Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 134 Woman, Do You Want To Die?

Chapter 134 Woman, Do You Want To Die?
"Woman, do you want to die?"

A cold voice sounded from the top of the head, with strong anger in the coldness, like the god of death from hell, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly because of this sentence.

Nan Anyang shivered involuntarily, pursed his lips tightly and pretended that he was still in a coma.But his body tensed up unconsciously.

"Still playing dumb?"

The cold voice raised faintly, as if suppressing something.

Nan Anyang closed his eyes tightly, unable to see Gu Qingran's expression, nor did he know what he was thinking.But she kept roaring in her heart, Emperor Ran!Since you know she's pretending to be unconscious, why don't you punish her?

In this case, shouldn't you kiss her to wake her up?Even if you don't wake her up with a kiss, you can still pounce on her~
She is a young girl in a sexy bikini, can't she arouse your old desire? !

While roaring, Nan Anyang couldn't help sighing again, her family Randi is worthy of being the king of music, just two words, the atmosphere in the room is stagnant like this.It made her dare not breathe hard.

"Heh~ If that's the case, then you can just lie here by yourself." Gu Qingran pursed his lips, stood up after speaking, and made a gesture to leave.

"Emperor Ran..."

Upon hearing this, Nan Anyang immediately pretended to have just woken up, and said softly, "You saved me, didn't you?"

"Still pretending?" Gu Qingran hugged her chest and smiled a little coldly: "Woman, tell me, where is your bottom line?"

"Emperor Ran, what do you mean?" Nan Anyang stared straight at Gu Qingran with his eyes widened.

Because of going into the sea to rescue her, Gu Qingran's clothes were all wet, and now she was tightly attached to his body, outlining a firm chest and perfect abdominal muscles.

She unconsciously licked the corner of her mouth, and there was a saying in the fan circle, "What kind of life is life if you can't sleep with Gu Qingran?"But now that Gu Qingran was in front of her, and they were still in the same room, even if it was a forced attack, she would have sex with him.

"Pretend you don't understand, you really..." Gu Qingran grinned, with unconcealed worry in his eyes.Joking with life, how should this woman be punished in order to have a long memory? "From now on, don't come within ten meters of me."

"Why?" Nan Anyang immediately sat up and said hastily, "Emperor Ran, I..."

"There's no reason." Gu Qingran cast her a cold look, but her peach-blossom eyes full of tenderness were unusually cold at this moment. "Don't think that I don't know what your plans are, what little tricks you used, and that I don't expose you in public is the respect I give you. But, that's also the last time. I don't even want to say anything to those who don't cherish life. "

Gu Qingran turned around and was about to leave, Nan Anyang immediately jumped up and grabbed his hand, throwing a string of water droplets from his wet short hair. "Emperor Ran, I just like you, isn't that okay?"

"Like, huh~ Your so-called liking is making fun of your own life? Apart from having no bottom line, you have no lower limit." Gu Qingran waved his hand, shook off Nan Anyang's hand, and left the room.

'Boom! ' With a bang, the door closed, isolating everything.

Nan Anyang was stunned in the room, staring at the closed door stupidly, his whole body was empty.

No matter when, her family Randi is always so gentle, even if he is surrounded by fans at the airport and cannot move forward, he still has a gentle smile on his face.

Those peach-blossom pupils narrowed slightly, containing all the emotions in the world.In the ten years since his debut, there has never been news of him playing big names.No matter who it is, no matter who it is, the evaluation of Gu Qingran has always been a gentle gentleman.

But today, he...was he talking coldly to her?
More than that, it's just irony, irony that she doesn't cherish life, irony that she doesn't cherish herself.

Nan Anyang hugged his shoulders and squatted down like that, his wet hair was still dripping, and he was in a mess.

Gu Qingran came out of the room, took a long breath, and pain flashed in his eyes.That way, she won't get close to him again...

Remembering that she was still wet, Gu Qingran walked up to Ye Xiaozhu, "Xiaozhu, your friend is already awake, go and see her."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, calculated the time secretly, and knew that the Nan'anyang plan had failed again.She nodded, thanked Gu Qingran before entering the room.

Nan Anyang was still squatting on the ground, like an abandoned doll.

When Ye Xiaozhu saw it, he quickly fetched towels and bathrobes from the bathroom, and wrapped Nan Anyang up.Her body was extremely cold, and she didn't know whether it was from being soaked in sea water or because she was too sad.

"Xiaozhu, I failed again..." The voice was low, filled with a hint of desperation.

"Disappointment is the mother of success. Sister Yang can start all over again." Ye Xiaozhu tried to make her voice look relaxed. She has known Nan Anyang for nearly 20 years, and she has never seen her like this before.

"Start from the beginning..." Hope flashed in Nan Anyang's eyes, and then he shook his head, "Emperor Ran said, tell me not to come within ten meters of him, how can we start all over again."

"Sick to death, sister Yang, since when did you become such an obedient person? Didn't you do what Emperor Ran told you not to do? Then I said that you are not allowed to jump into the sea. Didn't you jump in? Do you only listen to what Emperor Ran says, but ignore your best friend?" Ye Xiaozhu gritted his teeth, his whole face was full of anger.

Nan Anyang couldn't help grinning, the smile was slightly bitter, "How dare I, yes, I didn't listen to what my best friend said, why should I listen to Emperor Ran's words. Sister Yang's life is decided by Sister Yang herself."

"Then Sister Yang, shouldn't we stand up first, where you always fall, just squat there for a while longer?"

Nan Anyang blinked, and said pitifully, "The legs are numb, and I need to be hugged by Emperor Ran to get up."

Ye Xiaozhu glanced at her, and said angrily: "There is no Emperor Ran here, only the little prince of the net black Yehuang, how about you?"

"Then I'll be fine."

Help Nan Anyang to the bathroom and let her take a hot bath.Ye Xiaozhu changed the sheets again.There is sea water on it, and people can no longer lie on it.

"Xiao Zhu, am I really bottomless?" Nan Anyang's shallow voice came from the bathroom.

Ye Xiaozhu paused slightly, and said: "There is nothing wrong with chasing someone you like, you just used the wrong method."

"Sister Yang, do you still remember Emperor Ran's life experience? I think that's why he was angry."

life experience……

Nan Anyang was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help thinking of Gu Qingran's reported life experience when he first debuted.

Gu Qingran joined a brokerage company as a trainee at the age of 11, but his parents died in a car accident when he was 12.All property was compensated to the victim, who lived with his four-year-old sister.

When he was young, he carried everything and assumed everything.

Is it because of this that he said that she has no bottom line?
Nan Anyang was stunned, and suddenly felt that he was really wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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