herself with a smile.

Qing Kuang raised his lips and smiled, it turned out to be the princess of the heavens, no wonder there was always a sense of superiority in her body.

"I didn't expect that the heavenly realm would send such a stunning princess here, but I just wonder if you have already asked the immortal emperor to agree to stand on your heavenly realm?" Sheng Qinghong said with a cold gaze and a low voice.

Luo Lianxi pursed her lips and said, "Not yet, but I believe the Immortal Emperor will agree to me."

As she said that, she looked at Ji Xianming with a pitiful expression, but Ji Xianming didn't answer, just smiled faintly.

"It's just that you believe it." Qing Kuang said proudly.

"You..." Luo Lianxi became a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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