Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1345 Finale [8]

Chapter 1345 Finale [8]

Sheng Qinghong glanced coldly at Luo Lianxi, looked at Ji Xianming, and said in a cold voice, "I'm not beating around the bush, I came here with my wife today to negotiate with the Immortal Emperor, and I hope the Immortal Emperor can stand on our Demon Realm's side, I believe that the Immortal Emperor is a sensible person, and you can still tell clearly whether Moyu has done anything that hurts nature."

Luo Lianxi was angry and stared at Sheng Qinghong angrily. Although she guessed that they came to negotiate with Ji Xianming, she never thought that they would say it directly in front of her. Isn't this provoking her? It's horrible.

"Immortal Emperor, you must not stand on their side. That would be an enemy of our heavenly realm. How can we say that we have some friendship with the heavenly realm and the immortal realm." Luo Lianxi said hastily, fearing that Ji Xianming would agree to Sheng Qinghong and Qingkuang.

Qing Kuang raised his eyebrows and said arrogantly, "If the Immortal Emperor is on your side, he is also an enemy of our Demon Realm."

"Hmph, can your Demon Realm compare with the Heaven Realm?" Luo Lianxi puffed out her chest and said arrogantly.

"Since the princess is so confident, why does she want to win over the fairy world? Wouldn't it be better to fight directly with our Demon Realm?" Qing Kuang sneered mockingly.

Luo Lianxi was blocked and couldn't utter a single word. The emperor father and the former emperor just wanted to destroy the Demon Realm in one fell swoop, so that it would never turn over again. To be on the safe side, they would find the Immortal Realm, God Realm, and Demon Realm together, otherwise Where do they need to go to negotiate with them.

"We won't ask the Immortal Emperor to give an answer right away, the Immortal Emperor can consider it slowly." Sheng Qinghong said calmly, since the Heaven Realm sent people to the Immortal Realm, it means that they will not launch an attack for the time being, and he knows what the Heaven Realm is planning.

Ji Xianming had a calm smile on his face, making it hard to guess what he was thinking.

Qing Kuang glanced at Luo Lianxi. She must have been here for several days. Since Ji Xianming has not agreed to her, it means that they still have a chance. What's more, they still have the jade pendant of Master Chunyang in their hands. Can Chun Yupei really make Ji Xianming agree to them?

In the evening, Ji Xianming let Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong live in the Immortal Palace, and entertained the three of them at the same time.

At the dinner table, Luo Lianxi stared at Qingkuang dissatisfiedly. Looking at Sheng Qinghong's care for her, and looking at herself alone, she couldn't control her envy and hatred.

Ji Xianming looked at Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong with infinite yearning in his heart. From their eyes, it can be seen that they love each other very much.

After dinner, Qingkuang planned to go for a walk in the garden, because Ji Xianming and Sheng Qinghong were talking, so she went by herself.

Seeing this, Luo Lianxi quickly followed her pace. Staying here, she couldn't get in the way of the conversation between Sheng Qinghong and Ji Xianming.

"Stop." Arriving in the garden, Luo Lianxi roared fiercely.

Qing Kuang ignored her at all, whoever she thought she was, if told her to stop, just stop.

Seeing that Qingkuang ignored her, Luo Lianxi blushed with anger, and finally had no choice but to quickly catch up to block her way.

"Hmph, the Immortal Emperor won't agree to you, even if he agrees to you, the heavens will definitely destroy your Demon Realm." Luo Lianxi said arrogantly with her hands on her waist.

Qing Kuang glanced at her, and said with a sneer, "What's the use of you shouting here, whether you can destroy the Demon Realm is not what you said, we will wait and see!"

"Then just wait and see who has the last laugh." Luo Lianxi gritted her teeth and snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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